Already surpassed fucking PUBG.
How did Fornite get so big?
Other urls found in this thread:
It’s free.
Why would you post a new thread when there's at least 3 going on already, faggot?
this, and it's not demanding at all so shit pc's and consoles can run it
more kids play it due to in games if you want the biggest numbers you gotta go after the kids
*and it's actually optimized to a degree which is why toaster and consoles can run it perfectly fine
Chink shit is garbage, more at 12
you forgot to mention it looks like bob the builder :)
I find Bob the Builder quite erotic, mind you.
streamers and youtubers marketing it. kids love youtube, so them seeing their favorite youtubers/streamers play it will get them to play it.
>simple as fuck so any child can play it and any platform can run it
>entry level memestreamer bait
it's a perfect storm
>It’s free.
Sorry to bust your bubble but.... Fortnite made more money than PUBG last month for the first time. Before that they were always in the #2 spot.
AND.... Fortnite isn't released overseas yet while PUBG is global. Fortnite literally unstoppable. The guy at Epic would told them o add battle royale should be reward a free blowjob every single day.
why would that burst their bubble
your point doesn't contradict his at all
it's a free game
it makes money
both of these things are true
It also looks and runs a LOT fucking better than PUBG
>Fortnite isn't released overseas
where exactly is overseas? It's out almost everywhere
it's not out in china
So what is the deal with Ninja?
160k viewers, 170k subscribers - about to play with Drake.
How and why?
I can understand the viewers and Drake but 170k subscribers even with twitch prime fortnite skins it's not believable. Is it true that people buy skins via ebay (compromised accounts, exploits etc) that boosts his subscriber count?
His amount of subscribers (during the last 3 months) would be more than almost the next top 10 streamers together.
I also don't see the appeal to him compared to other big streamers.
Dr Dis - "funny" character, alternative style of streaming, great production
Shroud - Incredibly skilled at fps games
Lirik - One of the oldest streamers, consistent good quality for years
Tyler1 - Autism and league
Sodapoppin - Also very old streamer, lots of connections with other big and smaller streams
So, anyone here watch Ninja and care to explain?
Second this, dude seemed to have just popped out of nowhere, or is it just me? Reminds me just how easy it would be for the government to prop up some "rolemodel" so easily during the twitch era.
Wouldn't be surprised if Epic/Tencent themselves are boosting his numbers somehow. Riot did/does it.
Don't have a clue how this guy started off, but maybe a case of bandwagon? Everyone sees an uber famous product or person and wants to become part of its "greatest" era while it lasts
i watched him once to see how fast he builds, as that's how i became familiar with him in the first place
i really had to grit my teeth to get thru that awful persona of his. it's really, really awful.
maybe it's one of those young impressionable kids following en masse sort of things. whoever they are, they've got terrible taste.
This feels like a good explanation.
He had 3-5k viewers like at the start of december. Then here we are, we will have 200k subscribers in a few days at this pace.
I would also like to point out that I sat in his offline chat for a while and there was a crazy amount of twitch prime subscribers, many with 0 twitch history (follows, followers) He got over 9k subscribers once while he was a offline, does that not raise a red flag for Twitch staff?
This is how I would explain why Drake is gonna play with him.
>i really had to grit my teeth to get thru that awful persona of his. it's really, really awful.
He is very bland yes? I do give him that he is quite decent at the game, but he is far from the best
I've never played it but being able to build on the fly and anywhere is a pretty cool idea.
free and patched
He's been streaming for years, probably as long as Soda has
He was a MLG Halo player from back in the day and a popular Destiny streamer? Kinda no surprise he blew up
i was more thinking unwatchably/unlistenably annoying but ok
He knows how to use twitter and how to use twitch clips to get exposure with crazy wacky gameplay clips, he used to play MLG Halo as well so has a bit more experience in shooters than most kids that watch him.
don't those games get low viewers though? so i can't see that being too much of a contribution.
it feels like it has to be something else i mean he gets an absurd amount that other big streamers don't even look big anymore.
This is his average viewer growth
Both MLG and Destiny were "dead" games in the amount of timed viewed on Twitch
When the PUBG craze was going on I never even saw him while browsing the section even though he played that (supposedly)
He seems to have the perfect twitch persona for viewers though. I'm actually really curious about this because his success is so insane so I've been thinking about it myself.
The two parts to getting people to watch you are getting them to click the stream and getting them to not leave, and once you're big enough your viewer count does the advertisement for you so it's probably the not leaving that makes the biggest difference. All the big streamers are basically dull as fuck getting views by just not pushing people away (shroud, lirik) or have some kind of gimmick/crazy personality that hooks a lot of people (disrespect/tyler). To be honest I thought ninja's pretty similar to column a but he's pretty fake/selloutish which put me off hard. I guess normalfags don't really care as much about that or don't notice it so he's basically managed to combine being inoffensive and being interesting to a lot of people.
