Let me preface this by saying that Kirby is one of my all-time favorite franchises. I love the pink little puffball...

Let me preface this by saying that Kirby is one of my all-time favorite franchises. I love the pink little puffball, but this game is absolute dogshit.
>Level design seems like it was designed by a bunch of amateur HAL interns
Seriously, the levels are either a clusterfuck or completely barren. They're super linear, and enemies are copy-pasted to make combat zones. Way too many times there's a part where you have to kill like 2 dozen baton guys. Hamfisted """"puzzles""" never delve beyond the very basic levels. I wanted some more complex Key Waddle Dee puzzles.
>Bosses are just health sponges
HAL fucked up by giving Kirby so much damage resistance. Now, dodging attacks means nothing and you can just freely wail on a boss til they die. Some bosses even get stunned near the end of a fight, so you just sit there and spam attacks til they die. Why not just end the fight at that point?
>Multiplayer, the highlight of the game, is still very lackluster.
I played through the whole campaign with some buddies, and while it was somewhat entertaining, it could have been so much deeper. The first time that each Friend Ability was introduced, it was engaging and interesting, but the mechanics were never expanded on, making them an easy slog whenever they showed up again. The puzzle rooms were neat, but there weren't enough of them.
>Literally 2 collectibles in the game
Puzzle pieces are shit, and not rewarding at all to complete. Stars have no value at all, as it's difficult to die in this game. What happened to the cool-looking keychains in Triple Deluxe? Or the different colors for Kirby in Squeak Squad? There's nothing worthwhile to obtain in this game. Not to mention that collectibles are very easy to get, and nothing is hidden.
>Terrible post-game
Sub-games are terrible, Boss Rush mode is easy even at the highest difficulty. Helper-to-hero only lets you play through the same dogshit levels again.

Maybe we'll get some big updates like other Nintendo releases.

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The game isn't as good as its pervious titles but I wouldn't call it dogshit.

It really does feel like a big step back from the 3DS titles which for a Switch release is really dissapointing but its still fun with friends.

The Post game is pretty crap. Why did they feel the need to give the Arena a difficulty slider? Just make one Arena for the normal bosses and the True Arena for the harder bosses.

At least the OST is nice... however is beginning to really get old how it is reusing music from pervious games. Extra Levels? Ok. Extra Bosses? No you're meant to compose another Boss track.

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Wow you managed to not make a single argument

Yeah it sucks. I don't understand why they can't make exciting kirby games like superstar anymore.

all the action is missing from kirby games, which makes no sense because they weren't even hard to begin with

what the fuck are you talking about he made like 20

You wanna try making one first?

Yeah it was rushed.
But for real I don't think HAL knows how to make video games anymore. playing superstar compared to this is like an eye opening experience

Well, I thought the combat at its core was really solid. Plenty of button combos for each ability, and combining abilities expanded those further. The elemental system was great to play around with. The problem is the braindead copy-pasted enemies and terrible boss fights. You literally fight Whispy Woods twice, and in his second fight, you have to kill him twice. Not very inventive at all.

I missed out on Triple Deluxe and Robobot. Are those worth playing?

They're considered the best next to Super Star.

>I love X as much as the next guy, but
fuck off

>You can't like a franchise without liking ALL the games
Are you pretending to be retarded?

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Robobot is widely considered to be the best one in the series.

Both very yes, moreso Robobot.

If you can only play one play Robobot.

I don't think that's the case, I mean the box boy games are pretty fun for such a simple concept, the real issue is that Nintendo kinda forced them to release it before it was finished hence why it seems very barebones (see t-pose bonkers) While star allies has issues it's certainly not a horrible game, it's still fun but Hal needs to be allowed to do better in the future with a longer development time (I mean for fuck sake they were basically rushed into star allies because of the drought of switch games), they also need to mix up the formula, do something unexpected like botw or Mario, dial up the difficulty to about super stars difficulty curve, make that full 3d Kirby game not just battle royale/blowout blast, make it feel new while still keeping the basics of the series like Zelda and Mario did

tl;dr: star allies was good but it was clearly rushed, we deserve better

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T-pose bonkers?


Really neat stuff

Isn't HAL supposed to be working on Smash right now? Maybe that's a reason why the game feels rushed.

not sure if they are.
their copyright appeared in the smash 4 trailers even though they didn't help with it.

There's been a glitch making the rounds where bonkers (and a few other characters) do a t pose during the cut scene where the super friend star shows up, I don't think happens on every copy of the game.

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Nintendo/Hal was shown in the trailer I don't think bandai is helping out this time around so it's more then likely they are working on it.

interestingly enough Sora/ sakurai's company wasn't shown there.

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You forgot the biggest problem
>No wheel power
Yep, dogshit indeed.

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I wish the power combos had more unique applications. Stuff like ESP and Rock, or Ice and Water were cool and fun to do in co-op. The weapon/element buff stuff was pretty lame, and I never felt like I needed varying elements because the game always handed you the element you needed for any puzzle. There was like, one puzzle room that used multiple elements and I think it was in the final EX stage in the game.

wheel is too fast and too fun for a neo-kirby game.

so they removed it to keep the slow and boring tone

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