Create a character

>create a character
>create a a black man
>when you are white

why user?

whats your endgame?

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Who fucking cares
Kill yourself

To make autists like you rage when I kill you again and again

To stare at a sexy black man all game.

I get to rp as a ghetto-tier nignog

Are there really people here who NEVER make black characters? Even in something like Elder Scrolls where race actually matters?

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One of the very few Jews I've ever known (work colleague) showed me a character sheet for a new steampunk tabletop game he was learning. His character was a black dude which I thought was strange.

I did that in oblivion once mimicking the "watermelon nigger" face.

Way to easy since oblivion is potato tier.

What if it is a black female?

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Low INT playthroughs

cus i lov the bbc

Why would it matter

White people are boring

If I play a white man in a game I must remain civilized and lawful good. If I play a black guy though, I can rape, pillage, and murder to my hearts content while yelling racial slurs and not feel bad.

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Depends what game

GTAO - it really wouldn't make sense to play as a white guy since its a crime mmo

Xenoverse 2: making a transforming giant black namek stereotype is the obvious endgame

>crime mmo
>not playing an Italian

But historically speaking, it makes more sense to be white.

>create a character
>create a tan/black waifu
the ultimate endgame

I once played as an Asian character because I thought it fitted the setting of the game more than a white person.

Other than that, I created only 1 black character on an MMO a long time ago when I was like 12.

>rape, pillage and murder is exclusive to africans

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What game

>self insert into video games
You play video games not for escapism ? That's what fucking wrong with gen-z.

New vegas
It was a dumb nigger who only knew how to take drugs and cut everyones’s head with machete. It was quite fun

Written history*

Is the idea of simply creating a character that you control, rather than an avatar that needs to represent you in some way, so foreign to people?

I hope none of you ever play tabletop

Ah, but i'm talking about the modern day Afro American

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>Be a male
>Female character has better clothing/hair options

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>whitoids for decades says having whitoid male protagonists is okay because people will just relate to the character and not see race
>when it is their turn they chimp out, get triggered and cry huwite genocide

daily reminder whitoid males are always lying snakes and fragile autists

Creating an all black Xcom team was fucking awesome.

lefty/pol/ is leaking again I see

Apparently, not only do all characters have to directly relate to the person playing them, there cant be even any slight deviation from the majority of people who play the game.

you dont wanna know
the old republic

I made an orc in WoW and that's as close as I care to get.

>the old republic
Get the fuck out. I don't believe it.

It’s funnier

No black girl's hair is that straight.

>leftypol boogeyman

anyone can see your bullshit now

I dont know what to do to prove it to you

>able to get to speed of light or someshit
>guns that needs to be reloaded after 500 or so shots
>does not possess the technology to straiten hair

>not making delicious brown with white hair

>muh left boogieman

Giga Nigga does not make sense when my toon is white,

>Wrestling game.
>Make a Three-man Stable.
>One white guy and two black guys.
>Call it Savage Oreo.
Fuck you gonna do?

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I made Shepherd a black woman in the Mass Effect games. I am a white male.

Need that cheevo.

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I like to see niggerheroes

>Playing Saints Row with my friend
>I make a skinny black guy that was supposed to look like a stoned Snoop Dogg, friend make a Latina with huge knockers
What about that op?

Poor bastard, there are lots of black women where I live that have straight hair

Saints Row 2 as a spicy Latina was the true experience.

Who fucking cares? If you can only empathize with somebody who looks like you then you're probably autistic.

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>having faggot ass empathy
as a grade A autist im offended by that

Because running around the Wasteland as B.A. Baracus/Black Dynamite/Cole Train is fun.

because for my third playthrough of New Vegas I wanted to play as a smooth-talking jazz musician turned vigilante.

I'm sorry, retard, it doesn't exist.


i had a black paladin tank dude on vanilla wow back in the old days. my london mate who played with me at the time got a bit pissed at me for it. i honestly don't know why he was pissed. he was all like mate but you're white. i was like so what? and he was like but. and i said but what? and then he shut the fuck up after that. i'm not sure if he was black irl but if he was he was a super hypocrite because he played a white dude priest. guy was a bit stupid anyways he didn't even know about talent points until level 40 like what the actual? anyway yeah i loved that character. didn't encounter any racism from anyone except from some random mage shitter in a TBC dungeon who out of nowhere said "nig" in party chat. even though i was white IRL it stung. guess this is how it feels when that happens. so i don't do that to people, it's not right it's really actually quite disgusting. thanks for reading karen x

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I do this with every game. It has actually become an inside joke with me and my friends.

Who wouldn't want to roleplay as Jamal the schizophrenic homeless veteran?

it is unless it's a school shooting since these are exclusively white.

Playing as an obese black man is funny too me

>civilized and good

you sociopaths committed widespread genocide, colonization and oppression all the while saying you were the good christians. if pure evil had a face it would be white people

>create a character with a stereotype name
>make them white
>everyone assumes you're racist but they're the ones being racist

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>that middle class boy in his 20's that plays exclusivly females

why user? whats your end game?

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hell yeah, white people are badass

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Niggers practice cannibalism and sold their own into slavery for firewater and a quick buck, what's your point?

Aesthetically I think people with African and Middle Eastern features look cooler. White characters tend to look dopey or inauthentic to me. I also like to roleplay with my characters as much as possible, so having them look like myself isn't really a priority or even a preference.

In fact my go-to generic guy for create-a-character is a black man with dreadlocks named Ashur. He's my default persona in almost every game I play.

Some colour schemes I like look better against brown skin than against pink skin

I create darker skinned female characters because I wish I was a darker skinned female. Is it gender dysphoria? Is it self-hate? Who knows.

pribably grass is greener syndrome or instead of bettering yourself by getting fit and an education to find the woman of your dreams, you would rather become the woman of your dreams.

but user, I am getting fit and bettering myself. I've always assumed that my self-hate comes from my weight and ugliness, so I started getting /fit/ and while I was proud of myself for losing a lot of the weight, I was never happy.

To be the absolute. Niggest!!!

>be an faggy elf
>play as an orc
What are you hiding?

Going around as a loincloth-wearing spearchucker that occasionally mixes in dung pies named "Orphan of kangz" in Dark Souls 3

Because we all know how you can’t relate to another human being unless you’re the same race. You’re as bad as SJWs. In fact, without context, I could see an SJW saying this exact same thing.

The only game I’ve done this in was The Escapists 2, seemed fitting


I always make black characters when given the option so I won't fell bad when I die.

I play as a black ELF. Does that count? What can I say nigga, they're all-rounders.

Most games I play involve a lot of shootin' n' lootin'

spider fucking cave scum

>not making a black character and naming him Big Smoke

Busta, straight busta.