What am I in for?

what am I in for?

a big game

A good game but 3U is better

Shit game. Mounting casualized the fuck out of the game and they removed underwater combat because of shitters.

The best MH game.

This, mounting is a shit mechanic. Way too many opportunities to spam it too with the vertical maps, it just drags out kill times as opposed to just playing smart. Underwater>vertical

Hand cramps.



fun and enough content to last you the next couple years

Casualized garbage, play this instead.
why does XX work perfectly on Citra but 4U still doesn't?

I hope Worldbabs pick up XX on Citra so I don't get stuck playing with japs
Although they aren't as bad as in World

Mounting isn't great, but swimming is fucking horseshit and the only people that pretend to like it are memesters like you.

What's the best MonHun on 3DS? I already have Stories.

>4U and World are for casuals
>But please play XX

I liked underwater combat and I'm not meming.
Water element monsters instantly become 3x better fought underwater too.

Too much verticality, some of the worst gen monsters thrown together, bad controls, mounting being overpowered, awful end game . Lots of content though but that's every g release really.

Never said anything about casuals user, I just used worldbabs to shorten "people who started with World."

The best MH until you hit end game guild quests.

Way more content, fun, and gameplay than World.

>reading comp
This is why you don't multi reply like a nigger.

4U has fairly active online right now. I'd say that just because it's a more vanilla game than XX and if you refuse to play without a translation then it's already a nonquestion. Avoid Gen since it lacks G rank and I wouldn't get 3U unless you got it on the Wii U for online or had a group of local friends to play with.

Carpal tunnel syndrome and recovery frames.
Also fun times here and there.

The removal of swimming is where monster designs start going downhill. 4U was just calm before the storm that is XX, fairly speaking.

When I played Tri swimming combat was actually pretty fun, mostly because the classic controller was great for it.
When I played 3U on my O3DS it was absolutely awful, I couldn't stand it.

bettee that the trash that is world

Fuck you man, Fated Five were cool as shit

FU is easy

Grinding guild quests wasn't that bad. It was actually a pretty fun way to add quite a bit of end game and give you encouragement to play for much longer, especially if you wanted to collect multiple weapons or you played with friends.
Now if you committed yourself to doing 300 hours of HAME runs to try and get your maxed out weapon that you don't even need at this point as fast as possible, then that's your fault if you ask me.

the Gen/XX monsters are miles better than the bland world's designs

Fated four and unstoppable two are easily some of the best monsters in the franchise

Had better gimmicks too.


Be honest, raw-stacking is a better meta than affinity-stacking will ever be.

I've been banned for this before so pls no ban.

Worldbabbies need to have their boipussies baptized. Then their butthurt will continue as they deem him impossible to defeat and artificial saiyan difficulty at forums and articles

It would be if raw weapons weren't ugly as sin.

As opposed to these?

I wish they'd re-release this on something I can play on a proper TV with a proper controller

It's kind of sad that Rajang didn't make it into World. Seeing people shit themselves when they get cannonballed into oblivion would be hilarious.

Fantastic time.
Still the best MH game and I wish they just ported it to Switch/PS4/PC.

Use the switch axe or the hammer or the greatsword and enjoy ez mode

Let me guess, you think charge blade is a super hard weapon to play for intellectuals because it has a lot of moves right.
Great sword is totally easy mode though not gonna argue with you there.

I just went back to it and fuck I'm rusty. That Seregios double swipe always gets me

Not when Unga True Smash exists

Valfalk is one of the most fun fights in the series. Plus his music is god tier.

The best MonHun game, ledges that will fuck you up and rajang assrape.

Maybe if it was Tri. In 4U they actually made monsters walk backwards when turning and stuff so you can't just super pound every time the monster turns to face you.

That isn't Generations

Considering the number World did to all the other returning monsters I wouldn't want to see how they ruin Rajang.

Agreed, Teostra was a massive disappointment. Was on of my favorite monsters too.

4U also have ranjang assrape, even worst, it have apex rajang assrape.

Should I get Monster Hunter 4? Is it fun by yourself? What makes the game fun? I've heard it's grindy and tedious.

All mh games are.
World just makes your farm slightly less necessary

>What makes the game fun?
Hunt Monsters

>I've heard it's grindy and tedious.
Probably, if you don't like hunting monsters.

The best Monster Hunter game. A real shame it'll never get a remaster for current consoles and PC.

Nintendo wins again

Yeah it is fun by yourself but solo G rank requires a huge amount of skill to execute correctly, there is always online to get help anyways.

The game is as grindy as you want it to be, you usually just need one armor set for LR, HR and G rank and one main weapon per weapon type that upgrades the further you get in the game.

The grind comes when you want several armor sets and several weapons of several weapon types.

afaik the reason 4u runs worse is that 3d effect is permanently on and cant be disabled, unlike gen/xx. its a huge performance hog

It's a great game. Its got fun and enjoyable characters and dialogue, a good selection of monsters, and is the best hunting experience as of now. The quality of life isn't as high as newer games but the actual hunting part is fantastic.

