Game Informer TOP 300 GAMES OF ALL TIME

Top 10:
10. The WItcher 3: Wild Hunt
9. Skyrim
8. Red Dead Redemption
7. Cod 4
6. Final Fantasy 6
5. WoW
4. GTA V
3. Tetris
2. Super Mario Bros 3
1. A Link to the Past

>CoD4 over DOOM

>link to the past is the greatest game of all time
>play it once and never want to replay it again because it has zero replay value


>GTA 5 in the top 5
lol what? It's a piece of shit game. Complete shit list

Nintendo and Rockstar continues to prove they're the GOATs

>Fallout 3 highest rated Fallout
>Fallout 2 not even listed
>Fallout 3 in the top 50
>Deus Ex, SS2, Morrowind, BG2 not in top 50
These lists just exist to infuriate people

>it's a "let's put games that are old as fuck and have been objectively surpassed by their sequels and newer games in their genre at the top because MUH CLASSICS" episode

>Metroid and Halo: Combat Evolved that low
>Super Metroid that low
>Halo 3 not even on the list
>Halo 2 on the list
>has Super Metroid as the cover of their issue but it's not even in the top 10s
Game Informer can eat shit.

Halo 2 is better then CE and 3, though

>better campaign missions
>better MP maps
>Better story/writing
>better music
>tighter mechanics

Only thing CE has on it is better weapon balance, and all 3 has on it is forge/better custom game options

>better campaign missions
>Better story/writing
>tighter mechanics
Not even close, Halo 2 was only good for it's multiplayer and that's it.

They had like 4 covers for this issue. Minecraft, World of Warcraft, Red Dead Redemption, and Metroid.

>retro games being on top
stop this shit

Exactly, shit like WoW and Minecraft shouldn't even be on the list. Let alone RDR, complete shit game.

this, fallout 3 is the worst mainline fallout by far, even fallout 4 is better, which still is bad comparedto 1/2/nv

>god of war 1 and 3 above dmc3
>no god of war 2

i like god of war but this is just bullshit.

>complete shit game.
Found the PC shitter

that's a pretty awful list

These always seem to be in no particular order until you get into the top 25.

>Open list
>Immediately see DDR
>Scroll down to find Marble Madness and Advance Wars
>Start Ctrl+F'ing
>Classic Paper Mario made it in while TTYD didn't make the list
>Sonic 2 and 3 rightfully over 1
>Breath of the Wild barely made top 100
Eat a dick fags, this is the most objectively correct list ever. The only questionable choices are Castlevania 1 over 4 and Overwatch in top 30

Continued from
>Galaxy 1 didn't make the list
>Resident Evil Classic over REmake
Closest list to perfection we will likely ever get.


>Breath of the Wild barely made top 100
the hype finally died down?

WoW should be higher. GTA5 should be WAY lower. I feel like Skyrim should be a bit higher.

LttP in #1? I have SERIOUS reservations about that.

>No OoT

Wow how unique.

More FF6 wanking I see.

but of course a zelda title on top of it american taste, everyone

>commenting only on the trashiest games on the list
guess how i know you have no taste

hello ?

>no donkey kong country 2

horrible list

This is quite possibly the worst top ten list I have seen in my life

You cannot deny how important WoW and Skyrim are no matter your opinion of them. As for the others, I rated them down.

I have no interest in reinventing the wheel that is their top 100, so why would I mention anything that's not obvious like those ones?

Or maybe you exist to be infuriated. It's really nothing to ever be actually angry at you thin skinned bitch.

we're coming to a point in time where the majority of the people making these lists started playing videogames in 2006 and it really shows.

Disregard any "TOP TEN GAMES OF ALL TIME" list that has Skyrim in it

What hype? I've never heard anyone talk about it. It's just shitposting on this board.

>they put OoT
>Sup Forums bitches

>they don't put OoT
>Sup Forums bitches

Fucking hell

I usually ignore the top 10 normie retardation but I gotta stop in to say that this is the worst taste I've ever seen.

Quake isnt on the list


>You cannot deny how important WoW and Skyrim are no matter your opinion of them
wow was influential i'll give you that but what did skyrim do that was so important?


I will never get the love for this game

Why do people act like Skyrim was a big deal?

What did it do? I genuinely do not understand. The marketing campaign is why it penetrated normie culture, not the game itself.

>games get better linearly

Sucks for you.

>I was born in 1999 the list

I would honestly put Metal Slug 3 over 7-8 of those.

>The worst 3D game in the entire series
>Fourth best game of all time
Why do games journalists shill GTA 5 so much?

I'm actually impressed by how upset and disgusted I am by this list.

>DMC3 151


Those lists should be called "Top most popular/mainstream games"
In what way The Witcher 3 excelled over other RPG games to be in top 10 of all time?

>Witcher 3
>no Souls or BB

>Tetris always top 3
ADDICTING GAMES are not FUN games.

What a fucking shit list, I can come up with a better list

In no order top ten games of all time
Super Mario
Mario 64
Pokemon red/blue
007 golden eye
Time splitters 2 (this is my bias)
Elder scrolls Oblivion (again a bias)
Wacraft III and frozen throne
Starcraft first one and exp

I picked these because most of them are really good games or they basically defined a genre or are a classic

Mario and Mario 64 for example defined platformers Spyro basically perfected it.

