I wanna be a dwarf. What's the best game that has that real dwarfy feel? Something rpg, not like dwarf fortress stuff.
I wanna be a dwarf. What's the best game that has that real dwarfy feel? Something rpg, not like dwarf fortress stuff
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dwarves are reddit incarnate. Rats/Skeletons are based
no, skeletons are normalfag tier now
You're thinking of elves. How are a bunch of drunk racists considered Reddit?
my nigga, Rats are literally god tier and are underappreciated
What's so great about rats?
In Total War: Warhammer, the dwarf campaign is pretty good.
they're not racist, at worst they just make fun of elves and solely for their earsthey are the most overdone shit ever. EVERY single fucking dwarf in any sort of media is the same
>"lmao I love drinking, hammers/axes, fighting and hate magic"
Name ONE time when this wasn't the case
vermintide 2
literally worst taste.
Human supremacy is the only way
Why would I do that? I started this thread because I like that motif. Obviously it's done better in some games than others.
Dragon's Crown.
Dwarf is literally the best character, and you get to shit bombs everywhere and throw everything all over the fucking place.
I love slayer as well, but i think he needs some increase in survivability compared to other dwarf builds. he feels too much like wet toilet paper, hell even elf-bitch has better chances at staying alive.
Hmm, I missed that on the ps3 and was wanting to get the remaster. Gonna check it out now.
Sad that this game turned out to be very mediocre.
Nah, that would be rats. Dwarves are /tg/, humans are Sup Forums, and elves are normie
This right here.
Slayer is really fun, but his damage is not high enough to justify his lack of ranged attacks AND his low survivability.
nothing it's just the next contrarian fad
stop talking about filthy rats this is a dwarf thread
Hey kid, wanna know an old ranger trick?
Play Vermintide for the proer Dwarf experience.
For an action-RPG you can probably make one in Dragon's Dogma
You won't be disappointed. There is no character more fun than Dwarf in any video game.
I ain’t no Grudgebearer’s son
But in Dragon's dogma it doesn't really play any different from other characters so I don't know if that counts.
Well the archtype works. Even better when you throw fire and gunpowder into the mix
Gee I can’t wait to wipe on burbleburp fatfuck again
Vermintide 2
>Nah, that would be rats.
since fucking when? when's the last time you seen a humanoid rat as the main character of a fantasy film, or a playable rat in a game?
>if it isn't my boring human with sharp ears/long beards than it's just contrarianism!
Yes, it is contrarianism.
Saying something is boring and then replacing it with nothing more than superficiality, then claiming it's somehow better, is the mark of someone incredibly stupid or contrarian.
>le gruff alcoholic bearded manlets
Dwarffags can fuck off forever
Does Sup Forums like orcs?
pub groups are so bad at this fight, holy shit.
he has huge tells for his shit wave attacks just takes a brainlet to learn the patterns.
Rats are only good for PURGING.
snowflake detected
>muh humans are the best
Humans are the most dull, predictable, snowflake race in any fantasy or sci-fi setting
>my character's race specializes in being "adaptable". That means they're good at everything and can do anything the other races can, and often better!
>human prodigies will be better at any other race's specialized magic, craft, or fighting techniques than even the ones who created and practiced it their entire lives
>and they die younger, so it can be so tragic when the non-human characters end up outliving them.
>oh, and they still conquered the entire world, and are the most populous and generally successful race
>and everyone thinks they're hot and totally wants to have sex with them! they can have magic hybrid babies with anyone! elves, orcs, even dragons!
>and destiny and prophecy, and all the Gods except the weird racist ones love them the best, which means they're the ones destined to be the real heroes
>even if a plot didn't start as being specifically about humans, it will mutate into a story about the perseverance and survival of mankind, or mankind saving the day for everyone else
Dragon Age Origins during the intro
Mammals a shit, what we need is playable birdfolk.
Have you considered that most writers are human, which is why they're the baseline?
Humans are best races in any setting
Your blue donut steel humans, or furry/scaly faggot creatures with human personality traits can fuck off
I think it's better if you roleplay as a dwarf in an MMO or something like that, because there are no games that have that feel, unless we're talking about the humanized dwarf, like the ones in Dragon Age or the main character in the game "The Dwarves" (shit game though, for RPers only).
Icewind Dale
>Humans are predictable
Shut the fuck up you stupid faggot
If you can't make a human or a group of humans interesting in a fantasy setting, you shouldn't bother
Making your custom donut steel op faggot fantasy fetish race doesn't mean shit if you can't even roleplay humans interesting, people who use faggot fetish races for a crutch for roleplaying are literally by far the worst
So fuck off faggot
>reddit incarnate
no u
Skaven player reporting both in here and on Ratbros 4 life.
