How is this acceptable?

How is this acceptable?

is this your first anime fightan? if it's not full screen it ain't shit



he’s black

Just block it, bro.

Reminder that Zamasu and Black are beautiful

he a god


Is this a "holy shit why is this move a thing" thread?

Dude, how are big hitboxes real, like, just play Arthur, nigga.

If its going to be that type of thread it should be one for laughing at how terrible some fighting moves are instead of bitching about how good others are.

teleport behind him

>Free CHs
Feels good playing best girl.

Because it's two frames slower than the other characters' 2H, that totally balances it, totally.

Just high jump over it?

I guess we could do that too.

Are you being racist because he is black?

There is literally nothing wrong with dragon install, kusoru is the only way to play sol

Pssh, step aside Son Goku.

At least the hitbox on that move is appropriately sized

>friend buys me the game to play it with him
>we're both shit
>he gits gud
>have been trying to git gud for a bit now
>keep getting my ass plowed into the dirt by randoms in casual matches
>get my first win in casual
holy FUCK it felt good to win for once

>kicking someone's ass so hard they disconnect
Is there any better feeling in the world?

Wait, dragon install is bad?

nice user. a lot of my friends drop games after i a git gud, within the first few days lol. it's nice to have a friend to stick with it who will also git gud... hang in there..

Marvel 3 is beautiful

It’s pretty slow compared to a lot of other 2Hs.

Kid buu’s long kick is way more unacceptable. This is coming from a kid buu main. My nigga would be broken if his move set were much better. I’m not even great at the game and my friends can’t git gud against him.

what the fuck


we posting totally fair and balanced moves now?

what I want to know is why arcsys thought being able to vanish out of a whiffed normal was acceptable

it's considered inefficient use of meter because of the end animation being way more vulnerable than it's worth

You have better use of meter. It's a last ditch effort and you will rarely see a Sol player worth their salt that will use this in a competitive set outside of Kusoru.

when it ends you usually die.

I'm fine with that. What is NOT fine is vanish being plus on block

This. My friends hyped this game up more than I did. Once I found out that characters were part of movesets instead of their own characters, I was almost bummed out enough not to care. Quickly got better than my Bros, and now none of them will play me. Is having friends who are good at fighters or are at least willing to tough it out until they learn something too much to ask? This shit is frustrating. Haven’t played in like three weeks cause online connection sucks, along with the fact I’m not good enough to fight most folks who get the game, and no one Ik will dare play me.

Makes using it as a read easier and less timing dependent. I dunno if the air immunity frames are extended also. Could be?

Only if you're on the ground when they do it. And if you are on the ground, you can 95% guarantee that they will try to mash L in order to have a turn at pressure. You can either Reflect to deny them that, or punish them with raw Super to the face.

Just stop pressing buttons.

You can’t block mid vanish.

Can I see the vid? Otherwise I am going to assume the 2H was punishing the Vanish.


Someone post the Marth .gif

god this was bad

what the fuck is going on with that animation

>this is my first hyper fighter
>but I've played lots of SF, SC, and Tekken, how hard can it be to adjust
>enter ranked matches
>get ass fucked raw half a dozen times
>get matched against some guy with 50 wins
>things finally start clicking
>shut down his super dashing
>throw off his defense completely with wolf fang fist mix ups
>earn that first W
>he wants a rematch
>he goes heavy trying to rush down
>keep my defense solid and keep the game on the ground
>he's burning all his meter, doing three things supers in a row but doing nothing to me
>whittling him down the entire time, people at this low level can't seem to deal with the medium wolf fang fist at all
>get my second W and win my first set
Feels good

You can see the vanish lines in the first image behind Blacku. Vegeta probably did a Heavy Super Dash Kick to cross over, and immediately tried to Vanish back to crossup, but Blacku already started his 2H.

Had Veggie not vanished, Black's 2H would have been just a panic button press that would have whiffed and left him vulnerable.

>only reason I havent bought Infinite is because Vergil isn't in it
>I'd main him regardless of what tier he is

Real talk Black is insane but far from broken but
>Do Piccolos 214P from the highest part of the sky
>Black does 2H
>I haven't even moved a foot down from the sky and it goes straight into the launch animation

Holy fuck.

>Play a mediocre Sol at one point but I beat a lot of people
>The desire to do DI and either have to burst if I can the punish combo or just eat a combo when its over since a smart player will make that the case


Man the kiddies playing their first FG are hilarious to me. People whining super hard about 16 Black and A.Gohan and well they're ahead of the curve in the grand scheme of fighters I've played just top tier material.

Even Raven/Sin/Johnny are bigger faggots. And they're still second degree faggots.

Soon someone is going to have to remake this image with frieza instead since almost no one wants to spend the bars on golden despite it being able to use to cancel and extend combos.

