I thought it's TIME TO RELOAD
>no Indiana Jones world
probably the most annoying boss for me first time I played 2
>he didn't see the new leak
What's the one thing you hate the most about this franchise Sup Forums?
I love u
I want Versus Noctis in KH3
The fact that no game after 2 kept the core fluid gameplay that 2 had.
does 0.2 not play good? haven't played it and people are saying 3 looks similar
It's floaty as shit, but I think that's just because you play as Aqua.
>It's a "2autist needs everyone to know how much superior he thinks 2 is" episode
Meleefags of kingdom hearts.
How is 2 not the height of the series? Best bosses, best gameplay, best music, etc. Surely you aren't trying to suggest BBS and DDD did it better?
2 is superior, however I don't compare it to 1 as 1's gameplay is much different, much more RPG-like
Eh, Days has the best music.
>Best bosses
2 has the best combat if you get autistically in depth with it. But that's about all it has going for it.
2 has the best gameplay overall but relied too heavily on finishers (bosses can't be defeated without a combo-finisher from Sora), gimmick bosses to accommodate reaction commands (ie the treasure-curse Heartless in Port Royal), and was far too focused on its own story to the near-exclusion of Disney elements beyond "hey sora remember us from kingdom hearts 1" and clumsily shoveling the Organization into one or two of the original movie plots, compared to Kingdom Hearts 1 generally following the movie's plot but figuring the Heartless and world's Keyhole into events and character motivations as well as Sora actually drastically changing things at times.
When I was a kid, I thought he said amigo.
I liked that aspect of finishers, though. It made it so uber bosses couldn't be finished off with a wimp noodle attack. It also made those slo-mo shots at the end of each fight look that much cooler.
Eh, I thought it had more impact with the first game if you'd finished it like that deliberately, or something like the last hit of Ars Arcanum.