All AAA games are now at least 50 GB

>all AAA games are now at least 50 GB
>few are reaching the 100 GB area
>indies are the only people to stay cool and keep their shit below 1 GB

50-100 GB for a game would be fine 10-20 years from now when everyone can download that amount in less than an hour but now it's just waste of people's time and disc space.

1TB bandwidth cap with Comcast.
Recently reinstalled a few games and my wife did the same. Did no real torrenting for the month. Ended up using 1.1TB of data, about 600GB more then our average just because we reinstalled a few games on 2 PCs.
Fuck everything. Now Comcast have warned me twice and will charge something like $15 for every 50GB of overage data.

>Download some pixelshit indie game
>20 GB
fucking HOW

it's obnoxious, i need to buy another HDD already
3TB is not enough

Night in the woods?

Fucking americuck with limited data lmao

Thanks God here in Europe internet is way more protected. There's no such thing like limited bandwidth and the net neutrality is still a thing.

>not having unlimited bandwith
>fuckin normie

I have 7TB of space, but this is really getting out of hand

>100GB download
>It's all bloat and cinematics
>10 Hours of gameplay maximum
>Game doesn't even look good

Fucking ridiculous

What the fuck are you talking about, I'm a European and I have a 20gb daily limit.

where do you live
that's not a thing here

>this is a choice

Yeah well there's European and European...

How hard is it to compress audio and 4k cutscenes? Are developers doing that just to avoid piracy?

I download at 1.5 mb per sec. Its shit i lnow but at least i dont have a limit and if i want i can leave it downloading something for a year straight. But yeah, its a bummer if i want to download a game more than 50 gb . I want to play it today, not in like 2.

Ireland. And I know several polish and Croatians who tell me that internet here is way better than their home country. Don't cherry pick Scandinavian countries and say the whole of Europe has good internet.

I could, but it's $50 extra a month and does not change how fast my upload is (Real world speed ~5mb/s, advertised as 15mb/s)
I usually just wait till the end of the month, check what bandwidth I have left and blow it all in 24 hours downloading things like the latest MAME ROMs+Extras or ISO collections.

>Don't cherry pick Scandinavian countries and say the whole of Europe has good internet.
different user i was just curious
also speed and data caps are 2 different things

50gb takes me maybe an hour to download so I really don't give a shit. Get better internet, pleb.

Not at all but consoles are severely limited on spare cpu power so its easier to not compress anything e.g. cutscenes or music because having to decompress anything would mean not reaching 30fps.

Fuck steam, if i want to download a game, at least let me play an offline game without stopping my download. Im not going to be using the internet if im playing offline age of mythologies.

5.7GB for the director's cut


that is an option you know

What?! But dont let me hanging. Prease terr me

you can, alt tab from the game and restart the download. after that you can play the game ANd have something downloading

it's in settings > download or something like that
there's an option you can uncheck so it won't stop downloads automatically when you open a game

Nope. Didnt work. What the fuck

Uruguay here, we have unlimited* data cap at 80/20 mbps. *If you surpass 1 TB you will not be charged extra but your speed will drop to 1mbps/512kbps

>Living in a shit-tier place where your government doesn't provide high quality internet speeds

>and disc space
HDDs are cheap as fuck. There is zero excuse to not have 2TB minimum

It's in the settings. Both global and per-game.

>also speed and data caps are 2 different things

Yea but they work in fundamentally the same way. Being limited to let's say, 5mb/s download speed would take a day or more to download a game of 30+gb. While on the other hand, even if you have google fiber 1000mb/s, being limited to 20gb a day means it will still take over a day to download the game.

repacks my mane

Pro-tip: xfinitywifi doesn't count against your data cap.

Thanks! That worked. Allow downloading during gameplay. 8 years on steam and i just found out. Mvp

I've never even heard of internet at home that isn't unlimited? I have 700mps down, so need games are usually limited by hardrive speed and psn servers. Usually doesn't take more than an hour to download any game.

Aware of that workaround but I refuse to use a Comcast modem for a few reasons.


>tfw have unlimited bandwidth but stuck at 6mb down/1mb up
Thank god all I get is singleplayer games

I just use my neighbor's.

What poverty country are you from where 100 gigs takes more than a few hours on THE WORST internet out there. I can't even get anything less than 300/300 anymore unless I force myself too get dialup or a 4g modem. With a 300/300 it takes less than 50 minutes to dl 100gigs.

You can uninstall things, you turbo-autist. Fucking new computer users everywhere

>not just leaving your pc to download the oversized game overnight
Step the fuck up.

but i like my things


Same, except there's 6 people here on Netflix at the same time. I just signed up for the unlimited data plan and didn't look back

I have lived in Europe in 5 locations in 10 years. Where the fuck is this magical place that DOESN'T have daily or monthly limits with shit slow internet. Europe is leagues behind USA for bottom end speeds and limits. Far more of USA has no limits and speeds I couldn't dream of.

>only have a 500gb hd
>want to pirate ff15 which is 90 gbs
>delete tons of shit and barely have enough room
>the torrent is full of zips


There's a decent amount of games that give you the option of downloading 4K textures or not

Fucking Romania has good and unlimited internet in a lot of places. Get your shit together rest of Europe

>be Canadian
>pay 100$ a month for internet
>get unlimited data and can download steam games at 21 mb/s
>can download games off origin(i don't) or the windows store at 80 because I'm not being gimped by steam

The 100$ a month rogers plan is the cheapest I could get for unlimited data, the good speed is just a plus.

