Let's create a character whose only notable personality trait is being a huge bitch!

>let's create a character whose only notable personality trait is being a huge bitch!
What the fuck were they thinking?

They were trying to be realistic

They were thinking of making actual characters instead of the flat characters P4 characters you love.

>Let me hate a well-written character because she acts like a real person rather than 1D character shouting "MMM STEAK!!!"
What did he mean by this?

Imagine believing that to be well written a character needs to be an unlikable cunt.

She's only a cunt to you because you think anyone who doesn't ride your dick immediately is an awful character.

Junpei is pretty stupid to be fair

She's a cunt to everyone.
Even her classmates joke about her always getting pissed off.

They joke. And she's still one of the most well-liked people in the school.

>"I won't miss"
why is this allowed?

>"I can do it"
>goes down next turn

OP is just upset cause he knows Yukari would have been the type of girl to make fun of him for playing a game like Persona

They joke about it because it's true.
And she's only liked because she's an hot piece of ass.

There's a middle ground between "duck sucking shoelicking parasite" and "Huge unlikable bitch who can't go 10 minutes without nagging someone"

Based Ai


>bitches at Junpei for running ahead on the monorail
>does shit like this
She should have been stabbed right then and there, honestly.

I have never understood why people think Yukari is such a bitch. The only person she's shitty to is Junpei and he's a fucking clown to be fair

no r34 of this scene ?
asking for a friend

You know what I meant.

Yukari is stubborn and stupid, and saying she's "realistic" is hardly an excuse

plenty actually

but Junpei is a silly bro and that's what makes him likeable

She's also shitty to Mitsuru, and your character because you disagree with her or call her out on her bullshit

Who ended up being Yukari's canon boy/girlfriend?


No one

She really would've been if Shinjiro didn't show up.

>let's create a character whose only notable trait is ...?

ITT: retards who never leveled Yukari's social link

Stay mad, Stupei.

>Do Yukari's S.Link
>she gets in trouble
>try to help her out
>she gets mad
>ask for help
>she gets angry
>do nothing
>she gets angry
>never do her S.Link again.

Fuck Yuckari


If she had better hair a better Western VA she'd be acceptable.

she's cute

Being ugly and stupid.

Existing for the sole purpose of allowing Mitsuru to join the combat team.

Well written doesn't mean character you like.

Do you have all these saved?

Never implied that, brainlet.

This is how women, especially girlfriends, react.

What? No, I just saved the ones that peeved me the most
Since when are two screenshots of a character obsession?

She's actually not that bitchy to the female MC.

I also have this

Everyone wants the feMC's dick.

All of them? I find that hard to beileve

Actually you did but okay.

Its a pretty nice one, much bigger than Minato's.

The worst part of this scene is that you cant do anything to prevent it or anything
Should have at least warned akihiko that they were going there anyway to force him to come along

He's insufferable. At least they gave him some development and got him to finally grow up, he's infinitely better after his persona awakening.

Characters in p3 aren't instantly your best friends, they are more like co-workers for the first quarter of the game. They have multiple arcs throughout the story that aren't just tied to social links or an extremely specific "its my dungeon, it's my arc now" instances.

I hated junpei so much until he became less of an asshole after his waifu died. At the very end he became a decent bro.

The worse part is Yukari never faces any consequences for her stupidity.
It's like she can be the most dumb, reckless and uncaring person in the world, hurt other people and get away scott free, it's frustrating.

It's been a while, but doesn't Junpei call her out on it during the Answer?

Yukari is just a bitch, there is no arc calling her out on her bullshit or making her face consequences for her actions.


Why are Lovers arcana always the worst?

But I liked Lisa and Yukari.


I'm so sorry.

That seems like a massive exageration unless you didnt do her SL to understand her or are talking about that aigis fanfiction ,what Im saying is that in the game you cant do anything to better the situation and/or (if you want) call her out on it
That is the biggest problem

You talking shit about my waifu, you double nigger?

You mean the best right ?

Fuuka's most notable traits are that she's an angel and I love her!

p3 has better characters than p4.

>current year
>Still salty about based Yukari
Just get over it already.

That's like winning the special olympics

Literally the best of their games, stay mad.

