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Video Games #4098
Video Games
Post your favorite vidya creature
How can PUBG even compete?
He doomed millions
You DID beat the original Rayman, right user?
BF2 has the greatest loading screen music of all time
What are some games where i can do this?
Fortnite keeps getting bigger everyday
Just picked this up with a 2DS XL. I've never played the other entries so I'm not sure what to expect. Any tips...
This is an archaic solution for the representation of an organism's well-being
What are your thoughts on these games, Sup Forums?
Show your vidya tattoos
Are there any other good games that combine psychic powers and gunplay?
Where were you when video games became normie
Save consumables and rare items for "harder content"
Relaxing VGM thread
When did you realize how much better microtransactions are?
You told me this was a different game, but I'm in the middle of year 2 and it's the same thing as the original so far...
I'm tempted to buy a switch talk me out of it lads
He has meme characters in his Smash wishlist
Tfw no AAA Aztec game
Years later and she's still the queen
Post your Idle animation
Why haven't you played Etrian Odyssey yet?
Why is Yuna the best FF girl?
Why do jap games use Christian and biblical imagery way more than western games do?
Is He /Our Guy/?
Opinions on this character?
"Bloodborne could use a quality of life change that removes or reduces the need to farm or buy blood vials"
How will you be playing GotY 2018?
Yeah painting maps is really fun
Name a JRPG series that's better than Final Fantasy in its current state
Under Night Thread
They can't really put historical or literary figures in Smash, right?
Is it too early to announce a new system?
Why are people so mean in online games?
Femanons (female/male), do you any of these guys attractive...
Who revolutionized Open World games more?
Kirby thread
Final boss's helper is stronger than boss
What is the best town in Skyrim and why is it Solitude?
Can women actually enjoy videogames?
Why is nobody talking about this? it finally released today...
This game is legitimately god fucking awful...
TF2 spray pictures?
Name three (3) games where your choices ACTUALLY matter
How the fuck does he have 140,000 people watching him play a fucking video game?
Was this thing the worst starter in the franchise?
What is Sup Forums's favorite fighting game to watch? What fighting games do you like to play?
Why do the devs hate nintendo so much?
Filename thread quick
CAPCOM Sales right now
Are you buying Ashley game?
That'll be $80, sir
ITT: gamer fuel
Can video games be considered art?
SFV worth getting? Its cheap on PSN store right now
Tired of rehashed Skyrim. They are probably constantly re-releasing it to test hardware limits...
People seriously thought this was coming this year. This is like 5+ years away/PlayStation 5 material
How did Fornite get so big?
Awful gameplay
So why does Sup Forums hate this game?
Stealing Video Games
Assuming you didn't like undertale, what would you add or change to improve it?
What games did you guys play today? Did you have fun?
Are there any tank vidyas that aren't just glorified first person shooters like WoT/WT but actually let you and a team...
Music is great
How is this even remotely intimidating
Devils be crying lol
How would her own game realistically work?
Why isn't he dead yet?
What are some games that let you play as a cute bunny?
Best puyo girl coming through
ITT: Enemies that unnerve you
Name 1 (one) post 2007 western game with good soundtrack
ITT: Your favorite video game character
Win boss battle easily
Fatal Bullet
It's over, (antagonist)!
How the fuck is this shit worth $100?
Ni No Kuni 2 is apparently 30 hours long even with serious time spent on side quests and kingdom building...
I mean he just barges is in and interrupts during gaming time. He's so rude. I wish I wasn't such a weak, wimpy nerd...
ITT: Worst fanbases
So apparently Attack on Titan 2 came out on PC today and I didn't even know. Really snuck up on me. Did anyone buy it...
Why were the boss fights so fucking awful?
This is the true ideal Smash Switch roster
I really want to like this game, but i just can't. i've tried every difficulty, ironman on and off...
Why did nu/v/ forget about them?
Hey Sup Forums been playing FTL for a few hours, this game is actually hard...
Kirby Star allies thread
What does a huntress' diet consist of that allows them to slay mountain sized monsters with a stick?