>being Canadian
Enjoy living in fear of the goverment considering anime child porn.

Serbia here, you're full of shit
Internet is fast, cheap, reliable and unlimited

Been jerking it to hentai and watching all the mainstream anime shows for 20 years. Never even gotten a letter.

Plus I can let my dog fuck my ass every night and it's 100% legal. Feels good to be a Maple.

I doubt you're out in the sticks though

Nah, Southern Ontario.

Not Toronto. Thank god.

the repack is like 60GB

I do have a decent directional antenna, I really should site survey to see if there are any open networks.

WPA2 is p BTFO for most cases anyway

>t r i p l e digits for internet
the absolute state of NA

>literal frogposter

>be Canadian
>live in rural area
>$77 for 100GB at 5 Mbps
feels bad

I make 20$ an hour and I onyl pay half the bill because i live with a guy who also uses a ton of internet, so it's really only 50$ a month.

I'd rather spend two and a half hours at work to get unlimited internet than suffer trough data caps. Fuck that noise.

I don't know a lick of french though?

The irony is many of the rural areas in the US (at least in the pacific northwest) have direct to house fiber. The small town of ~5000 2 hours north of me pays $30 USD for unlimited gigabit bi-directional where me in the city I have to suffer with Comcast.

>stuck with a Walmart burner-smartphone that's essentially been used as a modem for two or three years
>blew $500 donating to a non-profit and got a year of completely unlimited 4G data useable as a hotspot
>6 MB/s down/up guaranteed for a year and I pay $400 next year for continued service, latency is perfectly fine for online vidya

probably like how mexico has good internet since they waited so long to build it out that they didn't have to deal with shitty old coax or telephone lines and just laid fiber

>Have Charter, now Spectrum
>Fast downloads
>no data caps
>$65 a month

It's cool I guess.

50GB isn't large though. I'm on the cheapest plan my SIP provides and could d/l that in an hour.

games 30 years ago were only like 3 mb if not less, but because our hdds have room for more and the processing power of cpus and gpus have gotten a significant increase since then the size of the games have also been allowed to increase
what i'm saying is that the size of these games will continue to increase until a technological limit has been reached

>downlodan old games
>low space low requirements lots of mods
>some of them need a patch or two to work on modern machines
>tfw ran out of good old games to download and have a good bit of space left
any good old FPS?

>lots of mods
that's a good joke

40 yurocoins for unlimited here in France

>can hold an absolute gigaton of DOOM wads, source-ports and tweaks in a thumb-drive
Get out nigger.

1 is larger than 0, modern games almost never have any mods or modding support, either that or all the modders are still stuck in skyrim and fallout

>DOOM wads
any good ones?

>one old game has tons of mods so all old games also has tons of mods

Seriously I downloaded like 10 games on my PS4 and its almost full already like wtf they need to fix this shit.

I live in London and data caps are unheard of for home internet. Same pretty much everywhere in the UK afaik. You're on the wrong side of the border m8

you're on console, you're supposed to buy discs

Spain doesn't have limited internet, atleast I haven't seen it. Only good thing about the country, really.

one is hardly a lot

one mod is better than no mod

download repacks

But they are way cheaper than buying physical and I don't have to constantly switch discs. Only games I get on disc are release day games where the price is the same.

But not "a lot" as you stated.

>insert disc
>game requires you to install to HDD
>10GB day one patch

>buy disc
>game still needs to install 80% of the shit
>30 gb patch first week

you better back up autismo before i beat your ass with alot of my dick

>buy disc
>open up the case
>no disc just an activation code

I have 3 games on disc and 2 digital which all together take up 250gb.

I tried to start up FFXV the other day and was greeted by a 17gb patch.

Plenty, I recommend Reelism (think Smash TV in Doom's engine), GMOTA (SNES fantasy beat-em-up inspired; Castlevania/Ghosts n' Goblins subweapons and item crashes, heavy melee combat focus), Demonsteele (90s anime/metal, melee-focused, hard to describe), High Noon Drifter (wild-west Doom), Brutal Doom (taking le epic RIP AND TEAR meme to its apex with ultra-gory and more modern-shooter convention gameplay), and Dead Air/Dead Wire. Beyond that, scour the Cacowards for stand-outs from every year for the past 10-15 years, or just search various Doom forums in general,.

You aren't in EU retard


european continent you 56%

>Reelism (think Smash TV in Doom's engine)
That sounds awesome. That also sounds like nuDoom and Serious Sam.

user, you're not paying for broadband from an ISP.
You're buying data from Vodafone/Meteor/Three/Tesco/etc

There's a difference

American education everyone

That guy is clearly full of shit though because im irish and theres no data limit. i even get semi scandinavian tier internets, i get 240mbps download and 50upload

Last time I checked you ugly faces were leaving EU

Celeste is 1.2GB

It's closer to Smash TV overall. A standard game is five rounds of three randomly-chosen elements divided into "what enemies are put out", "what weapons spawn", and "random gameplay modifier", so one round could be "all enemies are hell knights", "Duke Nukem 3D weapons", and "low gravity" for instance. Fifth round is a boss from a randomly-chosen pool, goofy shit like "wizard in a monster truck" is among the options. It's one of those gameplay mods that has just about infinite value to it.

300KBs download pleb reporting in
Fuck Australia