System Shock 1 remake couldn't find a publisher and was canceled

>System Shock 1 remake couldn't find a publisher and was canceled

Shouldn't a genre have some successful games before calling itself a genre? Like RTSes had Starcraft and MOBAs had DOTA

There's a reason why they stopped calling FPSes "DOOM clones", because they actually made some good and successful ones that weren't Doom.

The "immersive sim" genre isn't FUCKING REAL

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Fuck this gay thread post sick vidya music

>caring about how well games sell
I'm glad I gotto play two fantastic games for cheap

wtf is an "immersive sim"? what's the first game of this non-genre? or at least the first that was well known.

Can I play mankind divided without playing human revolution?

Ultima Underworld
The idea was, in the developer's words, do use available technology to create a believable dungeon simulation for the sake of immersing the player completely in the game. The game came out before Wolf3d so those buzzwords carried more weight at the time.

Why do you keep spamming this?

look mom i posted it again

The immersive sim genre doesn't exist because it's not a genre to begin with, it's a design philosophy that can be applied to pretty much any genre out there.

And SS1R isn't canceled, but you know that already.

whoever keeps spamming this dogshit pasta should be shot

i love how you keep spreading misinformation lol. System shock 1 remake wasnt canceled, at least not publicly. thyere scaling back, also those games didnt flop hard

Prey is getting DLC, check its twitter. It also sold like 2.5 million across all platforms, which is kind of high for a "dead" genre. Deus Ex was a mess, but Squenix recently stated that the franchise isn't dead, so we'll see.
Sorry that you feel so strongly about one of the best game genres out there. JRPGs must give you a microboner.

mankind divided has objectively better gameplay than any other deus ex title but its a shitshow due to it looking and feeling like a glorified human revolution expansion pack while shoving its retarded dlc schemes down your throat

Its biggest crime for me was being so short. It validates those rumors about the game being split in half and sold as is. Hopefully they'll dial it back for a few years and identify its problems, but that's anyone's guess.

>System shock 1 remake wasnt canceled, they just ran away with the money to do something else entirely.

story wise that would be unadvisable, but if you don't care I guess you could

there's no reason anyone should ever want to do that.

Yeah, I don't see how anyone here can say it's not cancelled with any kind of authority. It seems like yet another kickstarter hit and run where they ran out of money and will need to look for investors if they even bother at all.
That said, SS3 is still in the works and Prey is apparently getting DLC, so the genre or design philosophy or whatever is still alive.

Fuck off

>meanwhile KCD is cleaning up

Should play the original first, best game ever made. And yes you need to play HR before playing MD

thief missions are great.

we need a creation club for immersive, story drive fan missions done in a modern engine.

I just wish the AI wasn't braindead when I'm trying to do stealth things.

Check out the Dark Mod.

Why should I even bother with Mankind Divided when it's confirmed it was split into two games and then the second game got canceled?

Human Revolution was fucking great, but I really would rather that remain it's own self contained story. Is MD actually good?

Why does this get posted daily? Did "immersive sims" hurt OP or something?

>Why should I even bother with
Who cares, really? This isn't about you.

>Human Revolution was fucking great

If you really think so you have no excuse not to play Mankind Divided, it's more of the same

This thread was lame last week when you posted it.

I just gave you a great excuse. I don't want to play a game that got gutted and then taken out back and dumpstered.

Why would I play "Part One" if "Part Two" isn't ever coming?

I'm glad cyberpunkfags got btfo

Mankind Divided was a piece of shit and the only thing "immersive" was those fucking metro loading screens that were as long as actual metro rides.

Prey wasn't that bad but it has absolutely nothing to do with Prey, they thought they could save on marketing by releasing it under a known IP and look at how that backfired.

>mfw I avoided Prey initially because I was ass-devastated that they canceled and canned a "functionally complete game" and then used that IP on another game.

I still believe deus ex was shelved due to horrible marketing practices

those games didnt sell because they were shit and the system shock remake got fucked because the developers were shit

It was also really shit. It's really sad that Deus Ex has devolved into just picking what kinda way you want to murder people.

nah the dude's just autistic as fuck and really random with his spam
it's a long story

shit man, and I bought it to slowly turn my brother-in-lawthe absolute dudebro pokemon/fifa guy into a guy that genuinely enjoys games for good gameplay so I can play stuff with him together thats more than just Fifa

You can thank SE and their decisions during game development. They forced developers to do what THEY wanted, not what developers wanted to make.

Mankind Divided gives a pretty detailed explanation on what happened in Human Revolution when your start the game, but I would still recommend playing HR first

>Mankind Divided
>game cuts to 3rd person every 10 seconds