Post 'em

Post 'em

Attached: Desktop.png (1920x1078, 2.15M)


are you 15 years old?

im 23 got my first big paycheck on christmas, first laptop ive ever owned.

now this is Sup Forums-core


Attached: 1507305292494.jpg (600x600, 57K)


I don't have a computer I just use my xbox one and switch

Attached: Screenshot_20180312-164436.png (720x1280, 1.06M)

I uh, have a self-control problem

Attached: pleasecleanme.png (1920x1080, 1.08M)

>incest adventure

Attached: 1411496556094.jpg (210x228, 23K)

do you have some kind of eye problems or why is everything huge as fuck?

I use my godly rig on a 4k television. Yes, I am one of those people

Some real useful widgets you got there. Hopefully technology will soon allow of direct brain interfacing so you can get the important news stories even quicker.

Sure, why not

Attached: yiü.jpg (1920x1080, 833K)

>4k tv

Attached: 1417730341543.webm (960x540, 511K)

I said my rig was godly, not SUPER godly

So you got memed on. I see.

The file for your desktop image is on your desktop. And that's just one of the issues.
> ParentalLove
> Incest Adventure

Attached: Oblivion_20180309_194841693.jpg (1920x1080, 615K)

let me guess. her name is cortana.

>those games

Attached: 1519438713122.png (305x305, 222K)

No, I didn't even buy the 4k for PC or any kind of gaming.

Stop responding. You're only making it worse.

jesus, those pants really don't work with that top


Attached: Christmas_barfing.gif (320x240, 2.58M)


Attached: 1516515532460.jpg (3840x1080, 1.2M)

Attached: tausta.jpg (3840x2159, 1.03M)

I can't really play much else with the people from my job. I mostly play rhythm games on consoles though.

Attached: Taiko No Tatsujin – Drum Session_20180309223611.jpg (3840x2160, 1.77M)

i can smell the fedora hanging on the door in your room from here

jesus christ

>horizontal toolbar

Attached: a1c7d9bc17.jpg (3840x1080, 943K)

Sup Forums please come and save this embarassing thread

Attached: 1496623952088.jpg (766x960, 69K)

>icons on the desktop

Attached: 1270319428415.jpg (232x200, 20K)

>implying Sup Forums uses any OS that has video games

m8 Sup Forums hates videos games even more than Sup Forums

>all these W10 fags

Attached: Mike.gif (414x382, 2.82M)

Attached: ss+(2018-03-12+at+05.06.53).jpg (3840x1200, 379K)

Wallpaper engine.

Attached: ss+(2018-03-12+at+12.07.41).jpg (1345x748, 204K)


Attached: 1502598892824.jpg (540x675, 89K)

is that skyrim pretending to be dark souls?

Attached: keep_em_clean.png (3840x1080, 201K)

That is clearly the Fire keeper,

Attached: ss+(2018-03-12+at+12.09.43).jpg (1920x1080, 390K)

Alright I guess.

Attached: jjj.jpg (1919x1079, 176K)

the chad spic default

Attached: wew.jpg (1920x1080, 330K)

Are you actually unironically using Windows 8?

Attached: 1514765602673.png (650x650, 13K)

I got windows 8 a few days before the upgrade was free but for some reason I never upgraded it

brain problems i guess

I upgraded an old laptop from 7 to 10 using the upgrade tool 2 weeks ago and it worked perfectly, if you want to try that.

Attached: notgay.jpg (1920x1080, 466K)

>Invisible Inc.
You're my nigger!

>two clocks

>wedding music
who is the lucky lady user?

i hope it's not a waifu


Attached: ok.png (1216x684, 168K)


Attached: Real human being4.gif (245x200, 497K)

Attached: Fagstop.png (1440x900, 960K)

>all those games
>probably plays 2-3 regularly

Why do people do this?

funny my gf used to draw her. showed it to me..
>'user look i draw dis' :D

found out it's someone else's art she found on internet then claims it her..

dear god i miss her so much.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1360x768, 341K)

Attached: hardpass.jpg (500x281, 76K)

Attached: Dekstop.png (1920x1080, 2.58M)

The absolute fucking state of nu-Sup Forums.

I just want you kids to go away.

Jesus fucking Christ I haven't seen this in forever

I did that once, I was feeling so much guilt it took me an hour to come clean to my friend I showed it to.

user fucking fix your shit goddamnit what a mess.

Attached: 1519355354756.jpg (1440x1080, 814K)

dumb tablet poster

What'ya think?

Attached: screen.png (1920x1078, 2.11M)

desktop threads always remind me i should actually finish some of these games i've had installed for ages. also i should put those emulator icons somewhere so they're out of the way and not so ugly, but i don't know where.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1680x1050, 327K)

Attached: r8.png (1920x1080, 503K)

Windows 8.1 is the best windows to date.Faster and more up to date than 7 but not full bot net like 10 , the best of both worlds.


Attached: braap.gif (286x206, 382K)

And what player am i supposed to use that's not VLC? MPC-HC? get the fuck out of here, my school used MPC-HC, it's normie software.


>Posted from windows 10 s edition

that picture looks so depressing though

Attached: Desktop.jpg (1920x1200, 447K)

Attached: 52805802085.png (1273x770, 1.43M)

background changes every thirty minutes

Attached: desktop.jpg (1920x1080, 581K)


7 and 8 are still half botnets which you can't disable. 10 merely increased the amount of shit they collect about you

My wife, obviously

>3dpd desktop

are you a laborer?

Attached: 1362870972921 (2).jpg (1920x1080, 97K)

I've never wore a hat of any kind, nor do I find them appealing.

didnt mean to quote

>shortcuts to games on your desktop
I never got this meme.


Attached: desc.jpg (1920x1080, 543K)

>This copy of windows is not genuine

Attached: 1369082936506.jpg (1366x768, 278K)

I really need to remove all the spyware I have and don't even use for games. Having couple of free games on Origin and uPlay does not validate having that shit installed.

Attached: 2ds.jpg (1920x1080, 645K)


i am not computer savvy

So uh can you tell us what the video files are user?

Attached: 1520670379148.jpg (750x744, 172K)

>Implying I'm still not using 7



Attached: desktop.jpg (3200x1080, 1.1M)

literally me

All these people that don't have windows activated.

Attached: Desktop.png (1920x1080, 2.16M)

show ramen folder

i have it cycle through a couple dozen wallpapers. but i guess i do tend to like more melancholy pictures.

Attached: pls no bully.png (1280x1024, 2.88M)

>saving photos and videos to the desktop

Attached: 1378544006714.jpg (272x285, 22K)

show white trash folder

is it porn

>wh*te "woman"
