What does Sup Forums think about Subnautica?

What does Sup Forums think about Subnautica?
It's quite expensive in Turkey and was wondering if it was worth the price.

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Aren't you guys rangebanned?

>It's quite expensive in Turkey
...la Cucaracha

Memes aside I like it. Unlike too many survival games it has a story and an ending and instead of procedural generation it has a pretty well crafted map. The atmosphere is top notch.

[insert spanish]

la luz extinguido...

We just had this Sup Forumsbaiting thread. Just stop.

el newfaggo gayo...

I'm genuinely asking about the game, I don't know why people are responding in Spanish when I'm from Turkey. Can someone explain?

Who in their right mind would make a subhuman as the main character of a game about going underwater? Niggers cant swim.

epic for the win

in this case two subs make and alt-right

La repetición de la broma sin gracia

La respuesta en español...

el cansado...

El sudaca...

La Creatura...

sabio y esconder

Can you seriously stop and fuck off before I do something I'll regret later.
I want to talk about Subnautica not read whatever shitty meme you kids are spouting.

Anyway is the game worth the price as in Turkey it's around $30

its a good game

Pirate the game you roach. It's made by scumbag white liberals. They don't deserve anyone's money, much less after making the player character a filthy mutt.

Los Americanos son creaturas tan ascorosos...mas que los chinos.

It's alright.
It's No Man's Sky, but underwater. And not shit.

its fun

How come you aren't rangebanned? We don't have Turks in Sup Forums nowadays.

it's an ok game you'll like it but you should pirate it instead considering you are a poorfag subhuman, you're welcome for the financial advice

..Cinco de mayo

What's going on in this thread


Just pirate it

Dios mios...

>It's quite expensive in Turkey and was wondering if it was worth the price.
ah, haha! Continuing the jokes from yesterday! Great continuity, Sup Forums! It's like I'm really in a cognizant social circle!

oh, dios mio!!

This is the first I've heard of this user though I've not been on Sup Forums in a long time.

El creatura de mutt


>coming to Sup Forums for game recommendation or actual discussion

Its a great game, took me around 30 hours to beat. Great visuals and good music. Progression felt a bit stale next to the end since you have to scavenge for items in parts that are very far apart.

If you can't afford it, just pirate. Its worth playing.

But of course, you didn't wanted to hear that, you wanted to hear LA CREATURA DE LOS AMERICAS

They were rangebanned because of KARA BOGA spam they did a while ago, or so they say.

They're all on /his/ shitposting over the genocides they committed

glad they could achieve proper diversity and accurately represent muslims in the game

El Grande Padre > Gohan Blanco

everyone knows it's a solid, decent game. the best part is the memes

>*faint murmurs* loz luz extinguido!!!

Great game but pic related trigger my autism.

Those are probably shitposters dissing over Byzaboos, not actual Turks.


I've been waiting a long time to see something like this.

Where the fuck did this Spanish meme even originate from?
Is it because the character model looks like a cyberpunk spic?

ingame the mc spams spanish


>yfw /r9k/ memes are funnier than Sup Forumsbanter

It never had any. Unless you consider spamming "JEWS" in all threads banter.

yea how could you

Long story short, everyone got tired of Americans laughing at other countries for having immigrant problems, then someone pointed out that only 56% of America is white according to their latest census and that their demographics are more fucked than any european country at the moment. Le 56% Face spawned as a result. It would have remained an obscure meme, but it quickly caused massive amounts of butthurt among Americans, especially Sup Forumstards who moved in during the election.

Sup Forumstards, being the rational people they are, quickly concluded that it was a conspiracy and that George Soros was paying people to post mutts. From there, people started making a shit ton of edits, fueled by the American butthurt the meme was generating. The meme got to the point where it depicted a theoretical future where Americans are so race mixed that they transformed into eldritch horrors which hunger for white genes. The great irony is that the Mexicans are now the ones keeping them at bay.

ya no puede caminar...

whiter than you achmed

la luz extinguida

>only 56% of America is white according to their latest census
Probably because that's false. Even if you were only counting non-hispanic whites that's false.

>face of denial


how petty considering

la creatura

la calamidad de los profundidades...

Since I didn't get any replies in the last thread

How do you make a base in the void? I saw a pic of that once here. Some user was like 3000m down and staring out the window at a ghost leviathan.

You either do a mad dash to the bottom and build there (you probably won't make it) or you gradually build out from another biome into the void.

That would take all the lithium and titanium in the entire map probably. Plus you get raped by ghosts the whole time you're trying to build it. Oh well might as well try anyway.

>Plus you get raped by ghosts
just kill them


Boring. 2 to 3 hours is all you need, then it gets boring.

All the geology in this game is fucked

It's a very good game, user. I got over 100 hours of solid fun out of it over the last year, and most people should be able to get 50 easily.
Finally finished the story this last weekend. Felt great.

just kill em
spread them on your morning toast

it's scientifically valid

Is there any reason in the lore that it doesn’t solidify?

Honestly this has probably been the fastest a meme has gone from leddt tier over posted to fucking hilarious, just for how unironically mad it makes people.

I never saw any explanation for it in the PDA. It just doesn't make sense so you're gonna have to shut your brain off.

Goku Blanco>all

>takes forever to kill one of them and there can be up to three at a time
>they kill in you in roughly 2 hits
>they also respawn within a few minutes
were it so easy

>literal monsters
>literal alien activity
truly peak Sup Forums

el genocidio armenio...

sounds like you need to study the blade more

Thing is, finding literal monsters and alien activity on some random planet in the middle of nowhere is more likely than finding lava underwater

nigga dont be stupid
www youtube com/watch?v=xsJn8izcKtg&feature=youtu.be&t=1m10s

No, and don't be silly. Finding ALIENS who literally communicate with you perfectly is obviously never going to happen.

That doesn't make any sense. Alien life isn't impossible; it doesn't break any laws of physics, but we just haven't found any. And the alien technology is just assumed to be super advanced so it has Clarke's Third Law as an excuse.

Lava not behaving like it should with no explanation is a serious error though.

>I can suspend my belief system for aliens
>I cannot suspend my belief system for lava
truly thot provokin

el imbecil cucko....

>didn't even read the post and is just baiting
One breaks the laws of physics and the other doesn't.

wherein subnautica does the game say it takes place on earth, in a universe of newtonian physics identical to our own?

el atroz...

It wouldnt be the first thing the game has fudged about when it comes to physics. I mean you should be unable to dive past a certain point at all due to the water pressure and going to the surface too fast should straight up kill you from the bends but it doesnt. Suspend your disbelief a bit more.

el jenizaro...

the game would be grossly boring if there were decompression truama/sickness. At some point a game needs to cut away the realism that prevents fun from happening

this meme wouldnt be nowhere near as funny as it is if it wasnt for all the massive butthurt

you fucking non-americans are the worst all you do is cause infighting lol nice one getting fucked by abdul you cuck faggots

Throw yourself in a fire

el stupido

just go back newfriend
