Keep it vydia

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Other urls found in this thread:


absolutely based. just wow. omg

You have to go back.

Well OP why do we even need to have this thread when you've already LOSSt


Epic win, OP!

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i dont get it

Can someone yiff pill me on this?

Runescape dump

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Loss you fucking newfag

What's loss? Can someone get this hothead out of here?


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what the flip is loss LMAO

Lmao go back

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That shape looks really funny, care to explain it to an army vet?


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>all the soyboys in this thread
Go back to your mamas womb, estúpidos

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i wish this shitty meme would die already

>On June 2nd 2008, Buckley ran a four-pane comic strip titled “Loss.” In it, Ethan rushes to a hospital and discovers that his girlfriend, Lilah, has had a miscarriage. Thus was born one of the most iconic imageries in internet meme history.
>If this is your first time seeing “Loss” and you don’t think this is the funniest thing in the world, I don’t blame you. Sure, it’s not terrifically artistic and takes a rather cartoonish approach to a serious subject matter, but the comic wasn’t inherently the worst thing ever, just a drastic departure from the tone its audience had been used to. And holy shit, did it get mocked to hell for it. After “Loss” was posted, it became a massive in-joke for the gaming and comics communities

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Yeah. Not getting it pal. Stop with the rune writing hijinks willya?

Whats this shape? Looks like only someone who's mastered the internet and fully embraced it's deep culture could ever know what that is.
You've been here a REAL long time haven't you?

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the game

Attached: 4372.png (971x588, 196K)


Shes actually not that bad looking, I was expecting worse.

epic ftw


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But look at those knockers boys.

Serious question, how has that story finished?

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Scratta du?



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Fucca you

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>Not fucking trannies and breaking them into being whores
You guys don't know whats good.

yeah she's got nice boobies


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Can this just be a loss thread?


Attached: funny-JaGo-comics-gamer-games.jpg (811x1094, 250K)

Thats it.
You really have to ironically hide your lack of any kind of originality with bitterness and sarcasm? Fuck you, stupid cunt.


oh my god i'd totally have sex with her


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Not sad at all

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Too good to pass by this opportunity to laugh
Amirite guys... Haha...

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top kek! my sides!

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something about shit on my dick

god i'd really have sex with her

Attached: 1504773306335.jpg (604x450, 36K)

Why is reddit only now finding out about loss?

Someone made it populair

>not betamail.jpg

gamestop? more like gamecock, amrite? haha rofl

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Typical Nintendo fan

I want to be her personal eating out toy

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>Nintendo fan
>Xbox live screenshot
What did he mean by this?

I just lost.

The guy just oozes soy


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YLYL threads haven't been funny since 2009. underage get out!

YLYL wasn't even a thing then, you underage faggot. Try 2010-2011.


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So far this thread has been a bore. I'm out.

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Wow what a loser lol

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These two guys are motivating me to learn how to draw stupid sexy cartoons and then never draw any actual porn causing immense frustration in nerds world wide

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wow, that was embarrassing.