I just beat this game in 5 hours ask me anything

I just beat this game in 5 hours ask me anything

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will you be applying for a refund

hows so? explain me your secret it took me a day doing all the side quest and shit.

Do you like mayo on your sammich ?

you missed out on approximately 87.5% of the games content.

Most of the game is in the side stories.

probably didn't stealth

i didn't stealth either i just shoot any faggot police i saw also i think hack memes consumed all my time

ok well this game wasn't for you then

Nah, you know the lore is shit and stealthing with cool futuristic cyberpunk weapons it's a waste also what's the point in selling in-game transaccion? lol

also i played in the hardest difficult

yeah okay op have fun with your thread

>Playing Deux Ex

It seems you are still stuck in your Cycles of Guilt, Brother.

why are you angry? you game didn't sold well or what? lmao also i'm not op faggot

Why does it run like hot garbage?

I turn settings down to the lowest of low settings and still struggle to keep it above 30 fps.

now play the good one

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Oh man, just made it once again to that fucking superfreighter god damn I hate this level.

you mean HR

HR and MD are just as good, if not better than DE1

ran fine on my ps4

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Just my opinion lad, that's all.

hr - definitely. not md though

MD improved on HR in most ways, but lately I agree. I thought MD was the best of all 4 games when I first finished it, but in hindsight I enjoyed HR and DE more.

>HR and MD are just as good, if not better than DE1

Bad opinion.

Attached: fact.jpg (600x733, 29K)

Careful now, nostalgiafags have entire folders of reaction images just waiting to """""""prove""""""" you wrong.

you should try actually playing the first game user, it's not as hard as it looks.

Or tumblrisms like: I played DE the same year it came out when I was like 12, even then I don't see how it's better than Human Revolution. If we're talking strictly gameplay wise, better than MD at that.

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>y-you didn't play it

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How can you two live like this?

MD is certainly better than HR in almost every way, and the gap between MD and DX isn't that large. Hell - the only reason DX is better than MD is just because it 'feels' more entertaining to play; it's got a charm to it.

Why did you waste 5 hours of your life?

MD has shitty ui, hamfisted politics and is preachy as fuck.

There's got to be at least 3 hours of dialogue so you skipped everything worthwhile, gg.

Attached: beethoven-600x600jpg.jpg (1200x1200, 332K)

Get a better rig

are you that triggered about stories of liberation from oppression?

how's school going?

Why are there so many MD threads the past 3 days?

what the fuck no it isn't

>cyber racism is cyber bad

HR has such a forced drama around augmentations it's cringe worthy.

>babbies first cyberpunk

probably because it was in that humble monthly shit

>game where MC is involuntarily augmented, where many people are augmented, where the bosses are augmented has too much drama about augmentations

Agree. Gameplay and design is much better in MD than in HR. The only thing that ruins it, is the story.

Most cringey videogame marketing strategy in the last 10 years.
Not an issue that it's in the game, though, except for the part when they made it the entire plot but didn't bother to make it compelling.

Are you literally this guy?

Attached: 4L_kvsY4y99.png (644x402, 39K)

>except for the part when they made it the entire plot
no they didn't snowflake

Im triggered about a good piece of science fiction that explores the implications of trans humanism turned into a medium to whine about real world current events.

The main antagonist and enemy faction are specifically false flag aug terrorists, on a mission to fuel the "race war".

It's a case of show don't tell. MD is preachy as fuck when it really doesn't need to be.

>involuntarily augmented
And how's that a problem? That's literally a forced drama. HURR DURR some magical antidode is required for every aug, they are so poor and oppressed. They literally had to make fucking trailers about how augs are bad to justify this poorly written plot.

in 10 years it'll be as impressive as DE1 calling shit too.

You're a patsy. Get over yourself.

>thinks it's about neuropozyne
they're treated with contempt and like second-class citizens because of the Aug incident, when they all went collectively batshit on humanity.

>racism will literally still exist in 10 years

I know why people really hate MD. Racists.

Attached: alex_vega_hires.jpg (609x1080, 93K)

Racism has existed for this long. Ten years won't matter much.

Did you have fun?

Yeah, exactly.
People will forever find reasons to resent those different from them.
It's inherently a human trait, and not even irrational half of the time, because people are just different, and pretending they're not is a utopian leftcuck fantasy.

A true Deus Ex game would have this theme as set dressing, surrounding a far better plot.
Hoping for a sequel to MD that will focus more on the illuminati, which is what everyone wanted in the first place.

>Aug incident, when they all went collectively batshit on humanity
Your realise this is exactly the problem and is a sign for the poor writing? They literally had to invent some retarded accident to force this drama. Why doesn't DX1 need no magic plot loopholes to show the hatred between nano augmented soldiers and their older counterparts? It can be done naturally via plot in a very nonintrusive manner, but no, some magical accident happened and that's exactly why everyone must hate them.

