Let's do this!

Let's do this!

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>Reddit-inspired "social vidya event"

>one of the most neglected multiplayer games on steam


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At least it isn't a f2p failure

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Battleborn lasted longer than Lawbreakers.

Lawbreakers refuses to change because they honestly believe there's nothing wrong with it.


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I've owned this as part of the Valve complete pack for years, it looks like its just Quake maps with HL skins.

No, it's because they're all laid off and there's 3 people in all of the nexon offices working on making sure the servers don't explode or some shit.

Go look up the bosskey staff, they're all pretty pissed off. It's about as bad as when gazillion all got laid off and told "hey you have a week, fuck off out of our offices" by disney.

Sorry lemme rephrase that. Cliffy B thinks there's nothing wrong with his game.


His original plan was to have the game be f2p, it was developed as a f2p game from the ground up when it was bluestreak, and only a year before launch did they change it to be b2p.

That's what publishers do in general though, but it's not like he wasn't at fault given he was the one who fucked up their cash flow to the point they needed a publisher.

But yeah, it's either going f2p soon or shutting down, he's been teasing it and the bosskey twitter has been teasing it. I expect f2p as a last ditch attempt at getting players before they shut it down, sort of like hyper universe. But it's way way too late and the meme is too forceful to have anybody join the game. The graffix are also too high for the BR market they'd want to get that can't play overwatch for whatever reason.

You could at least do this during a sale, so that people who don't already have the game can spend $1 instead of $5.

If Lucas didn't force his focus testing groups on SOE because he was butthurt that a Warhammer ripoff based on a couple semi-popular RTS games was beating the premiere Star Wars MMO, I bet Galaxies would've been more popular than TOR

They focused on muh content rather than improving the sandbox (the thing that kept people playing) and it would've been a nice MMO for "I really want to play EVE but it's boring" crowd

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im in

im out

Bring back TFC, Sven Co-Op or HLDM.
Why the fuck would you want to play this shit instead of these.

Because all 3 of those still have dedicated playerbases you retarded shit.

Was this post even meant for this thread

Yes why are you asking?

It was a rhetorical question. That was not meant for this thread.

I meant to post that here who THE FUCK are you to tell me otherwise? I'm the one that posted it numb nuts. You asked, I answered.

You are mistaken.

That's exactly what it is, just Quake 1 multiplayer with HL player skins and the HL logo replacing the Quake logo for quad damage. The weapons themselves are direct recreations of Quake 1's, both mechanically and visually, as are the included maps.

Why not just play Quakeworld, you doofus? It's fuckin' free.

Because fuck fucking around with sourceports and an ancient UI that is not kbm friendly.

Hunt Showdown looks pretty cool but I don't know how I feel about Crytek spearheading the project. Their employees sometimes go months without a paycheck. They changed their licensing deal for CryEngine 5.5 to a 5% royalty model back from a deal for CryEngine 5 which was "pay what you want" with zero royalties.

They're suing CIG (Star Citizen devs) on shaky grounds and they're behind Amazon's Lumberyard engine technologically, the fork of CryEngine Amazon bought out.

I wouldn't recommend buying it desu. Crytek is beyond saving

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>that fov

ezQuake is the go to QW port now and has a fully mouse driven menu.

but does it have dm_crossfire

>someone suggests a video game to play on the video games message board

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No. Deathmatch Classic doesn't have Crossfire either, that's a HL1DM map. DMC has Quake 1 maps, namely five of Quake's deathmatch maps and E1M2.

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