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Video Games #4096
Video Games
What are each game's pros and cons over the other? What do you think is overall the best game out of the two and why?
If this system was Nintendo's biggest failure then why are all the games being ported over?
Game has a hard mode
...this is good...isn't it?
Highly anticipated sequel to a very good PC game gets downgraded just so it could run on consoles
Webm thread, post OC
There are underages on vee who actually think gaming wasn't better in the past
Daily reminder that Chibi didn't do anything wrong
Since Warcraft 3 was the peak of RTS, what do you expect to see in inevitable Wacraft 4?
What did they mean by this?
Is it possible that Sonic has actually been good this whole time and that we've all fallen for a giant meme?
Did you and your group of friends pick it up user?
Alright lads, I’ve got £25 voucher and I don’t know what to get
Hey there Sup Forums. I’m thinking of purchasing a gaming desktop, but I’m mostly retarded. Is it even worth it...
Where does the Resident Evil series go from here?
Version 5.0.0 (Distributed 03/12/2018)
I play bing bing wahoo while my wife is in bed with Tyrone, and that's a good thing
World of Neckbeards
Was he a good villain?
Has a game ever made you tear up? From sadness or happiness or whatever
Here’s what I have, that you don’t:
How come video game characters are so devoid of charisma and barely any of them are memorable...
What are your favorite 2D action rpgs?
Catherine Thread
Can anyone tell me how big this app is?
Hey, you wanna talk about videogames?
I just beat B-Side Core and I think this is where I throw in the towel, boys...
What went so right?
Would you play a game about lesbian elves?
What are your thoughts on competitive Overwatch Sup Forums?
Aspect ratio
Reminder that ASL today, soon
"you can use my house, just don't take my stuff ok?"
Metal Gear Survive
What's the Violet Evergarden of video games
Hello there user! do you want to play some league of legends with me c:?
Why was BOTW's DLC so disappointing?
It's 2018, there are literally no excuses for not having a cute girlfriend who plays videogames with you Sup Forums
Persona 5
Do you mod your games Sup Forums?
Tfw can't play games from the ps3/360 era anymore due to how ugly they look
Tfw buying Splatoon 2 for the first time after the last Nintendo Direct
Ice-type boss
ITT things that trigger Sup Forums
Should I get this?
Into the Breach
Was this the butthurt of the century?
All this effort and the character is still ugly
Why does someone as cool as Iori Minase hang around with a loser like Yayoi?
Myst 25th Anniversary Teaser
Warhawk was the best multiplayer game of the last generation
What's your favorite videogame race? For me it's Dwarves
This game is 60 fps on Xbone. Defend this fags
You still remember me right Sup Forums? I'm in my 8.5 version now!
So Origin just gave out Dead Space out for its "on the house" deal
Pokémon Switch
Everyone agrees he is a lock for Smash now right?
Mfw I realized competitive games and inherent skill are a myth and anyone can be the best if they put the time in
Why is Sup Forums so boring lately ?
What kind of additions or changes would you like to see in a hardmode of Undertale?
Are you going to buy attack on titan 2 next week? It has an NTR simulator mode
Which do you prefer Sup Forums?
Have you ever met a non-virgin that owns one of these games?
Let's do another casual tournament!
Maintenance for 4.25 has begun
Any of you faggots play this shit? It any good?
But yea, let's pile on EA for their microtransactions instead
What was the last straw for Valve?
Is there fate worse than being manlet nigger?
PS4 thread. What games are you guys playing?
Omega Labyrinth Z is banned in UK along with Germany and Australia now...
Game has weed
Now that the dust has settled
What's your favourite metroidvania, Sup Forums?
Tropical Liqour
Okay, I believe you
This is Metatron, the Voice of God and the Highest of the Angels, say something nice about him!
The switch is boring, it needs animal crossing
What does he say when he gets a star?
Left or right?
Create a character
What's in the canister Sup Forums?
Did any of you ever play Terranigma?
Do you play as races other than humans in MMOs?
Kirby Thread
What’s one game you’ve never beaten and hated yourself for it?