Oh my god, it's so hideous.

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The side content in the game was better than the main story

Did you even play HR, or are you just fucking around with me? The reasons for it and Hugh Darrow's motivation is clearly explained. Frankly he was wrong, but it's not like some bullshit they pulled out of thin air. It's a defining moment near the end of HR and has a major impact on the lore of the series (like why there are not a whole lot augmented civilians in DX)

you're a poorfag with a shit computer

that guy isnt even ugly he's just some model wearing a stupid costume

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Why the fuck did they even write about this accident, if apparently "motivation is clearly explained"?? They literally throw this shit and neuropozyne just to cover up a poorly written plot. They had no talent to deliver this idea via actual plot, instead of exploiting magical unobtainable substances and retarded accidents that look completely out of place in DX univerce.

HR and MD are practically the same quality and both worse than the original.

jjb shitposting again


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this is like that reddit guy who got mad about the first game not telling him how to get past the turret on Liberty Island

>this piece of shit writing is the main plot of the game, therefor it's ok!
Ok man.

Nice argument, retard.

>new deus ex doesn't have functioning mirrors
what went wrong

Hi! I'm NG Resonance. What would you like to talk about?

>augs actually killing people, reinforcing the idea that "discriminatory" people have every right to hate them
>but it's also a falseflag, reinforcing the idea government can work against you and you can't trust the media at all

I'm glad to see Deus Ex is still as redpilling as ever

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got this with humble bundle and mafia 3.
usually i look carefully what i buy, even for 10 bucks but i just thought "well this games can't be that bad" i was wrong, i hate both games but quality wise mafia 3 is worse.
i played deus ex maybe for 70 minutes and stopped.

there are so many crap games out there.

did you like it?

About THIS

Attached: .webm (960x720, 1.37M)

Thanks for confirming you didn't play this at all

Im sorry you're even more shit than them...

Stop playing in 4K

la atrocidad...

You either forgot augmentation existed or genuinely cannot play unless it's going in and gunning everything down ala-Halo, either way you're in the wrong genre.
Also the microtransactions are pointless. One may as well just download Cheat Engine and "buy" microtransaction items that way if they want a boost.

Are they ok

What exactly did you not get about it? Hugh Darrow cannot be augmented; is a cripple. Assmad that everyone else is augmented with the technology he helped father. Develops a complex about augments, decides to destroy already-eroded trust in augmentation tech by demonstrating it's fatal weakness.

If you're too stupid to grasp something so elementary, there's no helping you. Focus on breathing.

Holy shit you're dumb as a rock
And can't even follow a fucking basic plot

In modern medicine, transplant recipients are placed upon immune-suppressing drugs for the rest of their lives in most cases.

Neuropozyne is supposed to be the cyber equivalent.

You're retarded

t. immunologist

If I liked the non-lethal stealth gameplay of the first one besides those boss fights and a few forced combat sections, will I like this one? The world was pretty interesting to me so I didn't mind going around exploring stuff in the levels.

Yes, and this one has even more exploration content. Boss fights (such as they are) are not nearly as ham-fisted as they were in HR.

how do i get this from humble bundle instant access

nevermind, you need to pay early

Why did you rush it? You didn't like it?

Thanks for proving my point. This whole "plot" is absurd bullshit. This is some comic book villain type garbage that has no place in DX, and is done only to justify the need of hatred for augs and poor writing. Again, why the fuck did they have to use that "all augs turn into zombies" bullshit, instead of writing something at least mildly interesting?

This has nothing to do with mechanical augs. Not to mention the whole neuropozyne shit was retconned.

But can you beat the prison DLC in half an hour?

The best thing is that they LITERALLY made her black/Indian when she was an established character within the lore by the time MD came out, and was white.

>comic book villain type garbage that has no place in DX

Thanks for confirming you've never fucking played a DX game in your life. Kiss my ass.

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This is white?

Attached: Alex_Vega-Bustshot.png (582x470, 519K)

Whatever the fuck it is, it's certainly something else than what we've gotten in MD. Looking at her concept art you'd be excused for thinking she's white.

fallout 1 can be finished in 10 minutes, but what's the point?

>Not to mention the whole neuropozyne shit was retconned.
What did he mean by this?

This was the first story driven game where I skipped all cutscenes because I already predicted half the shit that was coming. HR was at least interesting and a few cool hubs and interesting places. MD only had Prag and a few outside missions that were bland. And they still haven't added an enemy that can see invisible Jenson.
I wanted to like this game but everything about this felt generic and rushed.