Answer wage slaves

When you work 25 hour weeks, when do you even find time to play your game? I get home and just want to sleep

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>25 hour weeks
What? You mean 40?

>25 hour weeks

>25 hours

r u having a giggle mate?

sounds like hellfire

>25 hour weeks
Good luck with the rest of your life, holy shit.

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Get /fit/ you pathetic piece of shit.
>25 hours
You're either very rich or just an actual NEET, regardless, get fit.

Nigger what? I do part time and range between 15 to 25 and I have all the time in the world to play vidya. Stop posting for starters and play something.

do you sleep 20 hours a day

>25 hr weeks
lol I worked 28 hrs straight last monday-tuesday alone

>Tfw 10 word essay due next year


I will prob off myself the day i have to work a normal turn.

I work 60-70 hours every week. I have almost no time for games. Somebody hold me.

>25 hour weeks

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You mean 60, right?

I slept 28 hours
your move wagee

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>25 hour
bad bait

>full-time school
>full-time job
I play games instead of sleeping, or have shit out in the background while I do homework usually.

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Why even do that to yourself? Do you actually enjoy your job?

worked 20 hours straight on thursday, I want to die

>When you work 25 hour weeks,
Where the hell do you live user? Netherlands?

>Why even do that to yourself?
It's this weird concept called paying bills and needing to have food to survive.

I can't even become a wageslave because no one will give me a job no matter how much I try, I was even rejected for a [art time cashier job at a gas station and the government thinks I'm too normal to get neet bucks.

fuck you part time fags, i work goddamned 40 hours a fucking week and i still squeeze in time for vidya

40 hours seems bad until you actually do it.
The more you work, the more you appreciate being at home (and consequently the less time you waste on Sup Forums)

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>When you work 25 hour weeks

I have so much free time whenever I get a sub-30 hour work week I don't know what to do with myself.

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it's a standard part-time job in Germany
I'm a social worker, currently in a wartime asylum seeker hostel

>wake up at 8:00
>be at work at 9:00
>leave at 17:00
>be home at 18:00
>play vidya until midnight
>go to sleep

I unironically love my life.

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You don't need to work 60-70 hours a week to survive like nigga youre wasting your youth away doing boring shit lmao

Try 40+ friendo, I get that just getting your drivers license makes it so that you can finally get your first part time job at some retail shit job but you have to be 18+ to post here lad.

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>25 hour weeks

>25 hour weeks

here's your >(you), faggot

Because they pay me. And no, I hate my job. I want to stay in it for maybe one more year, save up some money, and then move to a job with better hours. Probably something closer to 45 hours/week.

Lazy bitch

I work 0 hour weeks and play whatever I want, whenever I want and for as long as I want. :3

This is good bait, I'm remembering it for future use.

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>100 word essay due next week
Please help. I just want to play video games.

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Once you become an adult have fun keeping the same mindset.

is it possible to live off of just 25 hours of work with no other source of income
i really only need food and an internet connection


Careful, user. I got banned for posting cropped masha and cat goddess a long time ago. Mods here are no fun.

that vid was fucking hot tho. her moans and when her eyes roll back when he sticks it in her pooper made me cum buckets

9-5 user here

>get home at 5:15
>shitpost on Sup Forums while eating dinner for an hour or so
>play vidya for 3-5 hours
>go to bed
>repeat M-Th
>friday I play for longer
>play vidya all day Sa and Su, with time to spare for shitposting and errands

>5 hrs a day
Shit that sounds ideal for vidya

You must have a shitty paying job if you have to work that much to cover bills.

>mfw I was working and getting my MBA last year

Forget video games try not trying to kill yourself.

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look into security, the turnover rates so night they'll hire any and everyone. If you really have to go for amazon but I wouldn't recommend it


dont you mean 48?


>Not working 26 hours a day
Fucking casuals itt

>25 hour weeks

sleep until 720
work by 8
work until 5
videogames + eating + whatever 530-2am
repeat until death

>25 hours
Im not 14 working for my neighbor, sorry

7-6 user here

Just play vidya till 12am, Im sure im putting my life on the fast track to alzheimers though

25 hours a week? Is this like those 200 word essays do tomorrow?

>wow it's almost like video games is a hobby incompatible with a healthy adult lifestyle

I worked 12 hours everyday for 2 weeks straight,lost my gf and then slept through my entire weekend

nowhere in the world?
not even if i exclusively eat rice?

I work a minimum of forty hour weeks. Still manage to find time to put 40ish hours of gaming in, gym time, girlfriend ofeight years, and writing. What the fuck are you doing?

>25 hours weeks
I used to work 45 hour weeks with 3 hours a day just for commutes, I can't believe you americans.

Weekends, VERY occasionally weeknights.
Faggot. I work 40, and next week it's going to be overnight.

>I'm too tired to sit in front of screen.
>t.low t

Most of enjoying modern life is incompatible with adult jobs

the sound webm is still up on webmland I believe

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why is everyone biting the bait
if the next post starts with >25 hours again I'm gonna flip

I want noramlfags to fucking die

Uhh there's 168 hours a week stupid goyim