Paladins players are okay with Hi-Rez removing features and turning the game into more of an overwatch ripoff than...

>Paladins players are okay with Hi-Rez removing features and turning the game into more of an overwatch ripoff than before.

Is he right? Are Paladin's players delusional for defending Hi-Rez when they remove features of their game that have been in it since launch?

Pic related is the main menu of Paladins now, by the way. And Hi-Rez fanboys are defending it.

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That's pathetic and I don't even play babbywatch

I've 1500 hours on Paladins and I've stopped playing when the whole unbound shit happened. When they killed that stupid system I wanted to go back. Not 1 week had passed that they introduced the no cosmetics mix thing. How can any company be that stupid? I was about to play again and now it's gone. If I wanted Overwatch I would play fucking Overwatch and not another game dumbing down their shit to be as shallow as OW. Fuck

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>those comments

h o l y s h i t

the absolute state of Hi-Rez dick suckers.

>I have a potato pc, resolution scale 50 everything minimum resolution 800X600
the actual state of paladins players

remember tribes ascend beta with Sup Forums?

You know what's funny. The people with Potato PCs probably have a PS4/Xboxone that can play the game better, but they won't play it on there because >console

I understand >console, but if you know that the game will play better on there than your actual PC, why not play it on there if you care about the performance?

>have to use the shit-tier goddess hair to keep my goddess Lian

What a fucking retarded company. >muh skin value is such a bullshit excuse.

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Game was always a Overwatch ripoff. Might as well stop pretending otherwise.


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>not posting the close up of her armpit

>Tfw you've seen Hi-Rez kill three good games due to greed and incompetence
I mean SMITE isn't that bad. But Paladins and Tribes were GOAT.

do people actually enjoy this piece of shit? it's everything bad about overwatch and more.

It's better than Overtrash in the gameplay department.
OW is slow and boring as fuck.

wow what a good high quality skin. im so glad they removed customization in order to work on this!!!

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Literally thought it was a screenshot of overwatch for a second there

Which sim city was he playing there

3000 unlimited

Now if only Skye wasn't trash.

I imagine this was made pre-'we hab high qaul skins coming'

eugh, I'll keep Valentine Skye, thnx

>appearance customization is a gameplay mechanic

stopped watching there

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>playing a hirez game after tribes
how fucking retarded can you be never seen a more incompetently ran company

Does Overwatch have skill customization? Talents? Champion bans in competitive mode? Call me back when they do on 1-800-BLZZDRN

Does Paladins have ultimates like Overwatch?
I'm trying to find a multiplayer to play but I always end up going back to TF2

ultimate in paladins are weaker and not as gamechanging
some of the ones which are can be countered most of the time

Damage isn't as high as overwatch, which makes it abit funner during skirmishes

That said I haven't played it since release so my opinion is invalid probably

>Actually adding in the demon skins
That Talus one is really off even if he's meant to be a demon shota originally.

At least the Grover one is good

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Is there another company that fucked EVERY SINGLE game they've made up?

It's kind of impressive.

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>they trusted Jew-Rez

Serves them right tb h

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but it has THICC wimminz

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then why dont you post one, you twat

i don't like the skins changes but aren't important
also the main menu overwatch ripoff or not look better now

Dude this comment section... What the fuck is wrong with them.

yeah they've been going full retard for the past while with paladins. this kind of shit is exactly why I haven't given them any money since tribes

They are literal children that can't afford Overwatch so they have to defend hirez at all costs

With Enough bitch we can probably bring it back, like we did with cards unbound

The reason hi rez removed parts and pieces is to improve the performance of paladins and to make it less buggy and also they want to make good skins for us like they do in smite and paladins strike but parts and pieces prevented them to do so.

Dude, use fucking commas.

it is when it changes the outline of characters : Jenos and Zhin currently.

Smite has a skin where Anubis doubles in size but his hitbox doesn't change.

>playing anything from Hi-Rez after what they did to Global Agenda

what happened to the paladins battle royale?

why does hirez hate their games?

>skins are gameplay

This faggot is retarded

Yeah almost every decision they've made this year has been shitty in one way or another. They've got miles to go before I'm convinced the game is stable enough to put money into again.

I don't much care, I like Paladins, and even though I hate the new menu because it's just a copy of Overwatch, Blizzard cucks are fucking awful and defend Overwatch's lack of updates and just only care about "toxicity"

I don't really care about skins. Can't see them anyway since the game is first person.

Not coming back for a while, and when it does it wont be connected to Paladins' client anymore.

You can play on third person in casual mode.

Yeah, but the third person mode is awful and makes me play worse and like you said is only in casual mode.

Wow this is the only reply I got? Guess it's good to jump on the h8 train than actually take time and find out the reason why they removed it.

I had my fun with paladins early on. Anyone that trusted hi rez in the long run is a fool.