Divinity 2 dwarf is pretty decent.
This guy gets it.
If the only reason your alien/fantasy race is interesting is because they look different, you've utterly failed as a writer.
It was good because the Dwarfs were something different than the DnD/GW stereotype.
Not much
Furfags are just trying to push them as the next nuKobolds
The meme that humans are boring in fantasy is just beyond dumb, I can only assume it's pushed by autismos who can't understand emotions, so instantly just look for some fetish thing to fuck
Disciples 2 has some great dwarfs.
the dwarf in shadows over mysteria is pretty badass
>someone else has played Disciples 2
Mountain Clans 4 lyfe.
I imagine it's because they simply lack imagination to realise humanity can be any different from our own cultures, which is why the cling on to superficial differences as some staggering divide
Stay plagued, human-things.
We need better diversity then.
Isn't Vermintide multiplayer only?
You can play with bots but you won't get very far with them.
Good summary
Special snowflake races w/o any real defining attributes besides their physicality is a poor replacement for true diversity.
You can get to around veteran with boys
eh, the bots are unironically better than a lot of the players you run into even on higher difficulties, you can play solo if you like
there's a lot of dialog between the characters and you can even customize the bots
>Customize the bots
Wait, what?
Yes, this.
WoW's dwarf is bretty good. one of the best sets of racials, fantastic animations, can play most classes, and their paladin is getting an updated mount soon. there will be playable dark iron dwarves (duergar) in the next expansion too
the bots are characters that you can play as, if you level up those characters, put new gear on them, unlock new talents for them, the bots will use them as well
you can even switch them to another class (or "career" as the game calls it)
Playable arrakoa in WoW fucking when
Lord of the rings games
No wonder I saw an Ironbreaker bot one time playing with my buddy.
Never knew you had control over it.
with high level and good gear, you can even do legend runs with bots
I need to see some works written by non-humans.
Did you just assume my racial identity?
Disney Star was a comes to mind.
No way that was written by a human
I am one of these pubbies.
Even nerfed I still get knocked down by this asshole. What am I ssupposed to do? He keeps teleporting next to me and shotgunning poison in my face.
>ywn get paid to constantly shitpost
What games can you actually play as a skeleton in an rpg setting?
Divinity os 2
Vermintide gives you a pretty good feeling of Dwarf when you play as him. You're actually shorter than all the other player characters and if interestingly influences your gameplay experience. Also the bants and the game itself are top tier. I'd recommend jumping straight into Vermintide 2 though.
that Return of the King game for playstation 2 and its pc port. you can play gimli in certain chapters and after beating the game i believe you can play any character on any of the levels
This, and/or 2. You can play a party of six dwarves.
Try visiting reddit and you'll see
Goblin Slayer. The dorf in that is a shaman.
>implying we're not ska/v/en
Guess I'll die-die then.
He has them now. i mean he had them before but the gaps between his clones were too close together so you had to rely on getting behind him. It's a general agreement that the fight before the patch was pure fucking bullshit.
Eskimo dwarf mum hunter with arrows and a pet ice fox
>be thornenrn thrern,son of thrererin thrern,son of thoratarn thrern
>wake up in your bed of stone
>go take a crap in your hole in the ground
>a kobold lashes out of the hole and grabs you by the crack hair,have to use an axe to cut it so you wouldnt get dragged in the shitter
>go look in the polished gold plate on your wall
>doesnt work that well as a mirror but fuck if it doesnt show you got the bling
>take a pair of scissors and trim your beard of the hardened grease and dried ale from last nights feast
>the hair grows back a few seconds later
>eat a chicken leg you took with you before going to sleep,grab your pick and make your way to the mines
>start bashing away at rocks and stone until you manage to poke hole in the cave wall
>a swarm of spiders comes out and overwhelms thrirn therein,son of thart therein,son of thodin therein,the dwarf working the mine with you
>he start screaming and running around as dozens of spiders bite into his flesh
>eventually drops down
>you walk up to him and praise him for not falling sooner,loot his body of any coins then set him on fire according to dwarven tradition
>he gets up and runs around like hes the human torch but eventually he falls down and burns to death
>you praise him again for his fortitude
>you are sure he made his way to valawalahala and is currently feasting with warriors of a bygone era
>just another day in the dwarven mountain
I'm actually relatively tall 6'3" and average build but I really want to be a tiny but swole dwarf wrecking orks in mines, digging shiny shit and having a mead with the boys.
Is this normal?
>relatively tall
The fucking nerve of manlets nowadays
Why woulnt a gold mirror reflect well?
Ha it's funny as a meme but it's actually real in netherlands, my height here is average
>Why woulnt a gold mirror reflect well?
not that it wouldnt reflect,but it wouldnt be the same as a mirror