Dark Souls 2 was the wo-
What's the point in portability when there's no pause function?
Playstation UK on point
Enter favorite girl's route
25+ Thread
The year is 2019. Final Fantasy XV currently has over 100 different DLC...
Why the fuck isn't Riku the protagonist of the Kingdom Hearts series...
Post yfw the "kirby is good" meme is over
Why is this a thing Sup Forums?
Mecha games are basically dead
ITT: pretentious pieces of shit games
Post your favourite vidya weapons
Buy Old Hunters
Best used 3D in 3ds games?
Fire Emblem Heroes
What if Nintendo combined two of their series and made a game where Zelda is a squid?
It is actually comfy as fuck
What are some must-play PC games? I just finished pic related and enjoyed it a lot
What is it about the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series that makes critics dislike it so much? Pic related got a 4...
Now that the dust has settled, what do you think?
New video, Labros
Cyberpunk 2077: Game Designers Clashed with Writers
DBZ Budokai Tenkaichi 3
Are video games fun?
Why do people like Link?
Vermintide 2
Why would anyone think this isn't the best Elder Scrolls game by far?
Microsoft's Xbox E3 2018 Conference Will Be 'The Biggest E3 Showing Ever'
If you
What makes her best girl?
Wanna replay game
Give me the quick rundown, i like what i'm seeing on stream
When that theme starts
Did you ever buy games at Toys R Us?
This is Horizon Zero Dawn. It's a new IP that managed to outsell Breath of the Wild...
Meanwhile, in bizarro Sup Forums
ITT: Post a character
You might not like it, but this is what the perfect Smash Bros 5 roster looks like
Etrian Odyssey Switch WHEN???
Sup Forums tricked me. Fallout 4 is a good game
Did they ever stop and think..."hey, maybe we're the baddies?"
Postal thread
Outdated graphics
ITT: Casual filters
Sounds like a suicide mission.... I volunteer
Name a game where the "he was super special all along" twist was better done than in DQ8. You literally can't
I can't think of one RPG where your companions have any real motivation to follow you around
*saves PC gaming*
Steam thread
Cyberpunk game
This thing can play almost any game released in 2015 or earlier at 1080p at 30fps. It is $100...
Is anyone else sick and tired of the Smash frnachise? i don't even give a fuck if it is a new game or a port
Check catalog
Banjo Tooie is more flawed than its predecessor Kazooie...
You can choose one. Which, and why?
Red dead revolver
LET ME SEE THE NEW PLAYSTATION MAGAZINE! Solly and I made it to the cover Right?
Deus Ex Thread
Joins your guild
Why can't they rerelease the good Elder Scrolls game?
What games have the best character creators?
Is Sup Forums looking forward to the BiS remake?
Why the FUCK are all the current competitive multiplayer games terrible...
Best games thread
Well Sup Forums? why aren't you big where it counts?
What went wrong bros? The game was released a couple of days ago and no one is talking about it
Nintendo hate thread
Filename thread
I want to Final her Fantasy
Paradise gets remastered
How do we fix the nazi problem on steam?
Install San Andreas to reminisce about the good old times
*blocks your path*
Are they completely irrelevant at this point? Scalebound got cancelled. Sea of Thieves is on Win10...
Smash Character Survey Results
Did you slayed her user?
Dark Souls thread
Sign the petition. Sup Forums !
Elder Scrolls 6 won't come out until 2022 because Zenimax Media wants to milk their shitty MMO that has an Elder...
Le anime game but with a Le DARK TWEEEST
Far Cry fiv
ITT: 2000's internet nostalgia
Gets the item needed to melt ice
Is anyone else just quits all voice chat and text chat in comp?
What went right?
My mom just bought me a Switch for my birthday! Super excited, what games do you recommend?
This can't be happening bros
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
Low-key design, unsuspecting fisherman is one of the most dangerous motherfuckers in the whole game
Is it okay to sexualize children in video games?