That said, I still don't really understand how these numbers are possible aside from the drake streams, he's a pretty new streamer, isn't on another level from the average twitch viewer like shroud, etc.
free, no hackers, more interesting gameplay
better graphic style
It is free you retard.
ninja is shit
shroud is way better
have they added the 50vs50 mode yet?
that shit sounds like it could be fun
no but theres 20v20v20v20v20
That didnt help paladins
cute girls
>people unironically talking about e-celebs
Fucking kill yourselves you underage pieces of shit
Fig. 2 is true though.
i watch ninja now and then, mostly as background noise while playing hs, theres some cringe that I cant get over like his spastic dance after winning but hes been getting better and more easier to watch lately
Does this fatass have a bigger hitbox or is just chubby lovers bait?
>Wahhhh, people enjoy things I don't understand, Wahhhhhhh
>ninja gets to nearly 600k viewrs in 30 minutes just by having drake in his fucking title
>people are shitting out rank 1 subs left and right because rich people need more money
you know why fortnite is so big? because people will eat up fucking anything
does the moustache guy still play pubg?
everybody's on that fortnit dick senpai
>almost no murders around 1965
really causes one to ponder...
Fortnite runs smooth, but the gunplay is so much better and realistic in PUBG. Can't cross the building skill gap in Fortnite.
Because playing alone or with a small group of friends infinitely beats forced pub groups
dat fucking ass
We might apparently see a Linux version domeday too
Ninja just confirmed it a few minutes ago -- Ninja said he'd like "to play with someone like Drake" as a passing joke, and Epic told him "we can make that happen".
It actually IS a PR thing
You just know the jews are behind this.
>free, runs on consoles and fairly well for what is a 100 person PVP match on a large map with base building
PUBG was too slow at content updates, runs like ass on consoles and most computers, isn't on PS4, and didn't have consistent great new features.
The desert map was supposed to be a home run but it flopped so hard its killing the game. Too big, terrain too weird so your forced to run up slow shit and be careful of falling to your death because of a weird slope.
not everyone is against you dude, your worldview seems skewed
i need a battle royale game with senran kagura girls
E-celeb dick suckers trying to force their dick succery onto everyone else. This is a stealth e-celeb thread.
Good. With Jews you can't lose.
>Epic doing server maintenance soon
Has a company EVER pushed back server maintenance for celebs playing their game?
The absolute fucking state of nu/v/ wish these millennial faggots would get some fucking friends and not throw money at some queer
Reddit the Game
>what is "social networking for monetary gain"
Dog, you literally watch some faggot play games, and probably like to think hes your best pal when he could give a fuck less about you and donate money to play EPICXD sounds. If anyone's the autist its you
Based oldfag
Fuck off you underage B&, this has next to no relation to video games. Fuck off to a forum or reddit
he's really good at a game that everyone is fucking playing right now. that's how he got popular.
imo it is because pubg got comfortable with their success and didnt do shit
like seriously that many people working on pubg, and they couldnt provide weekly content updates like fortnite? that clearly is the way to attract more players.
also fortnite has been updating the map instead of making a whole together new map. I also think alot of people like the asthetic of fortnite more. Its a bit more refreshing (the cartoony style) then modern-war feel. It also ca attract kids to play since it looks more family friendly.
and fortnite is on every single fucking platform except linux / nintendo switch
his youtube videos and instagram clips blew up
you dont know the power of social media do you?
epic probably contacted him and set it up
Twitch landed one of their biggest Twitch Prime sub deals they've gotten so far, so a shtload of people used their Prime account to sub to Ninja so they could get the new Fortnite unique Twitch skins. I'm sure he has a lot of legitimate fans too, but there's no way he'd be sitting at anywhere near 300+ mil right now if it wasn't for that collaboration.
>and fortnite is on every single fucking platform except linux / nintendo switch
Those might get ruled out soon too.
>How did Fortnite get so big?
1. Free.
2. Can be run on any potato.
3. Can be played on console.
4. Low skill ceiling. The biggest difference in skill between players is the ability to build, not the ability to shoot.
I didnt know fortnite wasnt a videogame
I didnt know popular things were bad
Shitty one word response, you know you can't articulate a response, you know deep down how fucking stupid it is to watch and follow someone who plays video games. I legitimately don't understand you fucking kids
Tim Sweeney made a suspicious tweet about linux and if they can optimize the Unreal Engine to run on a phone they can sure as hell make it run on the Switch in some way. The only concern is the connection and internet capabilities of the switch handling 100 players
I just can't stand the grind for mats.
It will die pretty fast.
If you did your homework you would have better reading comprehension. I didn't say Fortnite wasn't a video game. Celebrities/personalities playing games does not in ANY way belong on Sup Forums. Fuck off
>hurr idk how the industry works
this sickens me, I hate normies so much
f2p games make more money than paid games on android and Apple.
It's free, on consoles as well as pc, can be played on a toaster, popular "e-celebrities" stream it religiously while collecting free money and hype it up, it's shallow and easy to pick up and play. Also kid friendly.
It seriously hits all the marks of a meme game. Can't wait for this fad to die desu
they managed to catch both the twitch crowd and the nigger/normie crowd which no other game has done