Cuphead thread
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Games Workshop truly did shoot themselves in the foot by blowing up the whole fucking Fantasy Battle universe before...
Did PC gaming save SFV?
What’s Nintendo’s end game with making this game very noticeably competitive?
He's right you know
10 years later, why in the fuck doesn't every game have physics like GTA IV?
The strongest boss in the game is a random encounter
Squad 7, Execute order Valkyria Chronicles Thread
DOOM is the greatest game ever made
Am I the only one that enjoyed the gen 7 games?
Any PS2 classics I'm missing out on that I really need to check out?
Who is this?
ITT: Enemies that unnerve you
Bravely Defauly is a good gam-
Sup Forums
Is it kino?
How would you fix The Elder Scrolls franchise?
Dark Souls 2
4 years after release
Is Tae a good doctor?
Wake up
Under Night Thread
Games that need a remaster
Anime avatar
This is the greatest handheld ever made and it's a shame the US didn't get it
Did your mommy ever pay attention to the ESRB ratings? Mine never did desu...
How can you defend this Sony Playstation 4 owners?
What up fags, still being a fat nobody living in your parent's basement?
Looks ridiculous, doesn't it?
Will it ever happen?
Playstation All Stars sequel at E3 2018
What's the appeal of this franchise?
Why did a game called Mafia 3, in a series about being in the Mafia have a black protagonist that wasn't in the Mafia?
How was Sup Forums the week he died?
Is this a bad game?
The absolute state of Overwatch
What went wrong?
Smash Bros. Soundtrack rankings
Devs put out demo, collect feedback
Sup Forums's Guilty Pleasures
Why does Sup Forums hate jrpgs?
Let's create a list of every plausible character that could be included in Smash
This is the best Marvel game to date and it will never get the respect it deserves because of fake news and memes...
Search "[your name] the hedgehog"
Is anyone even fucking talking about this game? Jesus why does Sony stay secretive about this shit...
Gaming Mice
Sup Forumsingo thread
I guess removing "gg ez" wasn't enough, you guys found a way to abuse the good old "gg" too, haven't you?
Post your top10 games ever
Decide to try out Fatal Fury/Art of Fighting now that they're on Xbox Marketplace
Why are there no good mecha games on pc?
What's your favorite story in a point-and-click?
ITT:characters that are litteraly you
Unironically the best fighting game of this gen
Let's have a comfy earthbound thread. What was your favorite moment?
I will post this everyday until E3 2018
Your face when the entire Smash 5 newcomer roster is Fire Emblem characters and Rex
Discuss the faults of the switch and the faults of its games in this thread
What do you guys think of ability-restricting mechanics?
Just "bought" this from GOG
When do you think they'll start working on adding web browser, apps and a virtual console for the Switch?
It's time again folks
Will there ever be a good survival game?
Name a drier year for video games
This is your roster for Smash 5. You may not like it, but it's what you're getting
Who are some of Sup Forums's favorite esports competitors?
This game is extremely mediocre
Will this be the first good CoD since MW2?
Redhead character
If you showed 2018 Sup Forums to 2006 Sup Forums how would they react
What does this mean? I have a ps4 pro if that helps
This game really made me change my perspective on "walking sim" games...
Why games never show what happens when female villain wins? What do you think should happen to male protagonist?
I am worried for this game
What’s the most mad you’ve got while playing games Sup Forums? Pic related
Decide to stop playing seriously and just play widow because I like her
Is the Wii U the lost decade of Nintendo?
Which side were you on?
Is this game an example of early access done right?
A few threads ago, I saw Anons worried that WarioWare Gold's full voice acting wouldn't leave Japan...
5.0.0 released
What would an Evangelion game even BE like
Say hello to the new 3rd party guests in Smash
Every generation, a new smash game comes out
This is a tank
Rate Purchases/10
I like my 2DS
Now that the dust has settled, where does it rank among the greats?(64/sunshine/galaxy1)
We are now approaching the transformative years of humanity where AI is going to be smarter than humans...
