Attached: Kingdom come.jpg (1126x906, 341K)
Jayden Diaz
Jaxon Bailey
jim metokur, can you please make a video calling out shadman and do a bloodsport with him?
Kayden Hall
Luke Wilson
but Sup Forums told me kingdom come won
Aiden Bennett
feels fucking good man
sjws are on their way out
Jason Lee
I'd think the score rank is more significant at how low it is.
Oliver Sullivan
>two indie devs beat out 2 big name companies who were pandering to SJW for sales.
I'm glad subn is doing good.
Gavin Rivera
>not pandering to SJW's
Lucas Ortiz
Subnautica has been on steam early access since 2015, so it's kind of cheating.
Zachary Nelson
Jacob Williams
Keep moving those goalposts faggot.
Zachary Rogers
*blocks your path*
Joseph Powell
did you just assume my race?
Carter Flores
la creatura...
Jackson Parker
Jack Rivera
just wait
Aaron Flores
>4 shit games
Jack Reyes
Jeremiah Gonzalez
Subnautica was in a humble bundle, so it doesn't count
Nicholas Edwards
Camden Perry
>subnautica devs can make a way better game in unity and a studio a quarter as big as cuckdumb come deliverence
Why are Eurogams so jank bros?
Justin Gonzalez
we wuz kangz > we was bohemians
move this goalpost
Nathaniel Sanchez
Do they know that the term based was invented by Lil B(a black rapper)
Brandon Morris
absolutely based post.
Alexander Brooks
too be honest, given the budgets and the size of ubisoft. That's kinda embarassing.
Owen Lewis
1 month of sales vs 5 months of sales
Ayden Campbell
But he's right. Though Kingdom Come had something similar, though not for as long. Subnautica was in Early Access for over a year. Those early access downloads count as owners on SteamSpy.
Joseph Phillips
Aiden Fisher
With the +/- of both games it's possible KC:D has already sold more.
Jason Hernandez
>Redditors are still seething
Colton Rivera
>Video games only matter to me as a political chesspiece
fucking neck yourself, cretins
Adrian Martinez
1 month of sales + 50,000 employees working around the clock for months and a marketing budget that is twice whatever those employees salary were
Chase Richardson
Maybe on steam but won't come close to
Wyatt Martin
>50,000 employees
David Hernandez
Chase Nguyen
so Sup Forums will concede defeat to the SJW's when Far Cry 5 completely blows KCD out of the water, right?
Nicholas Stewart
>Double Syndicate's
>double a game that sold like shit Not much of an impressive feat, what about in comparison to other games? On steam is barely outsold Syndicate, for example.
Nolan Perry
Adam Perry
Why does that frog's helmet have eyeholes above his head
Liam Hughes
My god americans are stupid.
Jason Smith
So you're saying an American drew it
Nicholas Long
>Ignoring Uplay sales
>Not knowing that AC sells like 10 times more on consoles
Mason Phillips
>Caring about consoles
Ian Lewis
Shut the fuck up you fucking sjw
we WON get over it
Thomas Sanders
pirated subnautica, will buy kingdom come when its on sale
Brayden Evans
No one gives a shit about European video games you dumb nazis
Austin Ross
>game is good because it sells
kek the absolute state of frogposters
Jordan Evans
The real story here is the user score. Wow, kingdom come must suck
Easton Bennett
Why does someone else's opinion matter? Yeah you can go fuck yourself.
Angel Campbell
Deep sea experience that is one of a kind
Knight shit number #9823745894
Jaxon Clark
>tfw Wolfenstein 2 is going to reach Lawbreakers levels of active players soon
Wyatt Murphy
>A game thats been out for three years has more sales then a game that's been out for a few months
I don't believe you
Nathan Price
Jaxon Hall
Hello! It’s seems you’ve created a thread about politics and attempted to disguise it (quite poorly might I add) as a video game thread, if you wish to discuss politics I suggest using the proper board for doing so (Sup Forums) rather then taking up room on this board that could other wise be used for video game discussion, thanks for your understanding and have a great day!
Bentley Perry
Who's this cute doll!
Ian Perry
To be fair the sjw shit isn't in the actual game and we didn't have anything to indicate that the devs were cucks until just recently. An SJW sale doesn't count if no one knew they were buying something from SJWs
Connor Martinez
Can you buy it for me too?
Chase Nguyen
>Indie series that no one knows about only has a few less sales than a famous AAA series like asscreed that normies are guaranteed to buy
What did you mean by this
Asher Jenkins
memes aside is wolfenstein 2 a good game?
Chase Bell
Old Blood>Wolfenstein 1>Wolfenstein 2
David Lee
The first one was way better.
Jayden Myers