Smaller PC games

What are a few smaller PC games that can fit on a flash drive and can be run on a shitty older computer? I've been getting super bored at work lately and need some games to kill time when I can. Some that come to mind are:
>Into The Breach

Attached: ITB.jpg (902x507, 58K)

Nobody at all?

well shit, i have a whole bunch of them but i cnat really remember off the top of my head
teleglitch is one

Crosscode is pretty good imo

heat signature
binding of isaac
rogue legacy
nuclear throne and the other one i forget

I'll check them out. Thanks fellas.

Specs of the PC?

And generally speaking, if it's a work computer, you might get fired if they check

that's why he said on a flashdrive, he won't install them on that pc.

>you might get fired if they check
way to work at a dump user
im sorry

I don't think you know what check history use is.

Granted, the only two times I did it was to prove some cunt at work was torrenting, but still

Warning Forever.

also just emulate ds games on your phone

I wont get fired if I download them onto it, it's just that Steam is blocked by our firewall so I'd have to go through a different router I have and it's just a hassle unless the games are small games that are relatively small (aka flash drive sized)

Basically the second router I have uses a Verizon 3g signal and even small games take a shit load of time to install

You might need to copy the files over from hdd to the stick to the work hdd

But again, what are the specs of the computer?
Also get Darkest Dungeon and embrace the love of the Plague Doctor

i keep wanting to buy this game but then i hear the completely inapropriate music and it fucking pulls me straight out of the mechwarriors kicking bug ass fantasy


Attached: Elona_Pregnant.png (802x627, 335K)

Binding of isaac

Also, you may want to consider getting a handheld. If you can find a 3DS or a vita on sub 3.6 firmware, you can pirate their entire library or damn near it, including PS1 games and before on emulation.

I actually have DD and played a bit of it at home and it is pretty nice. And don't worry about the specs of the computer, I'm not. I just know I can play either older games like CS: Source or smaller/ indie games like Stardew Valley.
The game is honestly fun, but I'm so used to the mechanics of the first mech team that I rarely use the other teams which is a bummer I guess, but overall the game is fun to kill a half hour / hour at a time.
I've got a 3DS I could honestly probably just bring in if I wanted, it just gets annoying having to bring it along with me and play it at my desk.
This has been on my list for a while now and I keep fucking forgetting about it. Same with SMB

Is Pit People any good? I've played through all of Castle Crashers and Battle Block Theater and I love The Behemoth's style of games but I've been hesitant with Pit People since I haven't heard much about it.

>I've got a 3DS I could honestly probably just bring in if I wanted, it just gets annoying having to bring it along with me and play it at my desk.
This intrigues me: How is it annoying?

If they let yo play a 3DS, then just bring in a PS3/4 or Xbox controller, install a bunch of emus and roms on your USB, boom.

Also get Disgaea 2

Here's mine(32 GB).

Also, I was thinking of getting crosscode

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Carrying around the 3DS I have, since it's a New 3DS XL it can be inconvenient I guess, plus the games and if I need to charge it plugging it in and everything.
Just more work than it needs to be at times.
I actually kinda forgot about roms and shit, I've just gotten so used to shit on Steam. I actually have a small 8Bitdo bluetooth controller I'll have to see if I can get it hooked up to my work pc.

>a ds
>when you can emulate it on a phone

You should be able to run Civ V pretty well, depending on how much of a toaster you have at work. I definitely ran it on a piece of shit HP laptop from 2010 back in the day. Only problem would be install size

I haven't even tried to play Civ V yet but I might have to. I could just install it at home

So, funny story I wasn't very excited for pit people after playing the intro and then I opened the menu and it showed me the %completion I had in a bar, and it was really low, then I found out there are apparantely almost 30 classes/characters and like 1k accessories and stuff and went "yeah this is gonna be a blast" and kept going.

It's pretty great.

I'll probably end up playing it.
I've been a fan of the artist's style ever since his newground days even before Alien Hominid.
Dad n' Me was my shit back in the day.

Attached: 1151964307_f.jpg (500x397, 18K)

But those are the dudes from toss the turtle?

Succubus Prison
Monster Girl Quest

This is what I have on my laptop (which admittedly isn't a toaster but it doesn't have a dedicated GPU)
>Darkest Dungeon
>Hotline Miami
>Mega Man Legacy Collection
>Civ V
>Torchlight 2
>Xcom: Enemy Unknown/Within

You could also do classic Starcraft, Diablo (2), Command and Conquer, Worms, pretty much anything pre-2008 honestly.

The artist has put them in different games he's worked on. I'm pretty sure you can see them in Castle Crashers too.

Everything outside of XCOM and possibly Civ V will run on a toaster. Assuming "less than 5 years old and not a core2duo with intel gma"

Anyway, OP, if you get the emuatlor work with your contoller, good.
IF not, a lot of games sitll play just fine on the keyboard once you set up the keys.
I'd avoid fighitng games and some other ones but most of them work just fine.

Also try to 100% Disgaea 2, it's fun!

Pretty much any roguelike will do. Stone Soup comes to mind.

Also Dwarf Fortress.

DF honestly isn't a great option unless you want to gimp yourself like sub 40 dwarves or 1x1 embarks.