Sell me on Splatoon, Sup Forums...
This is your Tomb Raider. Say something nice about her
Is this game worth buying?
How old it your steam account?
What's the most disappointing game of all time?
Waluigi is a sex symbol
BLOOD is the greatest game ever made
You really do remember me this time? I'm SO FLATTERED
Every night
Why all the hate for the best character? Can Sup Forums no longer deal with tsundere girls?
What does the fact that I want to absolutely destroy the cunts of Velvet and Mercedes at the SAME FUCKING TIME...
This is so gay
So was Pokemon ever really fun to play. I still don't get the meme and should I even bother with the new one
Switch 5.0
I think we all know which Nintendo character deserves to be in the next smash...
What are some notable redesigns in video games?
Who will get in first?
ITT: We discuss the faults of the switch
Post your walk cycle, Sup Forums
Have you ever fallen in love with a video game character?
She's perfect
Screen breaks from just carrying it in your pocket
It isn't THAT bad
How would you fix FF XV?
Bethesda will show Rage at E3
Why do people like RE4 and treat RE5 like it was some sort of betrayal of the franchise that started the downhill...
Fire Emblem Heroes
Kirby Thread
Find a flaw
Buy an $800 gaming PC
Damn, Monster Hunter looks like THAT?
Has Nintendo ever been unclear in the past for a game announcement...
Sea of thieves
The Perfect Dark XBLA remaster is one of the greatest remasters of all time. It takes the original game...
Bought an Xbone on black friday but i’ve only played it like 5 times. already own a Ps4 and Switch...
Endgame right here
How does it feel, Sup Forums?
Seriously hope you don't consider this a good boss fight Sup Forums
Aksys is kill?
Dragon Ball Fighterz
At some point there's probably going to be a big national debate over violent video games corrupting the kids and...
Classic Tomb Raider Thread
Dungeon fighter gets their cataclysm expansion
Realistically speaking, what are her chances?
Reminder that every Mario character to ever get their own game is in Smash
What the FUCK is this weird ass game?
Devil May Cry HD collection 4 hours until release ! Will you be getting it ?
What happened to the character action genre?
Daily Reminder that Josh Sawyer literally screams at people to make the game more gay
Is it worth buying a 4K tv? or should I just get a 1080p one?
If you could add one new character to smash from any game ever made, who would it be any why?
Ok, this is on sale right now. Should anyone buy this or it's a scam?
First game
Finally get a chance to play BotW
*blocks ur path*
Hey chucklenuts, I think you got the wrong map. cp_leathers 2 servers down
Do you think we should have more protagonists that are gay in video games...
For me it's Morrigan
Will you get the best game for the switch and stop wasting your money at the acarde?
When in why did gaming decide this looked bad and needed to be replaced by ugly 3D models?
ITT: You hear it you lose
Fill it up, one character per post
ITT: video games you loved but no one else remembers
Fuck the characters, what music do you want for Smash?
Characters more relevant to Nintendo than Cloud Strife
Game's called Overwatch
Baldurs Gate
So looking back on it, what the hell did Nintendo mean by this?
Is it time to reinstall?
Where'd the Splatoon thread go?
A corpse, yes; you feel something. I must know what you are feeling
Hello. Zuko here
This P2W patch finally killed Dota2. What is happening at Valve?
Okay Sup Forums, I'm in the market for a new single player game and I've narrowed it down to these two...
One of them for Smash please
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
So hows it going Sup Forums?
How come I feel so excited for Warioware Gold?
Why is this allowed?
People wanting Chorus Kids over Karate Joe just because a Gay Leak
Yfw jojo sprite based fighter will come out later this year made by french bread
Far Cry 5 has day one dlc
Holy shit this game is amazing
Why is this young girl so popular among adult men?
Will you be playing it?
I wish south americans couldn't connect to north american servers
Honestly I don't think I've ever been excited about the reveal or release if a video game or console ever...
A friend told me that it was imposible to put transgender character in a videogame without being a huge sjw or making...
