>game with next to no marketing sells millions just because it lacks black people
That seems kinda racist Sup Forums
Game with next to no marketing sells millions just because it lacks black people
It's not racist, it's historically accurate
Nice bait faggot, hope you die by antifa cunt
It sold millions because it refuses to listen to sjw demands.
If doesn't deserve millions though. buggy piece of shit.
Daily reminder that sales went down 81% the second week after everyone realised gameplay and open world had nothing to do with skyrim's
It sold millions because it was a somewhat interesting story with a largely unique combat system, pretty graphics, and original setting. It also had the benefit of launching against literally fucking nothing.
It didn't sell well because SJWs btfo or lack of black people. It was a decent game that looked fun. Sales were not affected by dumbass Sup Forums shit almost no one outside of Sup Forums/reddit was really aware of.
>Shiteating fags still triggered by based vavra
i bought it because there's not enough medieval simulators. however, if every other dude was a black guy it would kind of take me out of the immersion, same way that gta sa wouldn't have worked with a white guy.
honestly, game should have focused more on the daily life and bullshit of just being a peasant, with more minigames, dates with all types of girls, forming buddy relationships with other peasant dudes and getting shitfaced together at the tavern, forging, farming, that kinda stuff. as it stands, you go from a novody to a dude wearing full plate armor slaying people within the course of just a few hours. the combat could use a little revision as well, its absurdly punishing when you're just starting out, but train with robard for a couple days and suddenly you can take 5-man groups of cumans who have been fighting their whole lives.
And thats a good thing
I'm pretty sure forcing to have black people included is even more racist.
So why are people so forgiving of all the bugs?
This. It's simply a very cozy niche game.
The average consumer doesn't give a shit about some tranny bitching on twitter about lack of blacks, or a dev supporting goobergate.
You got me on all points except bisexual and above-average intelligence.
Have you played a bethesda game? People have been conditioned to expect that shit. Especially more casual gamers. Besides, most of the bugs are actually pretty hilarious.
Because its fun
>Realize the SJW's harassing your social media have next to know historical knowledge in any regard
>If there was a slight, off chance (.01%) that a black or arabic man was in Bohemia, then you 100% must represent them
>Tell them to fuck off
>No seriously, fuck off
>SJW pestering equates to nothing because they weren't going to buy your game anyways
>Sells for multiple reasons, one of which is being uncompromising to the devs' one ambition and design
Now for the US, UK, and EU to get on board
No, it sold millions because it is a good game.
Buying just to piss off the SJWs isn't a viable way to make money, just see Hatred.
She can't even walk properly these days. US dodged a bullet in that election.
>it is a good game
Anyone else find it boring? I've gotten to the part where you are looking for the mercenary recruitment camp in sasau but I've lost all interest in it. The story just drags on and I really don't care what happens. The plot just didn't catch my attention at all in this game
Games great. Has nothing to do with different races being in it and the "journalists" just asked about black people knowing full well they weren't there in history as bait so they could shame the polish developer. Every bad thing said about these guys has been led by the duplicitous press who feel the need to attack outsiders in the industry while they get fed money from big name publishers to push the garbage they shit out every year. This whole debacle perfectly encompasses what gamer gate is about and it's funny and ironic because that's why they attacked the developer to begin with. Games journalism is in a state of complete and utter denial. They are so disconnected from the people who are enthusiasts and are so buried in the circle they've created and have been paid well enough to now push dogshit agendas because the powers that be have found a great inlet to subvert young people-- video games. There's a lot of money involved with this. That's why there's places that exist that are pushed as THE place to discuss games like neogaf was. Where you think it's a giant circle jerk or a bias bubble but what it really is, is people literally paid to sit there and subvert people on a forum while all descent is banned and shouted down ad nauseam. It's sad that these guys just wanted to make a good game, which they succeeded in doing, in spades, and they've been attacked non stop from the whole ""industry"".
Great game. Buy it
You wish faggot.
Was there ever any doubt?
That's because the left media gave it all the marketing it needed and pushed to to where it is now by making outrageous articles.
Just like how they pushed Trump to presidency by lieing to their viewers
Everytime I see her now I get reminded of the stanky leg dance she pulled
The game gets worse as you play it. You're already well past the apex of the game's quality content and progression curve. And the conclusion of the story straight up sucks ass.
>next to know
You sure showed him.
Now you can go back to saying how the game gets worse as you play it.
Very few of these bugs are game-breaking and a lot of them are quite amusing.
