1080X went down 150 Euro in my shithole

1080X went down 150 Euro in my shithole
Aye or Nay?
Should I pass ir is it just gonna be getting worse?

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video games suck they arent worth more than a 1060 objectively, personally i wouldnt even go above a 1050ti. i mean unless you do a lot of drugs to make the games less boring but there are better uses for drugs in my opinion.

Next gen cards are around the corner, they are dropping because of that & Nvidia planning to sell cut down 1080 Ti's for mining

all mid tier shit is getting wiped off the shelves by desperate kids
I also want to indulge in the high life once in a while

If it's new, 100% buy it for that cheap.
If it's an ex-mining card, nope.

get a 1080 ti then
the 1080 is nice but the ti version is just so much better

Fine card for 4k. Buy if extremely cheap because its old

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Oh you were talking about the plain regular 1080. Hell fucking no then


I would buy a Ti if I were fucking a banker's daughter, they go for 1,200 all the way up to 10,000 here

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Patience, you must have.

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whats a 1080X?

Patience is what prevented me from purchasing a card when it wasn't a jew prices!

They still go for 1000 here lmao

he's refering to the msi gaming x1080

It's too powerful. Unless you're gonna play at 4k or whatever.
Seriously, ask yourself if you're even gonna play at least 10 graphically demanding game.
If you can't name more than 10, it ain't worth it.
t. someone who is selling their 1070 because all they play is the odd AAA here and there, everything else can run on significantly less.

They say Nvidia is rumored to release in the middle of the year. I pray the release prices aren't shit. Might just go for a blower fan if I have to.

Found an R9 290 for $200, GTX 970 for $250, R9 280x for $150. Which one do I go for if I’m upgrading from a 7870.

none of them. get a new gen card with the new techs.

There is nothing wrong with ex-mining cards. I sold dozens of them and all of them were in perfect condition. In fact, they are probably a better deal than something you buy in a store, since those can be faulty, but a used card was already well tested. Using a card doesn't make it go bad, it's what it was designed for.

Nvidia's next GPUs with GDDR6 are like a couple months away and the 1080 is still over MSRP, just be patient

top kek, yeah right. Overclocked cards used at full capacity constantly are just as good as new ones. Fuck off faggot

Daily reminder, no miners can unfuck this.
Your car runs underclocked undervolted GPU core but VRAM (DRAM chips) remained stock because your blockchain requires speedy memory to process all the transactions and storage, adding it running 24/7 it's even much worse than a card gaming 8/7. Let that sink in Sup Forums and see pink wojaks go mad because they not only unable to cash out they can't resell the cards at good value.

Jesus, you are ignorant.
Miners never overclock their cards, as power consumption increases exponentially while performance increases linearly. Miners actually UNDERCLOCK their cards, which means they are in better shape than those that were used by gamers.

>they can't resell the cards at good value
I'm selling them as "like new" on ebay. I keep all the packaging in mint condition and dust them off, you cannot tell the difference ;)

>which means they are in better shape than those that were used by gamers.
T. miner looking to offload busted hardware.

Mining absolutely thrashes a card's memory, even if you underclock it you're still going to end up with shitty burnt-out hardware faster than any card used for gaming.

>Seriously, ask yourself if you're even gonna play at least 10 graphically demanding game
this if you aren't either a rich neet or you require a 1080X for 4k don't buy it.
1060 it's still good

I’m probably staying on 1080p for a while, is 3GB really that bad? People shit on the 3GB variant so much.

The 290 will give you he most bang for the buck thanks to AMD’s fine wine technology (the 970 and the 290 trade blows in pretty much every game)

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Is 1060 a noticeable step up from a 970?
I could get brand new 6GB one right now for 400 Europoors.

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>Buying Pascal from 2016 in 2018 when Nvidia is gonna announce next-gen GPU microarchitecture on Tuesday


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Who the fuck buys cards on launch?
Who the fuck buys cards on launch when 2 years old models still sell for 1,200 bucks?

it seems the 6GB version is way better than the 3GB today
It should be slightly worse than 980ti, but if you are going for that just buy a 1070
>400 Europoors
Have prices really gone that high? I bought mine 1 year and 3 months ago for 290

ok faggots,so i ve been using a gt 240 for as long as i remember and thought about getting pic related
is it worth it?
does it play games made after 2015 at 50+ fps?
need some tips

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I think the next series is just around the corner, as Nvidia doesn't have "Auto Notify" for the 10 series on their store anymore, just "Sold Out". So they are probably going to announce the next series soon.

