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Video Games #4109
Video Games
What is it about this game that pushes Sup Forums's buttons every time?
Okay, today marks five years since Bioshock Infinite, are you ready to admit you liked it yet?
So why is this game so hated again?
Why aren't highscores a thing anymore?
Ugh why are fairies so hot
Series end with a questionable final game
Do you ever feel embarassed you know and care more about fictional game lore than real world history?
Hope it's not ____ _____
Didn't get the hype
Paladins players are okay with Hi-Rez removing features and turning the game into more of an overwatch ripoff than...
SJWs don't affect Japanese gam---
Anyone unironically use this?
Help me sonybros i can't beat him
Is Totori too sexy?
What game hit you the hardest emotionally?
Where did you guys get your cheat codes?
I have a good joke
My good boy of 5 years passed away this afternoon. I need some good dog games to pass the time (no nintendogs please)
The great debate
Horror "Games"
Chykka Larva on front page
How do you feel about these characters?
Yokai watch died
He did nothing wrong
Game is called for honor
Are any of the PC versions of Final Fantasy games worth a damn...
File name thread
Listen ere' rex ye wee poof, shut ye gabbar and put yer tadger in me fanny. I SHAVED ME MINGE FOR THIS
Stop killing games
Steam most played thread. Post your top whatever you think makes you look best
Love interest has the same name as your mother/sister
Mfw Sup Forums calls Far Cry 5 (the best game of this year and possibly decade) a bad game
So beyond the obvious Witcher games with Geralt, what are some other games that star a Mary Sue?
Old Thread
ITT: Charact
ITT: Scary stuff in Vidyagames
Yakuza Thread
Itt: post an image, have someone recommend a game that would most be like it
Just got the secret ending on this and that letter kinda hit me in the dick
Mfw i buy valve and remove the pyro class entirely
I fixed it
What did the Ion Maiden devs mean by this?
The Future of Street Fighter
ITT: Enemies that unnerve you
Well Sup Forums?
Why is she so perfect bros?
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
No man's sea
What's up with all the Far Cry 5 shilling on Sup Forums? Shit's worse than reddit
Final boss has less than 10 HP left
"I don't like this game!"
I think you need a role model, Bobby
Why aren't you playing BF2 now?
Is he /ourguy/?
How fucked am I
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
At least nintendo realizes their primary audience now
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Why haven't you joined the keypad+12 button mouse masterrace yet, user?
Do you like my video game concept art?
He tried to warn you
So why don't you have a fightstick Sup Forums?
What was this era of gaming like?
Any vidya moms?
What are some video games where the 17th jinzo ningen dies but the comes back to life and wins the tournament of power?
What are some good Vietnam war videogames?
Post a game that did a trope so well that no game can ever do again without being compared to it
Kirby Thread
Mortal Kombat
Mario Retardy
Itt: god tier expansions/DLC
Meanwhile, on the USG Sup Forumsshimura
Should I just fucking buy it or what
What video games should I play while I get high on heroin for the first time?
About to lose an online match
Post vidya cities
Filename thread
Why is Bethesda any better than EA?
Join a group
Here's your shitty android box bro
ITT: characters who should be in 5mash
Why do so many girls play this game ? it annoys the fuck outta me
Oh hi there...
Just say whatever dumb vidya gaems shit you want to
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
What's the best FPS on the market right now and why is it still Battlefield 4?
*nukes your path*
What are the best games on pc?
Which one is better and why?
CeX Thread
You can romance your digimon in the newest game
Full Bloom 4 thread
Let's get this settled
This game is becoming bigger than minecraft, Pokemon go, and Gangnam style combined
*releases early beta as finished product*
You are a graduate student opting for a PhD in Video Games. You must choose a topic for your PhD thesis...
Sup Forums becomes a Game Dev: Part 3
Will they actually bother with the ballot characters or will they just include 4 more Fire Emblem characters again?
Why do people hat this series again? It's a pretty good FPS
What is Sup Forumsopinion about Ratchet and Clank series?