ITT:covers that scream "we know you don't care about the game"
*single handedly makes Nintendo lewd in your path*
Could you imagine playing videogames while another adult was watching you?
Nintendo Switch
Someone posts spoilers in a thread
Paper Mario
Deviljho fucking when?
*blocks your path*
So is Xbox for all intents and purposes dead at this point? Nobody talks about them anymore...
Gregor has entered the game
What the FUCK went wrong?
Dark Souls II fags will defend this
Nobodys buying this garbage
When was the last time you were honestly blow away by a game?
More != Better
Rayman is getting in right? He's getting his time to shine?
Implying everyone drank water EVERY DAY for the past 10 years without a single break...
Has any videogane youtube channel ever taken a worse nosedive?
What's the point of intentionally depressing games? As a content creator...
Daily reminder that this game is the greatest stealth game ever made and there is nothing you can do about it
Post your steam avatar
Have you guys ever shown your barber a picture of a video game character when asking for a haircut
If the japanese are so good at making games why is the worst game of all time a japanese game?
Do you have a favorite fighting game?
Hey Sup Forums, whats your top 5 horror games?
What am I in for?
Xenoblade Thread
I love saber !
The average Dark Souls 2 player
Sup Forums btfo
Yfw he gets into Smash
Answer wage slaves
Remember when this game was a fun time? They are taking this game way too seriously over at blizzard now
Let us be real. How can anyone actually hate them?
MMOs aren't social anymore! WoW is pretty much a single player experi-
Water and Ice are two seperate elements/damage types
What kind of character design is this??
Are the memes going too far?
I've been watching Log Horizon for the first time finally...
Sony the absolute mad men
Easy Allies are a group of horrible people
This is Miss Yukari! Say something nice to her!
Don't you dare try anything funny just because she's cute, user!!
Tfw Nintendo STILL hasn't localized Father III
How come there's no female speedrunners?
First game
Do you take issue with people playing videogames in public, Sup Forums?
Which Latin American country should appear in the next GTA VI?
Battlestation Thread
Is anyone looking forward to this seeing how there’s nothing else on the horizon?
In a thread
LMAO, RIP Nintendo, EA, Activision, and all others
The future of gaming = mobile
Warhammer: Vermintide 2 sells 500,000 copies in under a week
Thief thread
Japanese male protagonists are all teenage soy boys
Skyrim is good
What gacha games do you play?
This is a man
ITT:Overrated shit
3 months to E3
It's getting to that point honestly
Fire Emblem
Why the fuck is this allowed?
Celeste thread
How do I Persona?
What's happening to Nintendo's wholesome, family friendly image...
The Final Fantasy 7 Remake won't be able to capture the spirit and innovation of the original and it's episodic release...
First 3 words that come to mind
Big nose
I really want to talk about Kingdom Hearts
Regional variations in cover art
Can women become paladins?
How deep do YOU go, Sup Forums?
Kos or Kosm?
Why did Miyamoto ruin Paper Mario?
Why does every game/movie/whatever after the original FF7 portray him as a mopey faggot?
Final Fantasy XVI
What is your biggest vidya disappointment
Be Dota All Stars player
The Switch just got groovy!
Game expects you to replay it 6 times just to get a good ending
Greatest Motion Picture ever made
Start playing DMC4
Have you ever tried a video game mechanic IRL? How did everything turn out?
Quick Question:
What are some games where you can ambush the enemies HQ and obliterate it?
Sonic was never good
ITT: Bad level design
How do you like my new form, janitor-sama? I'm still only using 30% of my shitposting power
This game has me quite perplexed, Sup Forums. I get that this is supposed to be a diver and a explorer...
People that bought a Wii U at launch. How foolish do you feel now?
Just failed my driving test. Any good racing games which will let me redeem myself?
What's his name again?
DJMax Respect
What makes you rage in vidya games the most and why?
DOOM is the greatest game ever made
When did you realize that video games were an inherently nu-male pursuit? actual men have hobbies that are fulfilling...
Is Nia going to be in smash?