So what's a main draw to a video game for you:
The perfect portable console
Skeleton enemies
What's with this culture of fake leak LARPers that's gone haywire in the last few years...
Give me vidya OTPs! And they have to be canon!
Kill all the elders
Oh yeah... that happened. Oh no....OH NO NO NO...NO NO NO NO HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Game's dead
Ladies and gentlemen,the perfect fighting game
ITT: Characters you want for Smash Five
Are the old Infinity Engine games actually good?
ITT: vidya characters you want to have sex with
Kirby: Star Allies Thread
So THIS is the puppetmaster
No switch version
All of you emotionally need...
You're favorite super nintendo game?
Decide to develop a 2-part remake of a game that was launched 19 years ago
Who is gonna win?
Weekly EZA Thread
Weekly EZA thread
Tell us about a time you were really angry at a video game
What is the Kill la Kill of video games?
March 2018
Kin someone please explain tae me how come thay pat th' dosh 'n' effort tae localize a gam...
Its an obnoxious American accent ruins your kino fantasy setting episode
What is the vidya equivalent of Black Panther?
What kind of player likes being a Healer in online videogames?
Is it just me or is this game really fucking hard?
If you were a Danganronpa character
Literally just draenei again
Why was there no alternate Link, Zelda, or Ganondorf?
This puzzle genre gaming icon is getting in Smash. How does that make you feel?
Has a series ever went full blown fan service as hard as Fire Emblem?
No more heroes
It's 10usd
I'm going for all the emblems and A ranks on PC. Anything I should know before I keep going...
Steam friend went offline and hasn't been back online for the past couple years
How do you even "Get Gud" at stealth?
Vermintide 2
Why the Soul Calibur 3 hate?
I just bought into the VR meme. What am I in for?
(un)Official Mario girl thread
Filename thread
Pirating games
What does Sup Forums think about pixel art?
Sans bones into battle
You jelly?
Playing a JRPG
Keep it Vidya Related
Will they ever return?
Confirmed for Smash
*cancels ur game*
Where is the Nintendo Bonus?
Why does Japan always romanticize the Nazis?
Worth getting both titles for 20 bucks?
ITT: only the deepest vidya lore
Based IGN
So I just got KH 1.5 + 2.5 on PS4. Finished up KH1 and just started pic related. Is it worth playing...
Did we mention the adventure mode, which tells you a new story ?
Overwhelmingly positive
Just assembled a PC. Which exclusives should I play now?
Give that Orbital Frame back
Mc is a nun
Someone is selling an empty folder on steam
This faggot is how you don't do a boss. If you're making a boss for a game...
Work 9 to 5
How do we get Japanese people to start buying xbox’s
"this is for us, not you"
Sea of Thieves
What games let me play as a undead?
Oh No No No , Look at pubg
How does it feel to know HE will be in Smash?
DBFZ dying
Battlefield 1
Comes out on PS4
What's the reason behind the overwhelming presence of the ps4 in Europe?
Nier Automata, Bloodborne, and Horizon Zero Dawn aren't that good. What makes people think they're so good?
Higurashi spoilers ahead
What game have a sliders for attractivenes?
It's totally soul calibur right?
Weapon durability
Just bought this what am I in for?
Name a flaw
How much of your paycheck do you typically set aside for donations Sup Forums?
Samus and Fox are fighting
Smash 5 removals
Persona 5
3ds has been a golden age for RPGs. Get in here, share your favorites!
Is this the best Monster Hunter game?
What games lets you play as a goblin?
ITT: Guess the game by its soundtrack
What vidyas do girls play?
3x3 thread
Characters that you have mixed feelings about
You know hes getting in right? is this allowed? Isn’t this literally what the current #metoo movement is about?
It's over bros
Name some Nintendo characters that'll never be in Smash. Pic related
Would you rather play a game that panders to dudebros or sjws?
Female character doesn't have cowtits
I just beat this and only have one question to ask:
Thoughts on Oblivion?
Are you ready for their comeback?
