Why was the best game of 2017 so criminally underrated?
Why was the best game of 2017 so criminally underrated?
Bad marketing and retards campaigning against it because suddenly Prey 2 was God's gift to man.
Because Prey 2006 was a forgotten masterpiece and fuck this bioshock garbage
Literally "whack everything with your wrench anytime you enter a new room" the game
I gave up on it after about 4 hours, it felt too tedious
Yeah im not sure why Darkwood was so underrated, perhaps people just have shit taste?
swallow some high velocity buckshot, it was always highly anticipated you newfag
Good game but almost ruined by the Inceptionesque twist at the end. It added nothing and didn't need to be there.
It was pretty good for a shooter but that's not enough to make it interesting.
Dishonored 2 fucked it.
>It added nothing and didn't need to be there.
It's what the whole story was about though
>Inceptionesque twist at the end
Mate, the ending was foreshadowed something fierce. If you escape via your brother's lifepod, the simulation gets terminated and you're discarded
>hurry the ending didn't need to be at the end
if the game had ended with what happened before the credits it would've been fucking retarded
but dishonored 2 flopped
Snake Pass is underrated.
Exactly, everyone thought Prey was going to be just as much of a disaster, especially since they changed engines yet again, and to cryengine of all things.
Favorite area?
is tedious your excuse for being a little bitch?
but you only do that for the first third of the game
It sucks major dick on console.
Worth it for $20?
If you like system shock 2 then yes, absolutely, I'd argue it's even better than that game, the level design is genuinely impressive.
snake pass is fun but still a mindless techdemo. after the first two stages i couldn't wait for it to end since it never introduced anything new
I remember the hate this game got when it came out. What a pleasant surprise that the game was actually fun.
Not made by nintendo
You must have been a 12-year-old moron if you thought ANYTHING they showed of Prey 2 was going to live up the the hype. None of that shit even existed by the time it got shitcanned. It was all fucking scripted.
Prey 2 or DLC?
I feel like Dishonored 2 only flopped because of it's performance issues. The game itself was pretty servicable.
Most likely DLC, or a standalone affair like Dishonored 2
>generic sci fi shooter
Halo is 20x better than that piece of overrated garbage.
They named it after an fps that it's completely unrelated to rather than giving it a Shock name or something completely original.
It was named Typhon until Beth told them to change it
Stop perpetuating this meme, the game was called Prey from the beginning
>Prey 2006 was a forgotten masterpiece
lol no one started saying shit like this until this new game was announced
It was clearly called Psychoshock
>generic sci fi shooter
Halo is 20x better than that piece of overrated garbage.
What a shame, it was better
I thought the game was based off a book called Prey
>implying this is remotely the same kind of game as halo
>implying halo was ever that good
it didn't have a (market) name at all, beth went "hey call it prey" and they went "ok sure why not"
I don't know but Sup Forums absolutely loathes this game, like viciously. I never really got why, it has russian cooperation.
The only problem is that Shock games don't have anything to do with aliens
Prey 2006 has TECHNOLOGY.
Prey 2017 has DESIGN.
Prey 2017 also has technology, though, you can do some weird shit with the nerf bowcaster and turn into coffee mugs and killer drones.
It was always forgotten masterpiece. It was Portal before Portal.
>Prey 2017
>Not having technology
>That entire prologue
Prey is no masterpiece but you're fucking stupid for thinking Halo is better.
Except it was nothing like portal and the portals were just a gimmick.
>fight same 2 enemies
>More streamlined system shock for dumb people
Is this the first system shock ripoff game you played?
Wrong, It was well liked back in 2006.
But that's because people were thirsty for a Turok game that wasn't completely ass.
Problem is the ship design was amazing, but way too clean to believe something terrible happened.
>2 enemies
>More streamlined
You haven't played a second of this.
Most video game buyers on the market don't like games anymore.
They're just hooked on dopamine, communities, costume DLC, retarded gun customization, loot crates, achievements, and all that crap.
I played until I got to the garden. Fine, 3 enemies
>shadow people
>flying black blobs
4 if you count
>flying black block with turrents floating around it.
A huge chunk of the ship is blown up, there's debris everywhere, dead bodies. I really don't get your complaint.
I agree that the enemy variety is lacking, but the game is almost completely open from the start. You can even kill January and find the way on your own.
>way too clean
Chunks of the station exploded, everyone's dead, debris and signs of fighting everywhere. Fuck you on about?
You're right, I'm not sure why I find the environment so bland compared to other shock games
Station looks-wise was sterile and generic. Just not as memorable as the Sphere from the original Prey which was a living of bio-mechanical entity. Also needed more guns and better enemy variety or perhaps something entirely different than those shadow blob creatures.
So? It still takes a fuckload of elements specifically from Shock games, would've been a much more indicative title.
>Station looks-wise was sterile and generic
Find me 10 games that feature a retro-scifi art deco space station
>sterile and generic
dat nu-decó tho
>More content for a game nobody bought
Better not be another fucking simulation.
>tfw we're still getting an expansion DLC on the moon even though the game sold like shit
>complete ass
Mother fucker, Turok was the fucking greatest.
It sold over a million, though, did better than the latest wolfenstein embarrassment.