Smash 5 will have the worst list of newcomers for a Smash Game to date
ITT: We laugh at fags who brought a PS4 waiting for FF7R
Capacitor shortage might affect PC hardware production
Desktop thread? Keep it vidya
With Toys 'R' Us dying, have any of you attempted to get any good deals on vidya?
*steals your smash slot*
ITT: red flags of vidya
Final Fantasy X
This motherfucker is harder than every Bloodborne (base game) boss
Now that the dust settled what went wrong?
Starting pic related on PC
Is she right?
I literally can't play this game anymore because of how awful Alloy is. Not only that she looks like a ginger baboon...
Game has anthros
Had my go at the hype train for Brawl and 4
Was he really in the wrong?
How would you rate Yakuza 3? I'm playing Kiwami 2 right now and 3 is the only one in the series I haven't played yet
Commander, you may want to instruct your men to exercise restraint when using explosives
What do you call this class?
What does Sup Forums think of Midbus from Bowser's Inside Story?
Nintendo officially won the console war of the 90s
In the new spiderman game you get to play as mary jane too
Fucking bullshit, I will drop this shit right fucking now
Not sure if a thread like this has been done yet
Now that the dust settled what went wrong?
The absolute state of overwatch babbies
Dragon Ball FighterZ
3D platformers
ITT : Games with unofficial adaptions
Sequel is actually fresh and very different
How fucked is he as a franchise
Objectively speaking, what is the most difficult game you've ever played?
Redpill me on the Switch. I just got a bonus and now have a shitload of money to spend
ITT post perfect vidya women
Is OLED really that bad for gaming?
Worth playing?
SCP Lab Thread?
Hearthstone Expac
Why was Assassin's Creed III so good, bros?
Why do Jap devs love this archetype so much?
Honestly, did the PC kill the PS4? Like...
Really makes you think
Hello I am the best SMT protagonist
Why isn't there a mod that tells you what Shepard will ACTUALLY say in the dialog wheel?
What went wrong?
What made this so so good?
Here, I fixed it for you guys
Father owned a rape planet
Why so little talk of Geno? He use to be the most requested character alongside Ridley and Krool for smash...
Why is Nintendo trying to turn us into lolicons?
Space Station 13 thread?
NONE of the Sonic the Hedgehog games are good
...Is Randy actually right for once?
What do these two games have in common?
Give me your 3x3 All time favourites
Why do modern FPS games do this?
Are you going to watch Tracer's movie Sup Forums?
Daily reminder that if you used summons you didn't cleared any of the souls games
X-Caeli: The Iron Hand Of Love
Fortnite Killer
I know Miyazaki wasn't as involved in the development of this game...
Itt; outdated Sup Forumsideogame related imagery
Do you know any girls who actually like video games?
What makes Overwatch so popular, Sup Forums?
Select your fighter Sup Forums
Have you guys planned your eulogy? What is it?
Lads its finally here
Which one is the best and why?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
>Start up Toxic Free Rainbow Six Siege
Can't wait until July to finally play this! I've been waiting for it to come to a real platform since forever
ITT: Characters who made you feel funny as a kid
So when are we gonna get the best Shantae game?
Reminder that Shani slept with this
Show me your gaming position Sup Forums
She's so fucking beautiful guys!
All things considered, this thing feels pretty sad...
That guy who clearly put loads of effort into his videos and has like 30 subs
Dude you gotta play this it's the best stealth game ever
Thoughts on Gothic 3
Have you ever played a lewd video game and was it good, Sup Forums?
How come no one takes Overwatch seriously as an esport?
Vermintide 2 Thread
Lets say another Zelda villain gets a slot in Smash, which one would be best?
Dota 2 now has a monthly subscription
It's not FUCKING fair
Why weren't people as hyped for Smash 4 as they were for brawl? Will Smash 5 even come close?
So, I'm completely banned from steam. No multiplayer, no community, no trading, no store...