Recommend me a game with hard physics
FE: Heroes
Grinding in JRPGs Discussion
What is he saying Sup Forums?
This is the best argument towards video games being art
What was your personal "Fable"? I.E. The game that caused you to stop buying into hype
Characters who had a hard life
*turntable scratching*
It's almost been a decade
Why has no other console come close to achieving absolute perfection?
Itt: games you love but never see Sup Forums talk about
Anyone play this shit on OBSRV private server? i got it set up today but have no one to play with...
Kirby Star Allies
What system are you picking it up for?
Claims he's beaten a souls game
Bull is best boy
So everything is legal and OK in a virtual video game...terrorism, murder, rape, genocide, racism, slavery, infanticide...
I dare you to play lawbreakers
Based Pewds does it again
Do you still play video games with your childhood friends?
Establishing secure connection
Any questions?
Sauron the Soyboy
Risk Of Rain
EA has no interest or time for remasters
Post a picture and someone recommends a game
Who's ready for some redneck ludo
ITT: Those who did nothing wrong
Final Fantasy XV - Best combat of any game ever?
There's no such thing as a bad Kirby ga-
Reminder you will never have Isabelle's love
Is this thing even remotely relevant anymore...
Who was in the wrong here?
Super Smash Bros 5
Koikatsu thread
You guys gonna hop in for the new patch?
So she's coming back to smash right?
Why is any other company bothering to show up at E3?
Character designs
LOTR games thread
Is anyone on this board still playing FighterZ, or did y'all realise you suck at gaming?
What's your MMO type, Sup Forums?
Its the best 3ds game and your opinions are incorrect
Don't mind me, just posting the best and comfiest Dark Souls game
Post your rig and what you're playing right now...
Bayo thread?
Who do you main and why?
So it seems Denuvo really DOES gimp performance. How long will YOU accept being buttfucked by faceless Japanese men?
Why is she so perfect bros?
Comfy Games thread
Draw a petite young girl
The card that ruined hearthstone
What made him so likeable?
There's any chance of a good video game movie?
Which one would you say is your favorite indie game if you had to pick one out of the thousands out there Sup Forums?
Is this proper attire for exploration?
So what actually went wrong?
Will we ever get a Japanese game with the same quality dialogue and acting as a good western game?
Today is the best girl's birthday
Ghost of a Tale
Why do people shit on this game ?
Do you have high hopes for Smash 5?
Vermintide 2
This monkey will be in your Smash Brothers. How does that make you feel?
Did I win the game ?
Valve Tour
Is Nintendo going to have a mind blowing E3?
*ruins your game*
Risk Of Rain
Who is in your dream Smash roster?
ITT: The best party member in their respective game
Those who couldn't save themselves. Post them
Sea of Thieves stream
Jesus I just put an SSD in my PS4 and it cut pretty much all load times in half
The game is too easy for the fucking game journalist
What are some games where Hades ISN'T evil and ISN'T the villain?
Monster Hunter!
Cross Chad Battle
Literally the same person three times with different hair
Roll need on everything
ITT: games Sup Forums was wrong about
Post LGBT characters in vidya who are actually likable
Descriptions of all these discoveries
The reason Luigi wasn't in Mario 64 was because he was tinkering on his cart
What games have the best generic NPCs?
Linux Gaming thread
Post old videogame forum posts
Are there any video games where you get to save/help Succubus?
The time for choosing is now, Sup Forums
Mother fucking Broly for DBFZ
Lucario was obviously never in any danger of being cut, but what about him? Pikachu, Charizard, Lucario...
You'll buy Ann's game, won't you?
Did you get your free Hector? Because I didn't
Why is Dark Souls always referred to as one of the hardest games in a long time? *"The Dark Souls of, etc.)
Hey faggots, name good shooty vidya with good gunplay, 3d grapics and assload of guns
Wait a minute, that face
ITT: IPs that always play it safe
Kamiya wants to remake the first Devil May Cry
Movie games you always wanted
I vastly prefer my PS4 to my Switch and that's okay because it's just my opinion
Three years
They asked me how well I understood theoretical physics. I said I had a theoretical degree in physics...
