Game lets you specialize between fire, water, earth and air

>game lets you specialize between fire, water, earth and air

What do you choose every time?

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silver Chariot is busted

What the fuck, Tongue of Aquaticus passive is too OP.
Devs, please nerf.

A better game

Whichever of the four have the best aoe potential later on.
Almost always fire.


Earth, because Earth is the most metal element. Yes, even more metal than fire, because metals are found within the earth.

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Morning Glory is fucking broken OP. Literally everyone in the earth is fucked.

>dual wield silver
>becomes visible

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Why the hell wouldn't you pick Silver Chariot
>You're invisible, fast, and negate everyone else's abilities at a long range
There's NOTHING any other weapon could do to you.

>Tongue of Aquaticus
Meta choice

>Silver Chairot
Anti-Aquaticus tech

>The others

I place traps everywhere.
You die, and no one will ever find your invisible corpse.

>shoot projectiles so fast you aren't even born
>your mom has no ability to raise you
you lost already , son

>I come there with a stick
>I bonk you on the head

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>Silver Chairiot
>Stick (Dragon Slayer)

>able to block from both sides
>become indestructible
how the FUCK did this get past alpha??

>at a rate that is inversely proportional to his distance to the holder
That would damage every enemy on the planet just by existing, so yeah I pick that one.

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>High speed
>Ranged attacks which negate the stick's ability anyway


>you win

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whatever lets me shoot lightning, I guess that would be air in most games


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You won, but you destroyed everything worth fighting for in the process. Congratulations, I hope you're happy "hero".

Stick always win

>Dog runs up and steals stick, does that thing where he stands 15 feet from you wagging his tail and every time you try to take stick back the dog runs off

>reduces the enemy's health
>enemy's health
I could just fly to the other side of the world and chill while all the enemies die.

Oh my god the sword can objectively differentiate between enemies and allies and from that we can infer an objective moral system. This is the most powerful sword.

>Silver Chariot
>passive isn't that the wielder becomes a turtle

>most powerful sword
yet it still somehow breaks from overuse. Stick wins again.

I'm going by OP's rules, I know it's retarded but that's the way it is.

I uh. I love ice. I don't care about the other elements, even water.

Fire 99% of the time

Water sometimes but only if ice magic is rolled into it

Air rarely

Earth never ever

>inversely proportional

>no lightning or ice element
fucking gay

Yes, that's what it says.

>Tongue of Aquaticus
>Can turn into a WHIP

Call me BELMONT, fuckbois
How is that NOT the coolest shit

What is this from I remember this

Deepest lore

Puppet Pals from Dexter's Lab.

Do people not understand what inversely proportional means? In this case, shorter distance = more damage, longer distance = less damage.

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Silver Chariot negates all abilities, so that's not even a tough choice.

>whooshes your whip to non-existance with an air blast
Hi, my name is John, and you're about to get analy pounded

>one literally makes you invisible (aka untouchable)
gee what should i choose

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It's funny how the people that think they're smart are actually the most stupid.

>no passive ability
>rooting an enemy within melee range is useless

Why is stick so shit? Why anyone EVER use this piece of shit?

>niggers playing the tier list
these fags are everywhere

Assuming I know where you are, I don't think the jet blast would negate the high range of the sword since the OP doesn't specify if that's an ability or not.

>whipping the townswomen with your tongue of aquaticus until they cum involuntarily

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These descriptions are way too vague to make an informed decision.

It's the best dildo

It would negate, and that's because I want it to, so get fucked waterfag go heal your air-gaped asshole to make sure you don't get hemorroids

Is that a motherfucking jojo reference?

>grab tongue of aquaticus
>launch self into space
>eventually land on a planet millions of lightyears away because i'm immune to suffocation, sleep, hunger, thirst, age, and zero-atmosphere-pressure ailments

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>getting this assmad over getting slippery and unable to stand
get fucked, nigger

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how imbued weapons could work in real life?

In this order
>Holy (Not always available, OP)
>Lit (Few immune, high dmg, wide range)
>Fire (Several immune, high dmg, tight range)

I don't need to stand when I can fly
>not abusing your powers through monkey's paw
I'd just shoot air jets against the floor, where's your shitty ability now you kike

well maybe the far away enemies think they're just dying of old age and don't care that their life expectancy suddenly dropped a few years once you showed up.
truly the pacifist route.

