Stop playing Slayer edition
Vermintide 2
>be me, lvl 15 kruber
>champion quickplay because my gear is over 200 and you don't need temp health if you're not shit
>join waystalker, sienna, dwarf, all over 20
>instant horde and stormvermin patrol
>sienna dies because bad
>respawns a million miles away
>we get to the lift
>I have tome
>elf guzzles draught at half health
>we keep going, everything is fine
>get to 2nd tome
>gutter fiend pounces me at 1/4 health, they take too long to get it off me so I'm downed
>elf has the only draught
>hey elf let's go get tome so I can heal
>elf walks down to 2nd tome, I'm right behind her
>guzzles draught in front of me
>whatever dude more spawns
>elf and dorf go get fucked and I just let us wipe
fuck elfniggers
>be shit
>blame elves
silly lumberfoots
An old ranger _____
Is performance better with DX11 or DX12? I heard 12 was causing stuttering with Nvidia cards
's foul existence, the SENTENCE IS DEATH.
>get to lvl 30 by being elf and playing normally
>start leveling dworf
>every guy who's playing elf is pants on head retarded and can't pick a potion in front of him while it's pinged
>it's another "devs hide the higher difficulties behind a barebones RPG grind because they're too shit at making video games to balance around one single pool of classes/talents/weapons" episode
this gets me 60FPS in DX12, latest AMD drivers seem to have improved it a bit as well since i do see the FPS counter reaching 70's in many places it didn't before
nvidia cards don't gain from DX12 as much as AMD cards do so i'm guessing you should need to use it anyway
>almost certain on launch that Witch Hunter would be the most hated class due to edgelords flocking to it
>turns out to be elves
Did you not play Vermintide 1?
Just like in VT1
I think it’s more for the benefit of quickplay than anything else. Do you really want people to do what they always do and flood Champion out of the gate with power 5 shit and no map knowledge?
I didn't play VTT1. I came into this one not knowing shit about it. I'm having a grand old time so far though
I never knew how shitty elf players were until I stopped playing elf
Saltz had the potential to be edgy as fuck but he's a holy man instead. Also Sienna gets him so flustered with her banter that its fucking adorable, as far as "edgy" goes he only has the looks and nothing more.
>doing Against the Grain for the 200th time just to grind up the classes I don't play to level 11 to unlock their bedrooms
This sure is FUN. I LOVE all this exciting CONTENT. 10/10 game design
elf players have always been fetid dickwads
Maybe stop grinding Against the Grain my friend.
>just me and dwarf left on the alignment at the elven temple quest
>final part
>dwarf goes down as I finish off the last few skaven
>let him die as I quaff the pot I have been hordeing and go to the exit
Fuck mayflys
That's it. I'm going Zealot and no one can stop me. Also, what's this I hear about a skill where Sigmar actually helps you?
>Deliberately play the same mission repeatedly
>gets pounced or hooked and then leaves complaining about teammates
How about you play normally in quickplay instead, faggot?
>I hate lumberfoots, they're always so mean to me for being an elfnigger piece of shit
>better be an elfnigger piece of shit, that'll show them
>i-it's the map that's the problem, not the fact that it takes replaying the entire game dozens of times to unlock all the classes!
Whats the fun of this game? Everyones having fun playing it but all i see is a fantasy-themed warframe on streams
Why are you playing the same map user?...
>I can't believe they expect me to continue playing the game in order to progress
>Better just replay the same mission constantly and then whine the game is repetitive!
Nigger there are 12 other maps in the game and you deliberately chose to play a single one over and over instead of having fun with the others.
>I'm not gonna play for fun, I'm gonna play to grind shit I want
>I'm not having fun
>it's a "pro" bounty hunter shitter runs through the map to pick up all grims and tomes ignoring hordes that attack his teammates episode
>teammtes get swarmed and die one by one
>the "pro" tries to "carry"
>dies like a bitch and quits the game
All of the characters are ugly as a sin, and although your exoerience may vary, most shitter and waifu fags flock to elf, while the rest will play bro tier characters like 1 eye, kruber or dorf
The game would still be a repetitive grind even if you did all your grinding in quickplay.
the fun part is swinging your weapon and seeing hundreds of rats go flying. you can't experience that by watching a stream
lmaoing at your life
No horde shooter has EVER had problems with limited content user, you are right. We should have copied Left 4 Dead and their infinite randomly generated maps. Thank god we are in the alternate universe where games have infinite content by default.
Yeah, you deliberately replaying the same map hasn’t worsened your perception of the repetitiveness at all.
hai Fatshark I love you thanks for making this game it's very good :D
I have no problem with limited content, fatshark, just when you make me grind for hours and hours to access all of it.