The only annoying bugs for me are still the bug when Henry has troubles with door frames (this fucking tavern in Uzhitz) and broken quests. Fortunately, with quests there's almost always workarounds.
no you
Most modern games have bugs where it breaks the game, or just completely crashes.
KC:D is incredibly stable for a modern game, but has more bugs in terms of people walking backwards, people suddenly floating and shit like that. However that stuff is relatively rare and quite amusing.
>hey lets talk about vidya
>put in my pol shit and pretend its vidya thread
fuck this gay board
Correct, except straight and a fucking idiot.
>KC:D is incredibly stable for a modern game
I agree with you about most of that except the subverting young people conspiracy. If these games could be produced on a part time salary (same with movies, tv shows) by one person there wouldn't be the kind of corporate oversight where every box needs to be ticked to protect the investment.
What do you mean by forcing?
Because its a good game from a small studio. Bugs aren't even a problem, I haven't had a crash since the patch
The only game I go to /vg/ for.
Please talk about games Sup Forums
He's right though.
I've played it in 5-6 hours session on weekend, alt-tabing from time to time, and it never crashed on me even once.
No, fuck you. This game got dragged through the mud by legit games journos because it didn't push their retarded agenda and was from an outlier of a developer who paid them no gibs. If they hadn't made a big deal about this we'd just be disgusting the game. They drew first blood, not the other way around. Now you're trying to get us to not bring it up after it's been exposed. Kindly go fuck yourself
No, it absolutely is, from the top down. These losers know if they don't tow the line they don't have jobs so they push degenerate sjw garbage anytime the bell gets rung. It's transparent. You literally cannot not see what is happening in the industry.
>Finish the game
>no crashes
>Load up modern AAA game
>Crashes every 1-2 hours
Wow, it didn't crash in 5 hours for you
That contradicts the widespread reports of CTDs from other players
Clearly that makes this game more or less as stable as Mario Odyssey or Persona 5
I agree it's getting into the games but i disagree it's a nefarious plot and not a bunch of bean counters towing a nebulous social force that one cannot fight back against without sounding racist/bigoted/etc
>Wow, it didn't crash in 5 hours for you
In 104 hrs total, actually. Not a single crash. I just gave an example of prolonged game session.
Why the fuck would I be bisexual if I had above avereage intelligence
Because the bugs were over reactions from sjws and the reality is its still playable and doesnt crash.
Only some loading screens have jammed a bit too long for me. And some missions hit dead ends but have multiple paths so you can reload.
I just done the find the scrimps mission. Just before you go join the monastary. But theres meant to be a guy at the hospital hut but he wasnt there it was a dead end. Luckily i did a fight club buy the tanners and got recruited there.
I also feel like this game is like that detective game LA Noire for some reason like your a medieval knight whos acting like a detective with multi choices.
As for no blacks i was fully immersed playing this and how fucking mean it is. And i did spare a thought for black people as they would have been in mud huts at that point in history. They must truly play this game and think fuck me white people did some cool shit.
>dungeons & no dragons
Is that an official tagline for the game? I've never heard of that before.
Do you watch porn with dicks in it. Like a guy fucking a girl if youve ever gotten off your bi.
You'd be wrong. The bean counters see less beans every time they push the garbage and still insist on doing it. That's how you know there's an alterior motive. If it brought in buku bucks you'd have an argument, it doesn't and never has, as it stands now, you are objectively wrong and I wish more people would become aware of it.
As a matter of fact I exclusively watch lesbian or solo porn
Cool, I played it for 40 hours and it CTD'd once and softlocked a few times
I do want to add that I don't want it to seem like I'm attacking you, but there is definitely an agenda within the games industry and I'm willing to argue about it. You seem like a good guy
did you pirated it, by chance?
I've had the game lock up.
Made me mad and cursed its mere existence in the process. Still one of the most engrossing well thought out and true to gaming experiences I've had in a long time. Reminds me of all the late 90s games and where I thought we'd be by now, only to be dissapointed time and time again. Love this game
by your definition straight people probably don't exist at all.
Epic! xD
What a stupid pic, probably most people on internet fit most of these, very broad, categories.
The game is the opposite of well thought out. Have you even looked at the perks? There are options that are straight up downgrades, like marathon man.
thats retarded logic, you are obviously self inserting as the guy fucking the slut...
next you're gonna say you have cuck fantasies if you watch porn.
Me too brother.
Yes straight dudes exsist keep telling yourself that baka fool.
