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Then put on a coat
>no green screen that slowly shrinks into his palm while he powers up the eraser cannon
>that repeated awful laugh
We haven't seen the 2 bar extension so maybe in that.
Music is pretty nice tho
>He's a grappler
Are his grabs locked behind auto combos?
This is fucking cool.
bravo bamco
>his power is still maximum
Very nice. I got tired of only really caring about 21 in this game. Still don't think anyone will be a concrete 2rd for me but I like Hit's style so I'll probably play him more often.
I hate arcsys
they used movie 2 retard broly and made him a grappler
Are we excited for Broly to make 16 completely irrelevant now boys?
fuck his jp voice is so bad
and like, what was that supposed to be... Goku?
There only ever 1 or two moves that are unique to auto combos and thats only on square. The one they showed in the trailer probably is
He talks though. You did watch his level 3 right?
I got scared for a second that he had a super saiyan 3 attack, on the thumbnail i saw him with long hair and no eyebrows.
yeah twice
No Switch no buy.
he looks kinda basic
he better have some of his flashy moves when gameplay of him comes out
It was like a 4 seconds trailer.
Will C-16 finally be topped!?
He's gonna be the big smashy smash character and nothing else. The Juggernaut to 16's Zangief.
>no clothesline
Who /THICC/ here other saiyanlets need not apply.
The menace isn't over, It'll now be twice as cancerous!
When's Bardock?
but he has more than that
>all that evil laughter
I love it
>Gohan: heh, with my superior speed I'm sure to win
is there Faulconer music for Broly?
next week unfortunately
So his entire motivation in life is to beat up Goku simply because he, uh, cried a lot and made him unable to sleep as a baby?
Outta my way "Chadhan" (lol) Let a real CHAD show you what's what.
Pretty much. But before that he was used as glorified weapon by his dad.
His hair looks so nice
More lime monkeys please
Fuck off retard.
like a father playing with his son
>opponent will have Broly on point and 16 as anchor
So long online I knew ye well. Supreme Kai isn't a bad rank right?
[loses arms and dies like a bitch eternally]
He seems like he will either be really good and fucking annoying or complete trash
I kinda wish kefla was one saiyan from the start. She was perfect.
A Saiyan father
in the first movie he didn't even really know who kakarot was and just started fighting him because goku and the z fighters were strong basic saiyan mentality
second movie yeah pretty much
god that animation is so fucking good! (i know it's a movie) where did super go so wrong
>because he, uh, cried a lot and made him unable to sleep as a baby?
This shit again.
Goku is just a trigger, Broly is a fucking mad man who was brainfucked by his dad.
>tfw no broly dad
Yamamuro designs. Thankfully he is out
Someone post the movie poster
His Jap voice is so much better.
LLL combo has a grab where he kicks Goku straight up.
But he also has command grabs, Eraser Blow on the ground, and Gigantic Hammer in the air.
He was too bad ass and Toriyama got scared
Is he autistic?
>brainfucked by his dad.
It's a pretty tragic backstory, he's literally a Saiyan Genie in the dbz universe making it surprising he could talk at all. It's funny how the Japanese madmen went and turned him into a meme.
more like Toriyama hates Gohan
No, just socially awkward because he spent his whole life venting his absurd power while also being sheltered/mindfucked by his dad.
There was this fucking picture when I was a kid, it was like the first hentai I ever saw, it was Broly fingering two chicks while another sucked it cock. It was so fucking shocking to me as a kid, but I loved it so much.
I've never really looked for it, but I'm going to now.
This trailer is fucking good though, I'm gonna get this game whenever it goes on sale.
So tell me why you felt the need to tell us that tidbit about your past?
I'm more convinced Toriyama sees him as his son. He makes him successful in real world things but not where it counts in universe. Kind of like a dad who doesn't want to see his son getting into violence.
You better post it once you find it fag
>Broly fingering two chicks while another sucked it cock
I know what you're talking about. Pandora's Box is the artist
>in the first movie he didn't even really know who kakarot was
Did we watch the same movie?
It was cruel.
early warning to let you'll be hearing it a million times, just like english Cells "her-lo" and Trunks scream
Broly has a great memory he didn't even need to LOOK at Kakarot to know that "yeah this is the fucker who would not shut up"
Found it within two seconds of googling 'broly hentai fingering'
I knew it looked familiar.
There it is
his dad and everyone else couldnt kill him so they controlled him
in the japanese version it said goku and the other saiyans awakened his saiyan instincts
the dub doesn't mention alot of things but it's still great and i like it better
Broly was either born with brain problems or got them from the trauma of having himself and his father nearly killed then left for dead. If his father didn't use the mind control on him Broly would have killed his father during a rage long ago. As stated Goku was just a trigger, awakening any emotion that's been buried under the mind control. Once the mind control was broken it was like the weird quiet kid went off his meds and had a fucking meltdown
>no more Yamamuro
I'm conflicted. The new artstyle looks like it's going for more fluidity over form, meaning we won't be seeing Takahashi's style anymore. Though I am glad Yamamuro won't be handling the character designs.
Good. I’d rather it look good in motion than have plastic messes cover the screen.
Any pictures of the new art style?
Do you have the pic that show the new goku next to yamamuros?
>includes a noncannon character but not vegito from DBZ
Reminder that Broly is based on ancient russian fairytale about Ilya Muromets
>Naohiro Shintani
>Kazuo Ogura
>Tatsuya Nagamine
Just watch some of the latest One Piece movies to see how fucking great the animation scenes are going to be.
Fuck off retard.
i like how you can tell from a trailer that showed 3 moves
True, but it's a damn crying shame we won't see stuff like pic related anymore.
I nabbed that pic from twitter. So I don't have anything you guys haven't already seen.
lol people still play this shit?
Kefla and Caulifla soon, Kale does not exist
it's currently the most popular fighting game