>saw my first light blue and he wouldn't even fight me
You niggas are a super rare breed

>wtf I can't get in

every time

brainlet here, why is this not acceptable

it makes more sense than his up tilt.

I'd love to see these people see any version of Arakune, or BBCP1 Kokonoe, hell even BBCF1 Izanami. Or like Yu/Chie P4A1 oki. Just goddamn.


it looks cool

I use Frieza as anchor for just this reason. Sparking + Golden gets fucking nuts

>raw tagging

I’m on phone so i cant post the entire thing but

>No hit boxes on sword swinging up

>zero horizontal range

How do I get good? Never played fighting games but I like dragon ball

yeah that's melee in a gif folks


I just figured out how to do a standing overhead but is there any way to incorporate it into a combo? For clarification, I'm talking about 6M but it doesn't look like you can get anything else into the combo

Some characters allow you to use 6m into 5l which allows you to do s standard combo. With more obtuse character, it's all about finding what ways you can leverage the opening 6m can give to allow you start a normal combo

>He didn't learn as a kid to always lose the 3rd match so people would keep playing
Only 1 person ever figured it out

play with other people a lot and watch videos about how to be gud.
Don't practice with cpus because you'll learn bad habits.

You can use an assist at the same time you gof or the overhead so that if it lands, the assist will hit them and allow you to convert off of it. If you're sparking, you can usually combo 6M into some sort of special or ki-blast.

that's not the actual hitbox is it

it matches the visual, so technically

Yes it is. Snake's brawl hitboxes were retarded.

help the anger is coming back

Its about moment to moment tactical decision making. you know how top level chess players know all the moves? not like that, their actually playing with strategy and already have their decisions made.

let me illustrate the difference further
>Ww2, french/german front
>french have their tanks lined up across their front
>germans go with the blitzkreig
obviously, the blitzkrieg raped.
This is strategy, gameplan, play style Literally the big picture, but if you zoomed in, youll notice that french tanks were actually winning fights, it's when you go into the context of the greater war does one strategy beat an other. In any given fight, the french had formidable tanks, men, training.

So in fighting you want to consider your attacks, defensive options and counters FOR ERVERY SITUATION. He did a standing kick, think of moves that can beat the hit box.Your knockdown, what is he going to do, and how can you escape with the least damage taken? You suspect he'll throw a firwball, how can you deal with or directly beat it?

so you"ll have to
>know all of your options for a situation
>what they do, how to use them and when they are good
>know all of your opponent's options
>what they do and when they are good
obviously coming up with scenarios is gonna take time, but that is because it's the hard part. top players already know amd understand all of their options and spend time in training mode grinding moment to moment tactics.


>tfw could only get one friend into bb
>he chooses arakune as a main in a matter of hours



To be fair, beginner arakune can't do much, he's got a fairly sharp learning curve, and a high floor.

But once you got to like high-mid skill level, Arakune basically could hand you free wins.

Probably the most obnoxious character to play against an airdasher has ever seen.



A lot of beginners think that training mode is just for combos. That's very naive. The record function is super helpful for finding out how to beat things, or what options the opponent has against your offence. In a controlled environment, without beating your head against the wall in trial and error. If haven't figured out what your options are at any given situation, you need to keep learning.

Why do people use numbers and not stuff like F, D/F?


Because that's retarded.

It's been that way for anime fighters since dust loop. You already know it's like a numpad, it was just easier for them back then like that.

The only thing I hate is when they mix both numbers and say shit like F or DF. Or if they say DP when it's actually just two buttons.

anime fightan notation uses the number pad for notation. It's better for explaining complex imputs when you cant just draw arrows.

thats what happens when you read the vanish like a good player

Have you seen tekken notation? Shits wack.

As another argument, it stands out more when the inputs and states also generally use letters. I like j.2C a lot better than j.DC for instance, as a notation.

It would get even weirder in GG where Dust is a button. Jumping down dust would be j.DD with letter notation. Or are you pressing dust twice in the air? It's not readily apparent like that.

I know but since I always play on pad and am no competitive the directions just make more sense to me.

>mfw tien's stupid volleyball fist works way more often than it should

No, how is THIS acceptable? Fucking mile-wide 2H

When playing as Frieza, I've always felt it's smaller than its effect looks, anyone got the actual hitbox on it?

thanks I appreciate it

It has like no vertical range despite the animation, so you can get punished for it against someone who can actually play around it

Hmm.. I’ll try it if it’ll get them to stop being little bitches. Shame I need to throw a match in a game I’m not good at lol

so what's the difference between a literal install and VSav dark force. some chara don't use it, sure. does it have to do with the limited meter vs 99 meters?

getting your ass stomped in round 1 then changing absolutely nothing about how you play yet still winding up with the turnaround 2-0 against someone who had no business losing to you. This happened to me in weeklies one time and I was so giddy I was like
>oh, so THIS is why people play fighting games