3x3 thread
RPGMaker Games
What did Kratos mean by this?
Post an anime. People recommend a game similar to it
So much better
When the Switch gets a full on replacement (Not its equivalent to a DS Lite or DSi) how much do you think it will have...
What are some games where the undeniably strongest character loses for no fucking reason?
Imitation is the best form of flattery
Hiroshima said that we can have at least 1 metathread so here I am to say something extremely important: BRING BACK THE...
Capitalism isn’t a broken syst-
Post your favorite video game please
Time travel games
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend?
Thoughts on this murderer?
How did they manage to make GTA5 such a piece of shit following the literal masterpiece that is GTA4?
Was this a good game bros?
Ice level
Post your Street Fighter main
Chapter 3
Thinking about buying this today. Whats your guys take on this/these?
Game 1
Why isn't there any WWI tank game? It's always wwII, cold war or modern
Remember that if Yu chooses Naoto he destroys the group dynamic of the IT by NTRing 1/3 of its members at once...
Imagine still being a misguided console pleb in the year 2018
How do we fix grinding?
ITT: Good characters who are stuck in bad games
Why are blacks so obsessed with Nintendo...
Which Ni No would you Kuni?
What do the withered old monks in High Hrothgar eat?
Why aren't you playing Elder Scrolls Online?
So kiddos, how's your autogynephilia going?
Post vidya music that gets you emotional
What did you think of this game?
My favorite game series was ruined and turned into cinematic "my son" garbage
Undertale is still talked about to this day
This console has no good games
Is this a good language for making vidya?
Why did Sony drop the idea of having Kat as their mascot?
What is the hardest puzzle in gaming history?
Why is no one talking about GOTY
Make character upset over a promise he didn't even know wasn't possible as a child
Sup Forums Becomes a Game Dev, Part 2
Ass creed
Reminder that Hub died in Battle Network 3 and you only have a copy of his data that was recreated for your PET
Why aren't you already on the Huniepop 2 hype train?
Sup Forumsarmint Sup Forumseekend
10 secs to tell me a good creepypasta vidya
Is this a joke?
Why does she receive far less fanart when compared to the other two, Sup Forums? You DO like her, right?
How do you guys feel about this?
Valve Can count to 3
Yes, joseph anderson...
Where my red crate bros at?
Nothing can stop students from playing Fortnite. Everyone is playing it, teens say, so schools have tried to ban it...
This kills the WoW lore
How do I get stronger in this game...
Top kek Sup Forumsros i cant wait for this game. who else
ITT: Shitty game mechanics / design choices
Ace Attorney
Why do I cry like a bitch every time a Persona game ends
Gaming Fuel thread
Is there an example of an open world done rigth?
Scott Shelby is the Origami Killer
You've been itching for an mmo, don't lie
Is this just No Man's Sky 2018 edition?
This thread has been pruned or deleted
4 hours of gameplay
Play Granblue Fantasy
50 million copied sold
Fire Emblem """""difficulty"""""
Hollow Knight
Gaming addiction
ITT: "Fuck you I like it" games
What would Obama's boss dialogue be right before the Phantom Thieves face him?
Buy a mini Switch set for 10 bucks
Super mario 64 comes out and people still talk about it to this day
You are going to buy Dark Souls Remastered
I SWEAR this used to look like real life bros
Old(ish) Online games
The ending of the new leaked GOW gameplay was awesome but it's kinda dumb that Kratos says ''that's impossible''. Like...
Why can't all female MCs be as sexy as little Nep?
City Building / Banished Thread
Hoi goy , if you want the princess you gotta give me your shekels for the DLC
How does Sup Forums feel about these guys?
Pay your respects to the greatest game off all time
Change my mind
Does anyone else get this weird creepy feeling when playing alone on gmod maps?
We haven't had one of these since forever. It's very simple...
ITT: games that desperately need a remake
What is the most underrated FPS game in the history of video games?
Antagonist wins in the end
What would be a good aesthetic for the next Fallout?
