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Adept > all

Spacer War Hero best and most canon shep

Colonist/Sole Survivor

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whats with all the ME threads recently?

Is it even worth playing this shit at this point knowing how much it shits the bed after 2?

Colonist Ruthless renegade.
Gas batarians.

If you mod 3 it becomes decent.

Would you play a Mass Effect 4 with an old, grizzled original cast? Not sure how they would retcon the ending to keep from pissing everyone off, but it would be kino.

What would it even be about?

>normandy crash lands on that island in the epilogue
>ancient evil awakens in the volcano

ME2 kind of shits the bed a little, but it's not awful. ME3 is still playable too but it's definitely the worst of the three and the ending is just fucking stupid. You'll probably have an easier time enjoying the franchise if you go in expecting disappointment. I do recommend ME1 overall though; that one's pretty good.

>moana in space

They actually got blown back in time and are on Earth and start civilization.

So Episode Bardock

Debate me.

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they would piss everyone off regardless. just make it so shepard destroyed the reapers and make the game a hundred years later.

Earthican/War Hero

Spacer/Sole Survivor/Vanguard

>jack that low
>tali, kasumi, and grunt that low
>zaeed and thane that low
>javik that low

Don't you fucking talk shit about my blueberry

soldier, of course

Fucking Cerberus

not an argument