Thank you based Blizzard.
Thank you based Blizzard
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hehe nigger
Blizzard has NEVER referenced pop culture before, I'm done.
>Peanut Butter Jelly Time as a dance for one of the new races(Highmountain Tauren)
Seriously? How am I supposed to take the game seriously when stale meme shit like this is in the game now?
Are Blizzdrones really this mentally ill? This is like Brony-tier.
The Light infused Draenei one has fucking tunak tunak tun as a dance, some shitty Indian meme. Modern Blizzard is a joke.
But hasn't that always been one of the dances for Tauren??
Shit, was it? Just ignore my post then, it's not a big deal.
So neither of you actually played Vanilla did you?
Take a look and see where the original races' dances came from.
Vanilla-era Blizzard knew better than to put stupid meme crap into their game. Back then you could actually get immersed in the world as it wasn't constantly referencing the real world with shitty "joke" references.
>Something is a problem if nu-Blizzard does it, but not a big deal if old-Blizzard did it
This is why nobody gives a shit about the whining
>it's ok to liter the game with crap and selfie culture because all dances in the game are references to popular dances
>Vanilla-era Blizzard knew better than to put stupid meme crap into their game
There were entire questlines that were about Zelda or Mario, dumbass.
>Blizzard can put anything they want in the game now from selfie sticks to twerking to dubstep because WoW references other video games in the past
Yes, the game always had obvious references to pop culture, not just video games. I'm sorry this prolapses your anus
>Light Infused Draenei has a literally slave trader as their dance
wtf bros
Yeah all those All Your Base and Peanut Butter Jelly Time jokes were immersive as hell.
>peanut butter jelly time
>pop culture
nigger that shit was popular 10 years ago
now repost it implying that it costs $60 to unlock one new race
Guess how fucking old world of warcraft is retard
>pop culture references are only OK if they reference stuff from MY childhood!!!
The new expansion is hot garbage. I'd resub for a month or two if I didn't have to unlock the new allied races.
>10 years
nitpicking here but i really think that shit was old and out by 2008.