>jet into the sky
>get whipped
>fall back to earth slippery because being perpendicular to the ground counts as standing


>Morning Glory is hot fire, but not busted.
>Stick is very slow and the user itself isnt indestructible. So if your opponent just camps outside of your range you can't win.
>Aquaticus has long range and the user can survive for a long time by regen. Being able to slip foes means the opponent is basically the Stick's root ability but far better due to the range.
>Silver Chariot is busted. High Speed + Invisibility + Ability negation through high speed wind basically cant be stopped. Only way you should lose is if the user gets tired.
Silver Chariot = Aquaticus > Morning Glory >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Stick
>people arguing over which of the two blatantly OP swords is better than the other.

>get whipped
hum, fucker, did you forget? I'm invisible bitch, good luck targetting me
>getting btfo'd this much
an hero live I'll fap to it

You guys are over estimating the practical abilities of these weapons
>AI can always see where you are

>not letting out a gutteral "REEEEEEEEEEE" and pinpointing your location with sonar
step down, kid
you're embarrassing yourself

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Because the other ones can break? Use your head

Silver chariot is TIER 1 choice everything else is shit compared to it.
Oh, you have regeneration and slippery effect and a whip? Too bad Jet wind and boom your sword is worthless
Oh, you have aoe fire dmg? Too bad ranged fuckyou wind attack
Stick? You try to block? Too bad you can't block Chad wind fuck boy
You became "pff, nothing personal kid." fast,and literally invisible and ranged spell, it's the patrician choice

I almost always go for Fire.
Now here's a better selection:

> Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Light, Dark, Metal, Lightning, Wood

Lightning is the best vidya element, proove me wrong.

So does the stick if the silver chariot negates it's ability

It says rate nigga, shorter distance = longer rate and longer distance = shorter rate

>assmad because he got outplayed
just admit that your soywhip is useless except for self flagellation, you cuck

ok Sup Forums here are ur options

sword 1:
does a million damage

sword 2:

which is better?!?!?!??!

That depends user, what's the numbers in the game like?

Maybe it's an anime game where 1 million damage is peanuts

Sword 2 you fucking idiot

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>sword 2 literally just stuns 100% of the time
broken OP

If 100 or 90%~ while having 0.5~ attack speed, I'll take stun even if it has 1 dmg and the worst enemy has 50m HP
Those salty tears they will produce while they are stunlocked for eternity will keep me alive

be more in-depth with the stun. Is it 100% accuracy? Is this real life? a million damage irl just equates to a nuke

Lightning is tied for Ice for best element.

sword 2 for infinite stunlocks.

>a million damage irl just equates to a nuke
yeah? how did you calculate that?

Silver Chariot is fucking imba why use anything else.

>stun enemy, deal 0 dmg
and then?

sword 1 cause i don't have friends to do the damage for me

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The passive is written as "become invisible", stacking it wouldn't revert the effect. Unless the devs were dumb and coded it as changing your visibility status instead of setting it to "inv".

1 damage = a certain amount (hope that clarifies)

stun is always. it is real life and a million damage equals some damage.

sword 1 if ur a jerk
sword 2 if ur cool irl

>laugh as you stunlock pitiful sword 1 user and he can't do anything but rage for the end of time

literally no downside

>He didn't A+ calc 2
Your mom's husband + BBC = your cuck self million nuke
Now don't ever ask me to do your homework again /sci/

then stun him more.

Not this user, but...
Humans should have around 100 hp.

damage is the best utility

then how the fuck did this guy survive

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Why tho? Humans are fragile even a fucking bee sting can kill you if you are a cuck 25 HP sounds more legit

He's obviously an anime character

He has 2,000,100 hp

The problem is that, however invisible you might be with Silver Chariot, the OP doesn't say that Aquarius' long reach is an ability.

Theoretically you would still have to get closer to hit the Aquarius user where he could just swing his sword in an impossibly fast circle around him and all you could do is give him a nice breeze for 0 damage while he did so.


But 1 million damage is radically different depending on context

If it's a game where health pools range from say 300k to 800k depending on class, 1m damage is pretty powerful because it will oneshot most people and 2shot people with good armour to reduce the damage

But if it's an anime game where you have like 10 billion hp it's fuck all

1 million damage is a pretty good amount (hope this clarifies)

Earth is the only choice

Air/Wind: Critical and agility
Water: Buffs, debuffs, and healing
Fire: DPS
Earth: Defense

Usually the dexfag option starts to outclass the DPS option if there's a damage cap.

>make cozy campfires
>can cook food for you
>gets all the bitches
>not gay like water sword

Name 4 anime game faggot where 1m hp is a thing