Finally got around to playing this and it wasnt nearly as bad as you people made it out to be. It was actually pretty fun
What the problem exactly?
Finally got around to playing this and it wasnt nearly as bad as you people made it out to be. It was actually pretty fun
What the problem exactly?
Other urls found in this thread:
Nobody said it was bad. It's average
You don't understand how to objectively rate something and don't know that it's OK to enjoy something subjectively even if it's bad. I suppose that is the problem.
Threadly reminder that this was reviewed much better than Unleashed was on release and Unleashed is the best boost Sonic.
so it's actually worth putting down some sonybux on? good
Just so you know, IIzuka directed this game, but not Sonic Mania. Americans think it's average, but the Japanese fucking love it, so i don't see this guy standing down soon, as his main target market is not America. He thought of the Werehog, put the annoying boost mechanic in every Sonic Game after he arrived, removed every crossover in the new All Stars Racing that rumored to come out, and hates Blaze.
>realised after 4 year huatus
>unnecesary retcons
>short and easy levels that offer no chalange
>whack physics
>game don't know if it wan't to be serious or lolsorandom
>damage control
Kinda short and easy. The replay value is massively underrated, though.
>IIzuka directed this game
No. The guy who directed Forces directed Colors, Lost World, and the storybook games. The last game Iizuka directed was Mario & Sonic at the Winter Olympics.
What's different outside from the usual Modern Sonic Game stuff like S-Ranking levels?
fine: let me re specify: ALMOST every game iizuka is INVOLVED in
>replay value
You have low standards. The only replay value is collecting red rings which are locked behind certain Wispon loadout, and they don't do shit except unlock some garbage levels that the developers spent all of 30 minutes on. The only other thing is clothing and accessories for the Avatar, and only autists and children care about that. Yeah, great """""""replay value"""""""" you got there.
The Werehog is the biggest meme of the Sonic franchise. Literally broken Genesis Sonic gameplay is STILL better than a discount GoW clone to some people.
I get the dark era of Sonic, blah blah blah, but there's no way Unleashed would be hated on as badly as it was if Forces and Unleashed were to flip places in time.
The gameplay of both Modern and Classic are steps down from Generations.
They play up the return of 5 villains, you fight 3.
The only boss fights that weren't recycled, from my memory, are Infnite's fight with the Rookie, and the final-final boss which is basically just Colors' final boss again.
The story pacing makes it feel like a game that presumably was on a 4 year development cycle just had chunks missing: Sonic going from "losing a fight" to "presumed dead" to "alive but in jail" in the span of two cutscenes and 3 lines of stage select dialogue and Null Space being the two big offenders.
It's a very mediocre game with eh level design that's over before it feels like it truly started.
It can be beat in two hours. For a full priced game.
Just play Generations. It's Forces' gameplay but better.
It seemed extra shit at the time because it had to compare to Mania, after the fact it's just your standard Sonic Team mediocrity.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nobody said it was bad
you don't even fight chaos why is he there
It wasn't full priced. Doesn't excuse the length, though.
>What the problem exactly?
Your atrocious taste, sort yourself out, faggot.
>but the Japanese fucking love it
It's a Sonic game. The Japanese don't give a fuck about Sonic and never did.
>What the problem exactly?
No problem. Autists need entertainment too. Carry on.
It's more of a disappointment than bad. It's a step backwards from both gameplay styles of Generations, the OC maker is the only thing that comes close to reaching it's potential, and it took 4 years of waiting to get.
>Just so you know, IIzuka directed this game, but not Sonic Mania.
Iizuka didn't direct the Forces, nor produced it. He did oversee Mania's development.
>He thought of the Werehog
Iizuka had nothing to do with Unleashed outside of special thanks on level design.
>put the annoying boost mechanic in every Sonic Game after he arrived
Continuing the boost mechanic was going to happen regardless of who was in charge. Even then, he tried to ditch it with Lost World. Didn't go over well.
>removed every crossover in the new All Stars Racing that rumored to come out
You're ridiculous.
>and hates Blaze.
I doubt he hates any individual character.
That is all.