It's no masterpiece
ITT: Love stories done right
AM2R vs Samus Returns
Biggest hacks in gaming
I've always equated feelings with getting caught: they both get in the way of my money
Admit it, this was the last video game
Mods delete farcry 5 ending thread
There are no patrician game criti-
I am putting together a team
Valkyria Chronicles 4
I'm a Bloodborne lore expert. I know more about Bloodborne lore than anyone else in the world
Ruins gaming
Game comes out
The Wii U only has seven (7) games left, and soon to be zero (0)
"Problematic'' and ''toxic'' is more important than gameplay
If you don't like Shadow Of The Colossus you should find a new hobby
Sup Forums Becomes a Game Dev
This game changed my life
Holy Trinity of cancer fanbases on Sup Forums
What does Terraria 2 need to surpass the original?
Name a game that's not excellent, just good
So your sitting back enjoying some tunes and a nice cold drink...
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
This is Tressa Corzione
Why you don't enjoy video games anymore, user?
Which era(s) did (You)r childhood take place in?
Why the FUCK is fortnite so damn popular? When will this shit finally die off
Why do most western gamers/devs still prefer First Person view over Third Person?
Who else is hyped for the new God of War?
What are some games that let me play as a dragon?
Game lets you be an immortal, beautiful, naturally magically gifted elf
Anyone else getting excited for Jurassic World Evolution? I hope it's similar to Operation Genesis
Kirby Thread
What are you hoping for in the next DoA game?
Soy souls vs The chad NIOH
Are you going to main them in Smash, Sup Forums?
Imagine you're a AAA game developer that has a budget of like $100,000,000 to make a game
Does this actually work as a meal replacement? I've been thinking of buying some for long gaming sessions...
Is the impact Discord has on the video game industry good or bad?
CeX Thread
Final Fantasy XIII
Good skyrim combat mods?
On top of being tied with Skyward Sword for being the worst Zelda...
1. Your birth year
Mfw tampered deviljho
Who the fuck is this? I played the first and second game but never saw this guy
How does Persona games get away with the same things that other weeb games cannot?
Far Cry 5 Ending
Well Sup Forums?
Grand Theft Auto V was so forgettable that the only mission anyone remembers is the torture scene
Who is the strongest male video game character?
Be 2011
Let me preface this by saying that Kirby is one of my all-time favorite franchises. I love the pink little puffball...
Which one, Sup Forums?
Who is the best video game dragon?
I want to see HD trap Cloud now!!!
Your turn, Sup Forums
Pokemon Switch Details
This is the best controller
How do we save Star Fox?
Is it Mar-e-oh or Mare-e-oh?
Killing dogs in video games is wrong no mater what
Exactly 1 hour from now, if "the button" is in pressed state...
Why is the Loli archetype so prominent in eastern developed games...
Post the last game you finished or beaten
Fucking Christ why the fuck do people play a Co-Op game and just fuck off by themselves or not help the team at all
Why does Nintendo hate mature elements?
Just got pic related. Recommend me some games with superb sound design
Is it objectively bad to create a game in 2017 that looks and plays like a N64/PS1 platformer?
Play mmo with friend
What are some deep sea games?
Dead Series thread
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Hollow Knight
Name a more worthless, pointless faction than the Railroad. Oh wait, you can't
What's the Sup Forumserdict on Kingdom Come: Deliverance?
Will he make it in the next smash?
Post them sticks
Which one is best ?
Are you fucking kidding me?
This supposedly releases this year and nobody seems hyped...
*blocks your path*
Dragon's dogma
Why do you hate Granblue, Sup Forums?
And you thought matchmaking times were horrible before?
The Chad Fantasy vs Virginblade 2
RPCS3 improvements
Childhood is idolizing Skyrim
Engineers will defend this
Borb. discuss
Paladins players are okay with Hi-Rez removing features and turning the game into more of an overwatch ripoff than...
GOTY is an indie
Skyrim mod morals
All of these Far Cry shill threads
Why was the best game of 2017 so criminally underrated?