> tfw insulting shitters like there is no tomorrow
> can’t get reported
> can’t get banned
>you don't need temp health if you're not shit
How's that 360° vision working out for you, m8?
> trait push strenght by 50%
How that shit works, it push away the enemy futher away?
someone post the kerillian elf in the shelf picture please
90° bruh
Warframe is a bad video game, don’t talk about it. Let’s be honest, Wrframe has less actual content on offer after 5 years than Verm 2, warframe’s mission and enemy structure is a black mark on the industry as a whole.
I don't even see how he's any more edgy than anything in the game. It's warhammer lol
yes. a shield with increased push strength can push enemies off a ledge in a single push
As far as I can tell, yes. It’s devastating blow but slightly stranger.
You can't get through against the grain user? Maybe you have some building blocks you can stack instead you fat sack of baby shit.
an wish*
Maybe you play one of the other maps
Maybe you notice that the variety is there and Against the Grain isn’t the only map in game
Maybe you buy DLC
Favorite weapon with Zealotpyre?
Should I get it now or should I wait for sale?
PS4 for reference
I'm talking about the classes, obesefish. Or did you forget those existed after nerfing half of them into the ground?
Siennafag here from the last thread. I am learning and getting better thanks to your tips, I really like these threads too, really fun.
Flail. What else?
anything other than flail is objectively wrong
So you're not immune to backstabs, which means you actually do need tempt health like everyone else, you fucking retard?
Quit being a tard and try quickplay. You'll get better chances at loot and will get to learn the new stages.
>implying I'm an employee
I'm just not retarded. It's super easy to play this game. Oh I want to be a slayer I pick the dorf for a little while. It's not fucking rocket science you wall licking shit head. Oh wait, you probably pick up an rpg and wonder why you aren't level 99 in the first few hours. Get your tard wrangler to change your nappies and get you your warm milk you cock gobbling fuckface.
I was thinking flail or axe for the armor piercing, but I like the flails a good bit.
There is an advanced technique, known only amongst the most ancient orders of pro gamers, known as look behind you
Yes, I love playing as a Beyblade too.
axe isn't good, just go flail. Ignoring shields is really, really helpful.
>look behind you
>meanwhile something else stabs you in the back
Play the game retard, before spouting nonsense. No amount of "pro" tricks are going to save you from blind backstabs in this game. Every time I see some shitter below level 25 trying to join my champion runs, I immediately initiate a kick vote, because fuck you for bringing the team down.
>for a little while.
>>>>>>>>>>>for a little while
It took me 4 fucking days to grind my way to slayer
What kind of retarded shitter are you user?
>Finding out how funny the repeater crossbow is on BH Saltz
At last I truely see.
Trip is unncessary, but good to see you again. Hope you're starting to enjoy more, you were doing good.
>why are they making me play the game I just want to suck dick
The game has 14 levels. You're supposed to replay the game. Your complaint is that you were too retarded to understand what game you were playing before you bought it. You might as well complain about having to use guns in a shooter.
Is handmaiden any good with ironbreaker with the stam regen aura?
How is unchained?
having a blast playing as Shade
I agree with you, actually. I don't let people below 20 on my champ runs either, but I know that I'm good and I have been completing full book champ runs as kruber since lvl 1
I've been streaming the game, and using DX12 causes this weird flickering effect.
dude what is the fucking drop chance for a hat oh my god this is getting boring
What goes around comes around
>join quickplay
>chat is full of shitters
>I play elf lmao check it out xD
>mfw even in overwatch there are more meaningful chat conversations
>here its just a bunch of 15 year olds spamming questions about tome locations
I didnt know Vermin 2 is for underage audience holy shit what is this and why we let it happen
One who has classes and a job to go to, unfortunately.
>I have been completing full book champ runs as kruber since lvl 1
You mean you were carried through those runs by lvl30s.
one man ratman apocalypse
>4 days
>to unlock Slayer
What in the god damn fuck? Are you somehow wiping on the first two minutes of Recruit every time? Holy fuck user.
Even if that were so, at the very least it proves that I'm carry-able. Why are you so disinclined to believe someone is good enough to avoid being backstabbed often?
getting a hat is literally rarer than winning the lottery. there are only 2 confirmed cosmetics dropped, both were posted on reddit
just wait until they fix the drop rates before farming for them
It shouldn't take you four days to get to level 12 on one guy user. I'm being serious here, are you just dying on every map or something? Not completing the runs? Did you go to vet too early and so runs take forever?