Kirby Thread

Kirby Thread

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this piece of shit frog

Zan is used goods

how many of you want to do that to pyribbit at least once

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Gooey in Smash Bros

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But what about his limbless twin?

Attached: pyribbit.jpg (320x180, 12K)

hi guys this is my art made by me age 12

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Marx or Magolor?

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How many of you have beaten Soul Melter yet? What's your preferred team?

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same thing ain't they?


Solo no ability Kirby is the most fun as usual. I haven't done any team runs, and the only runs I've done besides Kirby were just Dedede, Meta Knight, and Bandana Dee. Probably won't do any helpers.

Solo Spider

>preferred team
Solo because I'm not a pussy. I bet you guys scanned amiibo too.

Lord Hyness, Officiant of Doom

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I'll probably tell him soon if possible

I don't even have the motivation to complete my first Guest Star run to be quite honest, but I need to do it if I want to play as Marx and Gooey when they release

The Sup Forumseekend is still young, KirBros. Let's Battle!

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that game sucks lol
i want to buy it but im a poorfag

it's sunday you goon

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meta knight is so chungy

Doing a Guest Star run with Como.

He's pretty fun! What do you felow anons at Sup Forums think of Spider/Como?

I love it. It was my first soul melter solo victory and it's really fun.

>potentially unique looking helper turned into a fucking Kirby reskin for no reason
I'mma always be mad

The bugs are the only Helpers that make this chore of a mode tolerable.

Did my first guest star mode run with him. Was so much fun. Spider is a new favorite power, hope it sticks around.

I had to use 4 Kawasakis.

>Kirby reskin

You're overreacting

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Yoyo,Driblee,Plug and Metaknight. Water makes Flambere and Zan's fights cake.

fucking scrub


>using a team in what is already one of the easiest kirby games to date

Marx if only because he apparently already has his retard form, the wish had nothing to do with it

Thanks, user. Please don't let us down, the general wiki resentfulness should quell down.
(But just in case you didn't see what "this" is, it's specifically this macro pic that was posted: )

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Its been so long

Soul Melter is the hardest challenge in a Kirby game though regardless of the actual game

Kind of like Super Mario 3D World and Galaxy 2, their final levels are pieces of shits even though the entire rest of the game is easy

>he doesn't remember the Kirby version of Overdrive
where did the old fandom go why did we all die off

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It's not, but whatever makes you feel better about relying on three AIs

They literally gave him legs just to make him more like Kirby

Thank you, fellow user.

What legs?

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Just ignore him. He's the type of person who sees nothing wrong with Waddle Doo using a wand.


That's not what a reskin means

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>doing a shuttleloop as fire Metaknight
Is there anything more satisfying than this

Because they’re are literal moves he can’t do without a wand

When are we getting a Gryll Soul?

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Japan is a magical place.

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Spider's my favourite new ability. Maybe even out of all of Kumazaki's games. It was beetle before.

He's not quite as fun in Ultimate Choice though. He has lots of good moves but none of them are particularly high damage, he doesn't have a good dash attack, and his grab can't be used on the stars bosses drop, unfortunately.

Not him, he could still do the moves without the wand

I don't think it's something worth getting upset over but still

Nice meme.

Attached: DS DSi - Kirby Super Star Ultra - Waddle Doo.png (741x363, 42K)

Did you not play SS?

people don't know the chart, they don't know Dedede drools while eating, they don't know overdrive, shit sucks yo

>Kabula is a girl

Excuse me?

I’m talking about the new moves added to beam since SS/SSU

You're excused.

Aren't ships/planes always girls?

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Such as? I can't really think of anything he could do just with his eye

There are no new moves

>I’m talking about the new moves added to beam
Beam literally only has one new move and it's a ground beam except in mid-air.

Which ones specifically? Keeping in mind that his eye can produce beams.

>new moves
It really doesn't have any new moves aside from being able to spam the regular beam attack in the air.

>his dash attack
>his mid air dash attack revamped

Both of those are in SS, you tard

What about those moves makes them not work with his eye again?

When Gryll becomes gyrll.

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Wave Beam and Beam Blast aren't new, ya dingus.

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just say you didn't play super star already

>People are still defending shit like Doo's wand and Birdon not shooting feathers from his wings

HAL got lazy. Get over it.

I didn’t I think you guys are just being stupid about it so I’m being equally as stupid

>KRR is pretty much dead
>most of the old AMVs are gone
>everything we lost during the Great Fanfic Purge
i want to go back

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What dese spriteworks for?

>I was only pretending to be retarded

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>Hal is lazy for not reusing enemy animations and going out of their way to make enemies similar to Kirby in the way they attack

Nothing is as retarded as Beetley not using his own horn
Except maybe this guy

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I'm only pretending takes you so far user.

No but really seeIt’s fucking stupid holy shit they were lazy in SS by just reusing enemy animation

>and going out of their way
Are you retarded? HAL got lazy because the Waddle Doo you play as in Star Allies is literally just Kirby with an eyeball edited onto his face. In SSU he actually had his own animations, which obviously helped disguise the ability more as it's own character

Pretty sure Birdon shoots feathers from his wings

Again, things like that are really minor for me so I could be wrong since I don't really look too much into it

I disagree on that, more horns are always cool imo

Attached: Big Bad Beetle.png (536x583, 140K)

Except the enemies can't pull off the majority of the moves for each ability. Please stop being stupid, user.

Nothing, just cool art

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The helpers had their own animations in SSU. The fuck you talking about recycled enemy animations.

Waddle Doo the enemy only shoots the basic beam

>everything we lost during the Great Fanfic Purge
I'd like to know more about this, there was somewhere else to get fics outside of and archive of our own?

There was so much neat shit in the forums that popped up every once in a while, and I didn't save any of it at all. I remember all sorts of stretegy guide scans, and there was this one Japanese Kirby's Adventure radio drama mp3 where Kirby narrated the whole thing in a voice that's even more high-pitched than the current actress, and I can't find a trace of it anywhere.

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>everything we lost during the Great Fanfic Purge
Wait I wasn't imagining that?

The Helpers in SS/SSU had unique animations for the extra moves that Kirby did. Someone earlier posted Waddle Doo's sprite sheet.
2/10 for making me slightly annoyed.

>Pretty sure Birdon shoots feathers from his wings
Nope the hat kind magically shoots them itself

Attached: birdon.jpg (232x146, 10K)

Beetley's swings are at least wide enough that his actual horn is being used in the attack as well

whats the best way to replay kirbys adventure? the slowdown on the original nes version is annoying and the 3d classics one resolution is way too small

The last Kirby game I played was Squeak Squad. Thinking of getting either Triple Deluxe or Planet Robobot. Which one is better for getting back into things?

3D Classics emulated

Disable the slowdown on the emulator?
Robobot by far

It seems to me like he's shooting it from his wings, but maybe I'm looking at it the wrong way, eh

Triple Deluxe imo

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It’s recommended to play both (as there are references to TD in Robobot) but if you have to pick one Robobot is the better one.


If you're more of a casual guy, probably TD.
But if you really like nostalgia, probably go with Robobot. You'll see why.

I just explained to you that he isn't