This game truly get good after you finish the main plot
Id has ruined Wolfenstein, Doom and now Quake
Out of a job and have not found been able to find one for a few months
3 Months
Soul Calibur 6 Thread
This is it Sup Forums. This year marks the end of video games as we know it
FFXV ROADMAP of Expansions and DLC
14 years later
Kojima is now retweeting liberal feminist propaganda
Was banning chibi the right thing to do for the speedrunning community?
How do you feel about open world Japanese games? Do they get it right?
Why is this shit so good and conversely why is nobody using it?
Suicide, eh?
Drops tomorrow
Zelda a cute!
Video game detective work
Post 'em
Videogames goes to far
What class should I play for my first run?
Why don't games have sex scenes anymore
It's actually better than Metal Gear Solid 2
Smaller PC games
Games Sup Forums hates that you enjoy?
What is Tetsuya Nomura's best character design?
Granblue Fantasy x Persona 5 collab
Hey faggots, God here. Taking suggestions for the next patch
Yfw when 1HP
Now that the Switch has had the greatest first year of any system, what are your thoughts, lads?
Tell me why I shouldn't play this Game
Why is it considered odd to watch tv and movies with subtitles while it's considered a necessity for modern video games...
O kurwa
Destiny 2
Holy fucking shit she's real
Anyone know some good comfy bunker/base building games? Want something just really cozy
There is, and will always be, zero reason to choose Hoshido over Nohr
Can't wait until PC gaming is banned
What are some NON-ROSTER wishes for Smash 5?
Miku Monday? Project Diva? Project Mirai?
Scumbag Kingdom Come
I don't understand this character and it frustrates me
What are some real life events that would cause Sup Forums to have a lasting meltdown?
Kirby Thread
How would people respond if Sans actually did get into Smash 5 somehow?
Hey Sup Forums. I'm a real gamer. Ask me anything
Xenoblade 2 thread
It was honestly going to happen
The Elder Scrolls III Morrowind
I'm going to be telling parents to not buy Labo and here's why you should too
Saw you in the flames
ITT: Vidya characters with voices that make your dingle tingle
What other hobbies besides gaming does Sup Forums has...
Now that the dust has settled
Is there really no MMO worth playing nowadays?
Post your best smash 2018 memes
ITT : Shit you want games of
Games you don't understand the hate for
Here's your protagonist bro
Normalfags fuck off from vidya and games are good again
Why was Dawn of War 3 such a flop Sup Forums?
Tomb Raider 2013
You have to admit that he's heavily indebted to Kojima
When will we get a new real MH?
Hello Sup Forums it's me, Neil Druckmann. Just thought I'd stop by to get your feedback about my movi...
Just bought this. What am I in for?
Wow. Powerful
So what are you fellas rolling for the Remaster?
ITT: casual filters
Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
Why is the Japanese games industry full of wacky eccentric figures like Kojima and Suda 51 while the Western games...
He flash bombs the monster while it's mounted
Sold 3.5 million copies
What did he mean by this?
30 playable characters (up from 10)
Gamefaqs nostalgia
Legend of Heroes fanbase is cancer
/tfhg/ - Them's Fightin Herds General
What Senran would you Kagura?
Videogame Violence
Monster Hunter lore videos
Its a water level
Does she deserve to be in Resident Evil 8?
Y'all niggas excited for the new PUBG map? Half the size of the regular ones, half the boredom!
Why is the enitre Lucis continent so peaceful and under no occupation if they're at war?
Me, my girlfriend...
Another WiiU game ported to Switch/3DS
I hope you have a great day user-kun!
Comfy Nintendo 3DS thread
HD remaster when? Remember the good times Sup Forums?
How come this shit is selling?
She schlicked thousands
Anyone else basically only play exclusives? I don't do it intentionally...
Just got myself a ps4
Will this be the GOTY 2018?
How bad will the salt be when they both get confirmed?
Newgrounds is bleeding money and companies don't even wanna support Flash anymore
Choose one
Do you hide your video game addiction?
Is this game good? Or communist propaganda?
Story takes place in Japan and characters are Japanese
What does the "N" stand for?
Is this the reason why Undertale caught on?
Just WHY
What killed the hype?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...