Winning is winning dude.

Though to be fair, the only good girl in P3 is Elizabeth.

I don't really get it either. She's just boring, the idea that she would draw any strong opinions out of someone, good or bad, is strange, but that's how I feel about almost every character in P3.

They knew what they were doing back in P3. You can't make the Navigator too cute or interesting, or you'll lament that you can't have her in your party. P4 and P5 fucked this up by making the navigators too desirable.

Fuuka is the cutest tho.
And I'm glad she's not in the battle party, that'd put her in danger's way, and the last thing I want to see is a hurt Fuuka.

She's objectively ugly tho

Mmmm yes I also want my smellly neet fighting with me
Besides,navigators were a mistake

Perhaps you should finish the game first, then come here to shitposting about the waifu you hated most.

Making terrible food.

>Mmmm yes I also want my smellly neet fighting with me
Screaming "THIS" out my bedroom window into the cold black night

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

>navigators were a mistake
Fucking this. I don’t need someone telling me how many enemies there are on screen every fucking time when I can clearly see for myself

her notable trait is that she's fucking useful

Japanese characters have no depth. Each one is designed to appeal to a specific person. The bitch, the slut, the gamer neet, the shy, the Yandere, the power fantasy

I get you, you don't like females in game being assertive and trying to be independent,in other words, being a bitch.
you feel violated when they speak against you, I mean its pretty common, thats why submissive waifus are more popular. but after all its a different taste anyway

Why does she wear a collar?

Finished the game, still a cunt.

>not saying fuck it and get with the sex robot

Lovers arcana is great, but gets worse with each game.
Yukari is amazing.
Rise is great.
Ann is okay.

American characters have no depth. Each one is designed to fill a specific diversity quota. The proud african-american woman, the homosexual asian paraplegic, the queergender transexual otherkin.

Yukari is by far the worst.

Lisa > Rise > Yukari > Ann
They're all good

It felt like at some point persona 3 was going to just not have a HUD or something. The game already has "immersion" mechanics that basically just exist to be annoying, like having to manually give party members gear or specifically talking to someone to see what everyones status is like, or the almost complete lack of enemies dropping vendor trash/money and needing to use shuffle time or grab chests. That would make all the JUNPAY KOON IS POISONED dialogue actually useful instead of just announcing something I can see. I guess they realized that would be even more offputting than all the other stuff was

P3 still had a bit of a use because at least fuuka could research enemy weaknesses for you (even during boss fights her scan would tell the AI what to not use), in P4/5 it just became a completely useless mechanic outside of the odd supporting move they have

She's not, unless your criteria is how well they suck your dick.

>lets make a shitty VN with the worst turn based system ever created
Seriously, what were they thinking?

One of the very first scenes with yukari is her apologizing deeply to you and revealing pretty vulnerable parts of her past to someone she knew for all of 2 hours.

>being so beta that even in a video game you still can’t handle actual women

No, she's just a shit character.

Then she proceeds to keep being a bitch anyway, like none of it mattered

Anne > Rise > Yukari > Lisa
Although I barely remember a anything about P2IS desu. You're right they're all great though.


This, the only people that hate Yukari are virgin weebs that are butthurt she doesn't automatically suck your dick and fawn all over you since day 1.

You mean like when she was the only person concerned about fuuka being basically press ganged into fighting monsters? Or when you talk with her on the beach? Or her being the only person that actually seems to care about junpei losing his GF? Even her attitude in shitty aigis fanfic the answer is because she cares a little too hard and can't let go.
The only bitchy things she does in the whole game are banter with junpei (hits back just as hard in a more friendly version of ekichi and lisa from the previous game, they fuckin hang out together on weekends sometimes and are clearly friends) and her initial attitude with mitsuru (which is pretty justified because she IS lying to the new members of SEES and manipulating them by not telling the facts she knows, even if she has "a good reason". They later become dykes after they get over this)
Yukari is a character that's ironically been warped by memes ala persona 2. In the base game the girl is so pure that she can't even hang out near a boy by themselves unless they're really charming to get past her defenses, but because she's the only female party member with a realistic hair color people have deflected their anger at stacies onto her and now she's NTR doujin bait