Who /750Ti/ here?

have they found incredible yet?

I just don't buy current gen so it wont hurt me. Everytime i change cards or hardware i get them day one once they land on my shore.

>have they found incredible yet?
i dont think i understand the question

Those things are way too expensive. Don't buy them. 7870 still plays all games.

I'm saving right now to get i2400/2500 6 gigs of RAM POWER, and 750ti/1030.
Want to play mostly 360/PS3 era games and older, maybe some indies and 4x/gsg.
I'm doing right thing right?
why the fuck they couldnt release 1040. It would be fucking perfect for me, or even 8XX generation, god I'm mad

/7870/ here, plays DOOM on medium preset 50-60fps. Thinking of getting an R9 290 used.

these are all MSI Gaming models
3G 1060 goes for 357
6G 1060 goes for 418

8G 1070 X goes for 702
8G 1070 Ti goes for 695

8G 1080 X goes for 737
11G 1080 Ti goes for 1,069

I'm ok with 1080p but I don't want to fork 400 for something that's barely better than what I have now. 700 is also fucking ripoff, that's what high end shit used to sell for on launches.
I don't know what to pick.

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Who the fuck buys soon to be obsolete technology for insane prices?

Nvidia is going to raise prices again and use every trick in the book to upsell gaymur kids to the more expensive cards, but
next gen cards are going to be the customary 30-40% faster than previous models so it's a net gain. Also there are going to be some available as reference models at MSRP.

If you had a brain you could grab Vega for MSRP at launch. It's going to be the same with next gen Nvidia cards.

UK price

Attached: Screenshot-2018-3-25 MSI NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 GAMING X 8GB GDDR5X Graphics Card - Black Amazon co (1011x389, 179K)

>Is 1060 a noticeable step up from a 970?

No, brainlet. The improvement is so marginal it's not worth the upgrade.

R9 290 if it ain't a reference card and you absolutely have/want to upgrade.
GTX 970 if you dont have a good PSU.
Dont get the R9 280x, it ain't a big enough upgrade to be worth considering.

>Volitile memory isn't durable
Is this some sort of new meme?
DDR/GDDR memory tech is some of the most durable shit found in a PC.

Don't pay more than $750. I bought my EVGA 1080 Ti SC2 for $700 plus taxes almost an entire year ago. Anyone trying to sell it to you for more than that is trying to jew you and doesn't deserve the money, and if you can't find one that cheap, wait until they are that cheap, because that's all their worth max and you shouldn't have to pay more, especially being that they were cheaper almost a year ago.

I've been playing Final Fantasy 15 with my 6GB 1060 and it's not really enough, still get hiccups and stutters on anything but low at 1080p.

It's playable on Aversge to High but it's not smooth.

>video games suck

dumb gaming journalist

basically i don't know shit about shit.
is this worth getting?

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are you serious? then yes

290 is the best performing card there and by far the best value. Go for it.

Stay mad No-coiners.

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>They even took ma TitanZ
Behold, the only acceptable use of this meme.

pretty sure you can get a similar performance for slightly cheaper with a 9x0 series

I don't want to even pretend we're master race

Google "gtx 1070" and "[game you want to play]" benchmarks.

Because japs are bad at optimizing, first time playing jap ported pc games ?

>DDR/GDDR memory tech is some of the most durable shit found in a PC.

No doubt about durability, but you'd be supprised to know they're almost the durable as nand when you read/write 24/7 and operating with shit cooling where miners don't really invest in proper room cooling.

A 1050ti runs it 90fps ultra @1080p. Just wait for new release and get it day one. Getting used card just fan the flames.

yes its great

source : i own one.

And how high does that ambient temp need to get to user? I'm genuinely curious.

how often should you get a new motherboard?

Every generation, don't forget to buy the newest CPU either.