I don't get this monster hunter meme. I've tried multiple times with each number release to get into the games and I just get bored within hours, and that goes for World too. What the fuck did Capcom even do to make their best selling game ever when it still the same shit core concept, probably just a bunch of casual retards buying into the meme

You are just a casual with shit taste.

>he likes the Japanese equivalent of CoD
>calling anyone a casual

Platform wars aside

I love being able to play it on a handheld, but I'd really like to have the option of playing it on a big screen when the feeling strikes me. Would be great if it got a remaster for Switch, but I know that's unlikely.

Tell me what kind of games you like then, I'm pretty sure that they will be casual shit.

>>he likes the Japanese equivalent of CoD
You're thinking of Pokemon.

I thought it was kingdom hearts
The one series you need like 3 or 4 different consoles to get through

Play it and find out? Why do people make these spoon feeding threads?

I know there's gonna be one lined for the switch eventually, it's not like Capcom knew this game was gonna be a runaway success since they said it was started like 4 years ago I think, plus they said its success would be long term before it release. Imagine what current Sup Forums would have been like around the time when 3 was new

>Sonybros BTFO, Tri is for Wii
>NIndenbabbies BTFO, Tri sold like shit and P3rd is the best selling game ever
>3G announced for 3DS

I'm currently playing 4U right now, I am really loving the hunting horn. Any tips?

you know knowing that switch has a drougth these months, I wonder why nintendo didnt try to localize the XX version just like they did with 4U

>you know knowing that switch has a drougth these months
Only January didn't have a game user.

I know those rumors about Sony paying Capcom not to work with Nintendo anymore are bullshit but Capcom would only benefit from letting Nintendo localize it, it's fucking stupid.

What's really retarded is how capcom announced that all MH releases with be simultaneous global ones then decided to completely ignore the already-existing unlocalized game.

Get out of the corner, you fucking corner horner.

They might not be entirely bullshit. We know that Sony has had some kind of investment in MHW given the Aloy outfit and Japanese exclusivity.

Carpal tunnel.

>tfw every MH game has some kind of glaring flaw
>tfw a perfect MH game will never exist

Cheers user, have fun
But i swear to god if i see you using that shit in my quests

the only discussion that happens regarding monster hunter is which 1 game from the series you're allowed to like

same with fire emblem

fucking garbage fanbase

Flaws create discussion so without them, MH threads would be dead

Should have started paying attention to the threads before World attracted mass shitposting user.

it was the same shit back then

no one is a fan of the series, just one particular game for their one particular autistic reason

again, fire emblem threads are the exact same way

>not wanting those stat buffs
Your loss

>it was the same shit back then
Maybe if your definition of "back then" is last year.

What monster hunter game should I start with?
I was planning on playing MH3, but am open to any recommendations. Do the originals hold up?

Underwater combat is still shit.

Memeing aside, im pretty sure the attack stat provided with the horn is nothing compared to the raw numbers of an extra hunter actually dealing damage.
Im an aerial charge blade user, so im not the one to talk

The further you get into the game the more you'll regret it.
No really, as a hunting horn main fighting the end game monsters with it is just horrendous. Speed run solo times prove my point.

I started with MH3U on 3DS in preparation for MHW. I love both games and recently got MH4U to play once I'm done with world. World is defnitely the easiest to get started with, and by far the most polished and least annoying to play. The older games still exist for extra content and hunts though, so you can still enjoy them after beating the newest versions.

Start with world, and if you want more at the cost of convenience/comfort, get MH3U, MH4U, and MHGen. They are all 10/10s for me.

>Do the originals hold up?
No, if you start with them you're just going to end up hating MH.
I'd say that 3U is probably the best starting place though, the Low Rank progression is very newcomer friendly while not being particularly easy like World. After that you can branch out to other games.

Alright then, guess I'll just go lance then and use the hunting horn when I'm with friends or as a secondary weapon.

>solo G rank requires a huge amount of skill to execute correctly
I thought G rank in FU was perfectly balanced to be fun/challenging solo, but I've gone through almost all the caravan quests in 4U at this point and kinda dreading getting into HR gathering hall and G-rank. I don't know why but it feels like more of a slog than FU even though there are like half as many actual quests.

I miss pre-Fates FE threads so fucking much.

>Do the originals hold up?
What do you mean "originals"?
Here's every MH game worth caring about in order of release: Freedom Unite, Portable 3rd, 3 Ultimate, 4 Ultimate, XX, World.
Honestly any game is a fine starting point, except maybe FU. That game is rough around the edges nowadays. Might not leave the best first impression.

didnt that flop compared to other major MH releases

A fantastic experience. Best game in the series by far.

Maybe you are burned out.

It sold like shit, yeah. X too. And good thing it did, because the game was a mess. Only redeeming factor was the monster roster.

No Its selling pretty well, it was just never released outside japan.