Forces the player to deliver her love letter
So why does Sup Forums hate him again?
Dust? settled
Since the animal friends are gonna be in Star Allies DLC does that mean that Dark Matter/Zero are gonna actually show...
Come on user, it's time for our Etrian Odyssey to begin!
Yesterday, I didn't even know about this game
A Way Out is #1 on twitch
What do you want to see in Splatoon 3?
Why did this game fail?
Don't forget to support good games. (6$ on Xbone) On sale on every console
Left 4 Dead 2
Hey user
Underrated Vidya Thread
I'm 250+ hours deep into this shit and I still don't understand anything. How do I git gud...
Vermintide 2 thread
Comfy Switch Sunday
What do you want from Animal Crossing?
Name ONE animal from vidya that could 1v1 air bud
Modern remake is worse than the original
First Far Cry 5 review
Tfw you try to work out the combinations and strategies in a fighting game but still lose to people who randomly mash...
Dark Souls 2 is the worst one
How do we save PC games? Is the Switch really the answer?
You can only save your game a limited amount of times
I want to get into this series
I think that having more females in video games is a good thing
Brigitte is literally the best girl
Do you think you'll still be playing videogames when you're really old, like 30?
Steam Controller, Xbone controller, and Ps4 which is the best controller...
ITT: vidya girls universally liked by Sup Forums
Dark souls remaster
Mass bans innocent playerbase, wipes their character, and offers no appeals
Why are console wars still a thing?
Police training sweatshirt
Redpill me on Budokai Sup Forums
If this was your first Yakuza game, please kill yourself
Why not install Jet Set Radio, user?
Realistic roster for Smash 5 on Switch! Think I have covered all the bases!
Series dies because you didn't buy a spin-off
This is the ideal TES opinion. You may not like it, but this is what peak patricianhood looks like
"competitive" "e-sport"
Only three really great Star Fox games
Game is actually too long for it's own good
I will now be dumping tons of old Sup Forums shit from my disorganized as hell "funny" folder for hopefully your...
New Allied Race announced: Lightforged Elves
Smash Bros
All those unsold copies of sunset overdrive at toys r us
Why does Sup Forums hate this game now?
When you're so divorced from modern gaming cancer that you don't even know what the last 'new' game you played was
YNDD was so mediocre that not even ironic weebs wanted to jump on it
Nice graphics
"We ended up doing a tiebreaker in her room,i had more reach,she had more flexability"
He saved quadrillions
What things have you tried to earn money through video games?
That fucking ending
Game tries to be funny
You ARE going to buy her game, right Sup Forums?
No zootopia world
Going to pick up a 3ds.. gbShould I get the new 3ds XL or the new 2ds XL?
How did they do it lads? How did they make the greatest game of all time/
I'm putting together a team
Mass Effect 1 Thread
The great debate
Cozy minecraft thread
Which Link is the strongest and why?
Japan vs whole world
Are you ready for slavic countryside simulator?
Gravity Rush 2
Has the potential for an interesting moveset based on his various personas
Sonic Thread
Will they try and give him a sympathetic angle like they did with Plague Knight and Specter Knight?
Gudds :DDD
The perfect video game doesn't exi-
You know it's true
One of the most atmospheric and immersive horror games of all time
She did nothing wrong
You can't name a better video game and be correct at the same time
We never got this version of half-life2
Sell me this game
What the fuck is going on?
Smimem plays S.T.A.L.K.E.R.,why don't you?
Thoughts on Subnautica?
How the fuck do i fix fallout 4
What games from the 6th gen can compete with games released nowadays?
Original hardware > Emulator
Was he?
Sup Forumsermin Sup Forumseekend
Play Granblue
What vidya figures do you own?
10 years of shitty moba clones
Rise almost ruined the entire Persona franchise
Comfy Thread: Hangover Sunday Edition
Jak and Daxter
Just started this game and it's already comfy
Final Fantasy VII remake
Will they fuck it up?
Full Bloom Melee Top 48
Never again
What is the combat like ?