Let's be honest, it had the best multiplayer
Design a white girl
Would you?
Will you buy Skyrim once more, Sup Forums?
Leakerfag here
FFVII remake probably delayed
Aged like milk
Looks like we know this is where 2D Kirby peaked
Who can beat him?
What games allow me to headpat my healslut?
Good Level Design
Post a picture and others have to guess the video game
Just installed this and I spent the entire Fort Joy repeating the words "This is reddit, this is memes, this is reddit...
Will their conference at E3 actually have something new?
Post your victory animation
Which video game has the best Text-to-Speech technology?
Xbox at E3
Kirby thread
Tfw too poor for a good cpu
What's vidya where I can go to cool industrial zones and heavy refinery type places?
ITT: IRL iconic boss levels
What did they mean by this?
Tfw getting up to get food is the only exercise I get
How can we save the fighting game genre?
Steam friend stopped talking to you
Why is she so perfect?
Generic Catgirls
Games that are unlike anything else?
Vicotry against Shart Allies thread
How's your gaming experience living in the third world?
What are her chances for Smash 5?
I've been stuck on Father Gascoigne for 3 hours now and it's pissing me off, not because I keep dying to him...
Ghost of a Tale comes out after 5 years of development
Get my ass whooped in a game
Best controller for emulation of retro games?
This is a game from 2004. 14 years later, games don't look much better. What happened?
When video game companies intentionally make their women ugly
Post valid logically good reasons why you pirate video games Sup Forums
Have mods gone too far?
How are they gonna fuck it up?
Why can't america into character design?
Reminder to be nice to other people on Sup Forums
Will the Octo Expansion be successful? People say that $19.99 is steep, but 80 levels sounds like a lot
Well, since the reveal has been pushed to its own Fire Emblem Direct, when do you expect we hear some news? April, May?
Why does he have brown hair and a black moustache?
"Well Arthas, I made it...despite your directions"
ITT: you hear it, you lose
Who asked for this?
How the hell do you do reliably in this game...
That kid who picked luigi
About to start this game, what should I expect?
Smash 5 announcement has me excited for the Roster reveal
Now that Crash N sane trilogy is coming to switch, the only game on ps4 I would want is nier 2...
Did you hype?
The source code of the website contains the text...
Does playstation have memorable music?
Good games that are never talked about thread
ITT: Video game characters who are canonically not virgins
Getting $459 for tax refund. Should I get a switch?
Is it true Ubisoft and EA opened offices in Canada because the government give them free money to make games?
A poisonous swamp, a flooded city, a giant fortress, a deep forest...
Getting hyped
Blizzard knows brown girls are in
This is your mayor for tonight
Night in the Woods
Microsoft wont have booth at E3 this year. Will have entire building instead
What's with the fanbase's irrational hatred for this game? It has some flaws...
Name (1) company that has no bad games
I miss Tactic Ogre
I got banned from Sup Forums. Can we talk about the jews here?
ITT:Enemies that unnerve you
Your personality according to
Fun is not something one thinks about when dominating the console market
Post games with unique ( or rare ) concept
What are some games that have lots of cool science shit? Like actual science, not science fiction crap
What's their endgame?
Media Create sales (3/5/18 – 3/11/18)
Comfy 2DS/3DS Thread
Your thoughts on video game analysts?
Noir > dystopian
Which characters do you most want to see return?
How do I stop getting shot in the back randomly in this gay fucking game
Nier automata question
Remix of main theme plays during final boss
What did Riku mean by this?
Well Sup Forums? why aren't you big where it counts? why are you still average?
Nintendo Switch Update 5.0
Your mind comes bearing questions, Sup Forumsatcher
Which vidya girls have the largest mammaries?
Is he right?
Are persona character white?
Ultra hard mode
Just unpacked all of my older systems. What’s the best way to set this all up? Will I need more than two TVs?
Character Defining Quotes
Compa is making five new RPGs
Gamer fuel
With Valve making games again, is it still a dream?
