How much longer do we have to wait for a remastered Ninja Gaiden Trilogy? Ninja Gaiden started the remaster fad on the SNES and continued it up through the PS3.
How much longer do we have to wait for a remastered Ninja Gaiden Trilogy...
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Not happening outside of Bayonetta this is a dead genre
Awful games. They're never going to be remade.
This sadly. Outside of Platinum, who don't really knows how to do anything else, no one's making them anymore due to the fact that they just don't sell enough anymore. Just look at how many games in the genre we got from both the US and Japan last gen compared to now.
only the first game is good, so who cares about a remastered trilogy.
Wasn't NGB ported to the Xbone just recently? And yes, I know
But the point is Team Ninja and KT haven't forgotten about the games.
It would be the Sigma games so fuck that
Pretty sure that was just backwards compatability
Yes. But it's still acknowledgement.
Also it shows that they can still use the original games over the Sigma games, lord knows why people kept claiming they lost the source code for NGB.
The sigma games were more of a downgrade than a remaster, though.
It's a real shame the games are not available on current gen and PC, the series deserves to be remembered and replayed.
Ninja Gaiden 2 especially would be such a spectacle on modern hardware.
In some ways yes and in other ways no. It was stupid that they reduced the gore in Sigma 2 but the extra content was welcome.
I don't understand it. We're losing all of the diversity in video games, from the big developers at least. Action games like this and DMC are dead. Immersive sims like Deus Ex and System Shock are dead. Rhythm games outside of Japan are dead. Why is this happening?
Only Team Ninja games left don't actually star ninja.
Apparently the only thing that sells in the west are third-person bow-shooting Ubisoft open world games that take place in some nondescript woods.
By extra content you mean reduced enemy count?
An extra playable characters and new missions.
They butchered the level design by reducing the amount of enemies that appear in most areas. Some of the end-game stages have literally like 80% less enemies in Sigma 2.
Who cares about the tacked-on extra content when the main-game content has been fucked with to the point of being insulting?
Just started NGB on my bothers XB1. Never beat it but it seems easier than I remember so far.
They did add multiplayer, characters and a big ass sword. They also added the ability to move around while aiming the bow, which in my opinion was a very good addition to the game.
None of that redeems Sigma 2 though. They took a game about defending against crowds and took away the crowds. Gore is also something the game was built around, they took it away too. Sigma 2 is a fucking joke.
Learn to use the guillotine throw, learn on land charging, and experiment with shuriken cancelling.
>tfw getting the air destruction slash->shuriken-> helmet splitter trick right the first time and using to skip all kinds of bullshit
So fucking satisfying.
That's not how emulation works. They don't need the code to make it work, just the binary which you can get from any retail or pirated copy. They didn't update the game at all.
I was thinking of going back through it on my bone, but I know it'll take time away from other games I want to play. I still have 40 boss fish to catch in Euro Fishing.
Nu-TN would probably fuck it up. See NG3 and RE
>Learn to use the guillotine throw
Ive just beaten hard and never used it.
isnt it a remaster since it has 1080p? Im pretty sure the Xbox360 looked way worse since the CGI cutscenes werent updated. While the Xbone cutscenes look a lot better.
My dream would be
>good controller support
>options to tweak what you want from black and sigma (tiger fang and claw, no path of flame, double fire worm from sigma, no bullshit offscreen cheapshots and no ninpo charging minigame from black)
>the stuff from NGS+ but then implemented in a nonretarded way
>level select
>boss rush
>NG2 and NGS2, with NGS2 maps being able to spawn the hordes of NG enemies
>make awakened alma no longer touch my no no place
>full cutscene skip
Dont know about NG3 but i heard it was a mess. Maybe put it in the pack but then allow modders to salvage it.
Also they should make it possible to somehow keep the boob jiggle option of the 6axis from NGS2 in the PC release.
>Ive just beaten hard and never used it
My story exactly with Mentor in Ninja Gaiden 2. Master Ninja made me learn it with its very first fight. It is a very good move that takes you into i-frames almost immediately.
The key is positioning. You have to be pretty close and facing the enemy, then you press X+A twice. The first X+A press is the aimed jump, which is a pretty useful move in itself, helps you get into a flying swallow or hop on the enemies.
Even in Japan there is a big decay in many series.
Yakuza is a prime example on how many times you can release a game and barely improve the combat which is still not even better compared to some great PS2 beat em up games.