Risky Rainy: I know you fegs are lurking get in here
"For you and for justice, I will give my all."
Should I cancel my preorder for the standard version?
1080X went down 150 Euro in my shithole
The best RPG ever made is literally $5 on GoG
Holy shit
Why didn't you Save the Princess? She's upset!
What went wrong, Sup Forums?
I did it Sup Forums. I finally did it
Game lets you specialize between fire, water, earth and air
Sooo, after you take me back to my place, how about we do some... overtime?
Name one (1) shrine off the top of your head
I just finished the main story for this game and you know what, I liked it
What were your lucky songs in these games? Songs where you always scored well when they played
Gets a Lawbreakers tattoo
My daughter
Bored and tired of my other games
If you use MEGA EVOLUTIONS you are a huge fucking retard
Name a better JRPG magic system
So you wanna work for me huh?
Was he the right choice?
Controller thread?
3DS just won't die
Make Sea of Thieves thread
User! Quick Question
Left or Right?
How did they get away with this?
What does Sup Forums think of Digital Devil Saga 2?
Disney killed their most popular fighter franchise
I unironically think NieR: Automata might be the best game all gen. NieR thread?
I love Nia!
I hate this stupid trend of fapbait games. 99% of the time it's just used to cover up how shit the game is...
The roastie thing is a meme, it's a lottery, some vagainas are like that
Anybody else still prefer consoles?
Code Vein
Will SMT V come out on PC?
Game has weapon durability
Do games exist where you can build a base (production facilities, recharge etc.) to support your adventure?
The lazy stoner sidekick ends up being the strongest person in the multiverse
Space Engine 0.990
Far Cry 5? More like Far Cry KINO
Has a video game ever made you cringe before?
Worth it?
This is Emilie de Rochefort,say something nice about her
It's come to my notice that you have a Switch in your briefcase
What is the greatest Kirby game?
Why are you not playing the most mechanically complex and most balanced RTS is history?
Thank you based Blizzard
What's the most excited you've ever been for a game and how did it turn out?
Only in 2018 can you have a psychic murderer and destroyer of world become a grumpy and caring father who teaches his...
ITT: we post the official collection of games that everyone should play at least once in their lifetime
War is hell
Why aren't you playing Elder Scrolls Online?
You still play vidya with your friends and/or significant other(s), right Sup Forums?
Ni No Kuni 2
Is this supposed to be an MGS2-style sequel where it's bad on purpose to make you feel bad about liking the first one...
Sup Forums - switch game recommendations?
What's the lowest point you've ever fallen to as a part of a vidya fanbase?
Developers that only made one good game
Calls other people larpers
ITT: Share your backlogs and other anons will help you decide what to play
Well fuck me I've been avoiding this game for years cause >>>>f2p<<<< but now I've been playing it for around 24 hours...
Died 31 times to this
What's the best Zelda game? The "full package"
You know...
Is "artificial difficulty" Sup Forums's "forced animation"?
Why isn't bamco translating Idolmaster in the west...
F2p games with skins
Dmc Killer
What is Sup Forums's favorite Metal Gear game?
Is Elder Scrolls online worth for the story and quests
Pokemon memories
Is this worth jumping in two years later?
Skyrim is better than obli-
I remember like 5 years ago anons were telling me that OpenMW was nearly finished and that when it was done...
Item has 50% chance to drop
PC game
How do you win a solo game?
Well, Arthas, I made it. Despite your directions
Post characters who actually did nothing wrong
Most recent dragon age sucked
Browsing a game ost on youtube
Nintendo is going all out at this years E3. So gaar we know that they'll show the new Smash and potentially Pokemon...
Hi guys, I have made a petition on to ask SEGA about releasing the Yakuza series on PC...
What do you hope to see in CYBERPUNK 2077
Can we all finally agree that Venom Snake is the best Snake?
It's no masterpiece
Not even April and we have the definitive GOTY
What is the edgiest thing you've ever done in a video game?