Dragon Ball FighterZ
Hi Sup Forums
Game ends on a cliffhanger
It's not fair bros I don't want to go to work I just want to stay home and play video games
How can you have a fun and successful game, and then not bother to translate the sequel? Atlus can fuck right off
Switch revision
What are some games?
'Wowsers. Life sure is strange..'
How does Sup Forums like their dungeons in MMORPG's?
What other games can do this?
Sony is making a new Kinect Style Device called Sony WOW
The best JRPG since Xenoblade Chronicles is coming next week
Why do people call Reset 'em Ups, Rogue-likes?
Let's talk Tera
Here's your grind bro
How much damage has Overwatch done to gaming as a whole?
Excuse me sir
For Honor
I have 8 hours of doing nothing at work
I'm proud of this
What am I in for?
The Witcher 3 RUINED gaming for me!
How does Sony respond?
Keeping steam clean
F-f-f-friend... could I have a word with you?
Why are there no good Alien games
Why does Sup Forums pretend to not be excited for this game?
Be at work in retail
Monster hunter is designed for all age grou—
Resident evil 4
This is the ideal video game antagonist
Post your vidya 10/10
What games applies to this?
You will never be undead
I'll be playing Final Fantasy 1. Is the original NES version fine? Are any of the classes unplayble...
Inventor of the Demon Summoning Program died
What went wrong?
It's not fucking fair
Seriously, name a flaw. You literally can't
ITT games you were excited for but turned out to be trash
What are some games that let me die?
Sup Forums plays FTL
So which video game has the best designed space marines...
Can you recommend some good casual erotic games? Something like Hunie Pop. Nutaku games are kind of okay...
How did this board go from "no 3rd party support, shit console" to "nice port machine nintenfags, lmao" so quickly?
Exhaustive list of reasons why something is objectively bad
You didn't miss the Wayfarer's Edition of Tressa's game, did you?
What games exposed the bad critics the most?
This is a J(apanese)RPG
Why so many healers are female characters, Sup Forums?
Monster Hunter
Dood read a spinoff novel of another game by the same director AND watch a stageplay completely in japanese to...
What are the best games to play if you're a housewife?
Order exclusive asian game from play-asia on October 2017
Design a horrible 40 foot tall flesh gundam
What would his moveset/level/music/items be?
Do you prefer Joy Cons or Pro Controller?
Game with next to no marketing sells millions just because it lacks black people
What are some uncool games?
Why are japs incapable of making a good or original premise?
Name ONE (1) video game character that can defeat the Flash
ITT: Music so beautiful you could not believe it comes from a video game
"You can't kill the Messiah."
Why is Final Fantasy IX, objectively, the greatest Final Fantasy game?
What makes an ARPG good Sup Forums?
What was the first game you ever played?
280x died
"According to two insiders on the worlds most popular gaming forum, Resetera."
Resident Evil
See you, space cowboy
Nintendo Switch will get 3rd party suppo-
Mentor is the final boss
Why doesnt sora want to meet her father
Just pirated Kingdom Come: Deliverance
This is the best controller. You may not like it, but it's the truth
Doesn't the inclusion of sunken ships imply that there will eventually be non-sunken, populated ships at sea?
Is Crash eligible for top 10 most recognizable gaming icons of all time?
Game lets you combine foods to heal more HP
Some user just said that this was the worst Yakuza game. Is he right?
Even with the media shilling this game no one seems interested
I lost a friend to this shit
He doesnt play 3ds in public
All the commercials/ads are using old footage from trailers
Who or what was he?
Has creepy things ever happened to you while playing video games...
Decide to play this
Dog boss
Did you drop her game?
Hey you, Gundam Weaboo
I've been a Game Grumps apologist (grumpologist) for 5 years but not even I can defend this
Games where the 'Bad Ending' is the best ending
*drops your fps to 30*
New Junji Ito
Can I get into pic related now without having to buy anything more than the $14.99 version...
Where do I go?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...