To me, games nowadays are stuck with the same reused gameplay, sometimes even more simplified or with hamfisted QTE's, but now it has shiny new graphics.
I know how to use it. But I jsut never found it useful. Windmill slash works fine for going into Iframes. And Im talking about NGB, not NG2. I never played NG2 to the highest difficulties since i didnt find it a lot of fun.
>level select
Seriously let me replay levels once I beat the game in NG+
>remastered Ninja Gaiden Trilogy
Nah no thanks I don't care to play 3. Just give me the best versions of the first two games.
I keep multiple saves but its pretty annoying if you want to have more saves for karma run and speed runs and different difficulties.
Although I guess they are too inept to make sure that you start with the right amount of essence, golden scarabs and upgrades at each point. Like they will only give you wooden sword rank 3 even though you could have upgraded it fully at that point since they figure some people wouldnt have enough essence at that point. I can actually see that happening.
I wish it would come to PC so you could just DL some saves, or make mods to just give you what you what at whatever point you want. SO if you want to use the kitstsu only you can do that from stage 1.
I'll just post my favorite ninja gaiden video.
That part where the music fades out on the first track is simply beautiful.
>nunchunks dont give the wooden sound effect
There are no nunchunks in Ninja Gaiden 2, those are vigoorian flails.
It blows me away that Ninja Gaiden 1 was released so many times and crater face never fixed the shit camera that was the only bad thing about the game
Shit like that is why I actually want a remastered trilogy; because there's no "best version" of any of the 3D games. If you want to play 1 you have to choose between the extra content of Sigma or the load times and better pacing of Black; if you want to play 2 you have to choose between vanilla's gore and enemy count and Sigma 2's all-around better polish; if you want to play 3 you're stuck with the half-baked Razor's Edge. I just want to know that a definitive version exists.
I wouldn't expect Tecmo to put an effort into remastering the games. As people have pointed out, if they did release a trilogy, it would most probably include Sigma games.
Then again, the chances of them releasing anything Ninja Gaiden related at all are pretty slim.
When they ported Sigma 2 to the Vita they added the blood back in. Let me dream man
I think the best we can hope for is ms making Ninja Gaiden 2 backwards compatible for xbone. A man can dream though, I'd pay full price on launch for a good remaster of the games.
I would hope they would just throw in both sigma and vanilla edition of each game. That way you can pick what version you want. No shit flinging needed. With the Vita installments they did put in some extra effort. Although they yet again fucked up. For example you unlock glasses for Rachel in the trails. But these never unlock in the story mode. So the essence glasses are useless.
But if they even care a little shit and take the best from black and sigma it would be lovely. Although I think the current team thinks sigma is a straight upgrade. So they probably keep too much in.
Maybe they can ride the "dark souls of action adventure" train
Nioh sold pretty well, so I'm not really sure what exactly is holding them back.
I feel like NG4 is a real possibility, now that Nioh is out of the way. Interviews show they're aware they fucked up with NG3 and Yaiba, and Nioh itself proves they're at least still competent, they just need strong direction. We should keep an eye out this year for any announcements.
I really hope you are right. But wouldn't it make more sense for them to develop a sequel for Nioh next?
Maybe, but they might also space it out a bit so it doesn't get stale, especially since Souls-clones are a genre on their own now.
But do you know what isn't flooding the market right now? Classic 3D action games. Only Platinum has been covering that, and they're just one studio. If TN can get a really good Ninja Gaiden out there and Capcom actually gives us DMC5, they might even kickstart the genre back to life.
Sounds too good to be true, but we'll see.
Eh I only care for ninja gaiden 2. Ninja gaiden black is the antithesis of fun with an awful overworld, camera, and stiff controls. Confusing and boring story too. 3 was a disaster that I got day one because of how much I loved 2. I did the 1250/1250 challenge and it was glorious back in the day. Would definitely replay it if Microsoft made it backward compatible on xb1
Ninja Gaiden 2 is also my favorite, despite its obvious flaws. I fell for it so hard I couldn't stop playing until I finished it on Master Ninja.
I really wish I could witness the game on modern hardware with modern tech from Nvidia and what not.
Razor's Edge was pretty good. At least they listened to feedback.
I would love to see a return of the cuhrayzee action game genre. It dominated generation 6, was still solid in generation 7 and seems to have jumped ship in gen 8. I think Donte Must Cry was one of the main culprits for why studios moved away from the genre, as well as Bayonetta consistently underperforming in sales.