I only buy Paladins Lewd skins because OVerwatch has none.

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That's MOST of every Dev/Pub on Multiplayer focused games is.

good memories

hirez mismanages every god damn game they make, i have no idea why they aren't broke yet

thank you holy shit

that goes down as one of my top 3 multiplayer games and they fucked it so hard

Paladins devs usually change things back if people whine hard enough

If we can do it On Cards Unbound, We can do it in this!

Most people don't care or like it tho. It probably won't change.

They went back to the old card system, made skins purchasable instead of having to roll fucking lootboxes, and huge ass gameplay balances to every character so they aren't ass in their roles anymore.

And this is your complaint? Skins? and link to a some screecher on youtube about skins? If anything all the current skins suck donkey shit anyway, for all of the current custom skin parts you can currently swap, you can't put ass on top of dick and not call it looking gay.

They are being funded by Tencent, also Facebook bought their livestream rights

>purchasable outright
these skins only. Plus if you want the best looking one, Jenos, you need to buy all three other skins first.

Don't think that's true because they stream on twitch all the time.

This only? Well hopefully it tests well. Can care less about Soul Calibur Jenos, I just want undertits

>giving hirez money after
fucking up global agenda
killing tribes
adding oversized skins in smite and not adjusting hitboxes
unironically adding cards unbound
removing customization

a fool and his money are soon parted

> Paying full price on any game ever

>spending money on temporary cosmetics only available in an online game, ran by Hi-Rez


Attached: Paladins - Skye - Beta.webm (1280x720, 1.13M)

Not him but
>fucking up global agenda
>killing tribes
Who gives a shit
>adding oversized skins in smite and not adjusting hitboxes
No shit what kind of moron buys a skin that gives him a disadvantage?
>unironically adding cards unbound
And they removed it again.
>removing customization
In a game where you can't see your skin anyways.

>different textures, different shading effects, different particle effects, artstyle was already created for these types of skins in mind

>Spending money on ONLINE games by an dev ever

>Dumb Frog Poster

Does he mention that you gotta buy the 3 skins to get the shitty new emotes?

I dont see any reason to buy into this even if you like jenos, with this skin coming out

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>No shit what kind of moron buys a skin that gives him a disadvantage?
Not him but I'm guessing it's an advantage since the hitbox will be smaller than the model

I only care about Ying

>No shit what kind of moron buys a skin that gives him a disadvantage?
Are YOU the moron? It gives the player that bought it an advantage. The player that has the skin that doubles his playermodel size gives off the false representation that the hitbox is bigger than it regularly is.

You can see your skin in 3rd person view

well they removed a good portion of her skins.

It's not really. You get a target frame around your enemy if you can hit him.

See above

And as was said before 3rd person sucks, nobody uses it and it's only available in casual mode.

did they nerd her tits or were they only big for this skin?

i thought you can also complete quests to get the emotes

I use it to view Skye & Vivian's Asses

You need to complete the quests and then trade a crest that you can only get by buying the skins.

During actual gameplay as well? Cause then you are definitely in the minority.

you can see your skins during startup or if you're playing the healers since aim isnt that important

>you can see your skins during startup
Wow incredible I can see them for like a minute. Sounds like money well spent
>or if you're playing the healers since aim isnt that important
Again, only in casual mode and that still means most characters don't have a use for skins.

I'd much rather get skins that change the weapon and skill effects, because I can actually see those all the time.

if customization isn't gameplay, why is it part of the game?

to make money from whales

Its 100% reddit defending this shit I'm not even trying to throw the reddit boogie man card its legit those fucking autists, didnt even realize that character in ops picture was jenos and thought it was androxous

Paladins came out first and did alot of things before overwatch, besides the lead directer for paladins was the lead director for smite, he's basically trying to turn paladins into smite the fps

was it really necessary to scrap an entire cosmetic system for this shit, would have looked good with the valentine hair

is that garbage looking Orc still in the game? that one design has kept me away from the game
I'm probably autistic or something but it's so bad that I can't bring myself to support anything with such a fucking dumb looking orc in it

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You mean grohk? yeah he got a visual update

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Yes he is you autistic fucker, BUT he has a mask as a cosmetic now.

>guys they aren't going to ruin the game this time!!

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Um no

Reddit were the ones who got rid of Cards Unbound

Which is more than Sup Forums did

>Which is more than Sup Forums did
Well yeah of course. Almost no one here plays Paladins. Or games in general.

the main menu still looks like this
or is it an upcoming update?

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Stopped watching when he said Runescape has great gameplay

fuck me that is so much less awful. might get around to playing this one o these days

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>dumb frog in thumbnail
that's how you get people with taste to not watch the video

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glad I never got into this game. always thought the devs just wanted to make a soywatch ripoff but accidentally made a good game, which they're now throwing away

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