>No marketing.
Sorry, the nonstop bacterial marketing on Sup Forums and Rëddit counts as marketing, even if it was free.
>like marathon man
Wow, so bad! What a downgrade!!
Don't get it then. In a game this big with as many balls in the air as they have it's a pretty big accomplishment and if you're gonna talk about marathon man you really have nothing constructive to say
Niggers can make a movie called Black Panther with an all black cast and touting black power in popular media, but white people can't put out a historically accurate video game without catching flak
White people are allowed to support white people stop being a cuckold, you are mindfucked
Its a slippery slope friend and its all to easy to fall in it too deep. I read on r9k a dude liked bj porn he eventually pretended he was the girl and now he sucks dicks.
I didn't have a single crash for the 110h I played, nor did I encounter most bugs in those videos.
I did get a save corrupted though (Robber Baron bug), which cost me 3h of playing time.
>no marketing
come on now, there's no better marketing than a """controversy""". intended or not, it didn't just come out of the blue and sold well.
The game's combat is busted as well. Even if you ignore the camera unlock exploit, it's fundamentally broken. Feints don't actually work, the directional strike system is essentially pointless, and certain techniques are grossly overpowered, like clinching and master striking.
>having superior technique is overpowered
>being stronger than your opponent is overpowered
That's how retarded you sound
>actually falling for the trap memes
Git gud scrub!
>being able to kill an enemy is one timed button press isn't overpowered
>being able to walk into your enemy like a dumbass to force clinches which you can confirm into free hits isn't overpowered
bruh stop pretending this game is perfect, learn to appreciate it for what it does well, not what it sucks at
Nice try faggot
You need to push your guy at the same time keep wailing on the baddy dont just do timmed strikes.
Also get in close do the kick back move and lay a head down slash straight after when his guards dropped. With a Mace or axe you can one shot any pussy bandit. But a Fully armoured knight it takes alot of pounding. which makes for a decent dragged out fight in my opinion.
>tfw have never been all that put off by jank and typically love it
Crashes and seriously gamebreaking to the point the save is useless is a different story.
Games combat works pretty well. Have a hard time trying to take you seriously when the next best equivalent to this game is skyrim which has a nonexsistant combat system and has been touted as one of the best games ever made by people who must be legit retarded
>no slashes
What is with this?
I'm not usually autistic about little things like this, but seeing more and more people typing the boards without their slashes is ominous.
>next to no marketing
Who is making these threads then with the same falseflag SJW bogeyman narrative over and over again?
user, there are open world games with much better combat systems. Being marginally superior to Skyrim is a pathetically low bar.
I would say I was more upper middle class but only just.
Otherwise fully accurate.
There are some, but let's not act like it's not serviceable. With how much there is to do in this game it's a minor complaint.
>Have you played a bethesda game
I'm still mad about fall damage resistance not scaling correctly with jump height.
the camera unlock exploit has been patched
It's really not serviceable. Every combat encounter is a slow, clunky affair. The entire last quarter of the story being a series of group battles the game's combat was clearly not optimized for only makes the problems more apparent.
Not really the same as trump since everybody knew he was running.
But yeah.no publicity is bad publicity.
I have seen exactly 3 glitches but they appear over and over.
Saves are triggered onscreen but do not actually make a save file. Either from Schnapps, beds, or quest checkpoints.
Loosing an arrow from a bow causes a lagspike. Which somewhere around 30% of the time causes me to fire straight upward even when I'm not even slightly aiming upward.
Polearms enter my inventory but do not drop from my inventory when I drop them from my hands. I keep wanting to use them but I have to get blackout drunk to remove them from my inventory.
I see all of these as huge goddamn problems because it removes weapon selection, reliability of my game even being there when I stop or need a reload, and for such a low buffer zone for heavy armor the weight from polearms hurt.
It's fine
Game is fun and one of the best I've played in a while
It's not fine. You should expect better.
Try again next time.
Truly the Goat Simulator of our time.
>mfw Hans dies at 31
das gay
BF1 which contains black people which isn't historically accurate sold more
>not anymore
>romantically straight, physically whatever gets me hard goes
>you can't be intelligent to any degree without being aware of the differences between races and cultures
with being racist.
The sad thing is, 4 to 5 years ago i would have disagreed with you.
But now i agree with you.
>yfw kids tell you that getting more conservative as you grow up is a lie
I mean, in this day and age, casual racism on the internet even in circlejerking communities amounts to fuckall.