I'm a Sans lore expert. Nobody knows who I am, but I know far more about the game than anyone I've ever seen, heard of...
ITT: based vidya illustration
Look for good RPGs
I don't get it
Tfw fell for the VR meme
*saves your series*
Pweeeaaasee port it to PEEECEEEEE
This is the best final fantasy game by a fucking mile
Fatal Frame
New Smash V Thread ? New Smash V thread
ITT: IRL images that look like they belong in a game
So I finished Breath of the Wild today for the first time. 138 hours
Whenever someone mentions Deus Ex, someone, somewhere will reinstall it
Calls you a mutant
Is this worth getting...
It's finally happening isn't it? JRPG's are finally back after decades of garbage games
How can one man be so based? Seriously his creativity is remarkable
So apparently Pokemon Switch might come out this year after all
Decide to buy controversial game as i am a fan of series
Hi guys! I just found your forums and I must say, the layout is quite strange but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it soon...
How do we stop the leftist soyboys trying to destroy our memes?
ITT THAT part of the game
Games that made you emotional
Dino Crisis
What are some video games that simulate the effects of pregnancy? the FUCK can we compete????
Garbage Performace and ps3 quality
I'm sick of leftist propaganda in video games
Dedicated NES player here. I've beaten all of the games that are clearly worth it...
How do you deal with the fact that J-Stars Victory VS 2 will never be released? why didn't you buy Sup Forums...
This is a kunoichi
Not putting your video games in the fridge
What makes a Fallout game a Fallout game?
What is the best bloodborne DLC weapon?
What vidya women have canonicaly had sexual intercourse for the purpose of procreation?
Nu screenshot thread
Earning more than 300 thousand dollars per month
Post them
ITT: Games you wanted to be great but weren't
I am putting together a team
Fate/Grand Order
Let's do this!
We won
Quick, name 5 famous western videogame composers
Every second "girl" is actually a hermaphrodite
Its okay when the japanese do it
Saves your franchise
Why can't they design good gameplay?
There are people who still think Smash 5 is a full port of the Wii U version
Elder scrolls is dead
Recent releases
Level cap is 99
Did you fall for it Sup Forumsros?
Thank you for solving my quest
Find a better mech than this
The job listing, which is posted on the company's internal jobs board...
What does Sup Forums think of Prince of Persia (2008)?
How can other action games even compete?
Buh buh buh bo buh pa __________?
Does anyone do lolis like nintendo does?
Doom on switch is unironically the best game on the switch now
What's the most fun way to play New Vegas?
Let's rev up those rosters
If you think the reverse castle was a bad idea you can go fuck yourself
It's black flag without the thousands of eavesdrop and tailing missions
Do you feel oppressed, Sup Forums?
Its a souls-like
Try to make my skyrim as lewd as I can
Youngfag here
How are they going to revive Vergil for DMCV?
What are some essential single player games? I grew up on multiplayer only and im burned out
Game begins with incredibly long and drawn out cutscene that could easily be reduced to 2 minutes
What new things from Mario Odyssey should come back in future Mario games?
He did nothing wrong
Hello user, would you like to use YouTube Gaming?
What are some good strategy games about the American Civil War? How about the Indian wars right after...
Is it okay to intentionally make segments of a video game that tortures a player/isn't fun in order to make a point?
Whats your PS4 collection like? What are you waiting for?
Ann deserves ____!
What do you want to see in the Witcher 4 when it eventually comes out?
Post castlevania
Will Soul Calibur 6 do as well as Tekken?
Why does no one like fighting games? They're funner to watch than team FPS and especially ASSFAGGOTS
I just beat this game in 5 hours ask me anything
Sup Forums suddenly hates VR
What killed the ARMS hype?
I wanna be a dwarf. What's the best game that has that real dwarfy feel? Something rpg, not like dwarf fortress stuff
He killed MILLIONS to save BILLIONS. But the question remains, was he a villain for taking all those lives...
Has anyone played the Anno series?
You play games?
Name a cuter character
Games are better when they're made for prof--
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...