007 was a tough call between it and perfect dark but again it defined fps. Time splitters for being one of the best arcade fps style games. Oblivion took RPGs out of 2 D and really successfully launched it into 3d have and slash and story telling. Wow for all it's faults is what sparked the MMO RPG games.

This list they made is fucking hipster bullshit.

How the hell is it hipster? They chose about the most mainstream games there are. Plenty of criticism for a list like this but it being hipster is hardly one.

>It's another Zelda is the highest rated of all time
When will this meme end? They're good games objectively but to say that they are the definitive literal "best game ever" is retarded



>No Xenoblade 1
>Fire Emblem Awakening as one of the best games of all time
Shit list.
Why the fuck would anyone call Fire Emblem Awakening as one of the best vidya ever when that game has aged poorly?

This means little to me because i would never play a single player game through more than once. There’s too much stuff out there to get bogged down with replaying games.

Look at the top10, it's either story driven AAA or mandatory classics from decades ago.

meh, could be worst.

no donkey kong country besides the meh original, shit list.
especially over wii sports

>Witcher 3
>CoD 4
Hilarious, none of those games will even be fun when their successors release. CoD and Skyrim already aren't fun.

>i'd rather experience and consume endless mediocre shit than replay a masterpiece i really enjoyed

What is with this mindset?

Nintendo wins again.

Real talk though that list is fucking garbage

>aged poorly

Jesus Christ, it's not even on a discontinued platform.

It perfected the modern Ubisoft open world and more or less fixed the side-quest issue that was plaguing the open world genre?

Well no shit user, when a better sequel comes out no one bothers with the predecessor anymore.

But a lot of what he said was downright incorrect and/or a product of being an impatient hack.
He opens the video mocking people who'll spend ages mindlessly defending their childhood game, then proceeds to spend the next half an hour mindlessly defending his childhood game.

This is the kind of list that proves that you have a very limited experience of video games.

Spyro is basically shovelware, Warcraft 3 did absolutely nothing new or interesting, both of your "bias" titles are shit and you know it, and there's no game called "Super Mario", which tells me that you probably don't even know anything about Mario games, let alone anything else.

It's the kind of list you expect from a 12 year old.

Blatantly obvious that there's a multitude of hugely important and acclaimed franchises you haven't even touched.

>of all time
Time's not over yet.

Awakening came out 6-5 years ago, user.
Although, I should've said that Awakening is a bad game compared to the other, older Fire Emblem games. So you're in the right, user.

>99 - Mass Effect 3
>1 isn't on there at all

>Skyrim is always in top 10's
>WoW on any top list
>Tetris on any top list
This list is fucking trash, the rest of the choices are also fucking awful for top 10. Maybe bottom 200-250

At least it's not Polygon's Top 500 Games Of All Times.

>PS2 was my first console

>Wii sport 299
>wii sport in top 300 of best games ?
>instant stop reading

he's correct that in most cases, you have to progress the plot by doing mundane boring shit

>Symphony of the Night below Fallout 3, at 43rd place
>Wii Sports is on the list, at 299th
>Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory is below the original Guitar Hero and Dragon Age Inquisition, at 179th
>Saints Row: The Third is above Paper Mario and Dragon's Dogma, at 274th
>Day of the Tentacle is above Alpha Centauri, at 242nd
>MvC2 is below Papers Please, at 202nd
>Stanley Parable above Ratched and Clank: Up your Arsenal, at 204th
>Oblivion above Burnout 3, at 171st
>PUBG above Soul Calibur, at 125th. Soul Calibur II is not on the list

>ninja garden

>every top 10
>turbo generic shit and old "clasic" games that are only liked because of their former popularity and influence on pop culturwe
They aren't even trying

that would actually be kinda fun

Lists are literally the lowest form of low effort "content" anyone can throw up. It's what journalists and other "personalities" post when they got nothing else.

>A Link to the Past
I had to google it because I literally forgot that garbage like this ever existed


Not to mention that it always gets people discussing it and causing endless butthurt in the process just like forgotten by anons tripfag tier lists

>skyrim at number 9
what the fuck? it's not even the best in it's series.

>Mario, Zelda, and Tetris are Top 3

It's a great game, user. sure as hell deserves its spot more than COD4 and GTAV

>P5 over P3
>no real Megaten on sight
>MH world the only who makes it to the list
>Link's awakening that low
>P4 over P3
>Bioshochk infinite near that list
>DOOM that low

Jesus fucking Chris this is factually worse than IGN's

>Super Metroid missing from top 10

I wouldn't rate it my best game of all time but LttP is the best Zelda game, I thought lots of people on Sup Forums agreed on that so I'm surprised by all the shit it's getting in this thread.

Persona games shouldn't even be on there. Bad games mechanically, shit stories, and I'm just saying shit it's own fanbase has consensus on.


Link's Awakening is the new meme game


Contrary to what Sup Forums 's whipped parrots say there are tons of good games around. I'd rather play lots of good games than the same one game over and over again.

>PCbab this upset nearly a decade later

Yeah but there are better FFs

Is this a best selling list or are they impliying these are good games?