Smimem plays S.T.A.L.K.E.R.,why don't you?
Smimem plays S.T.A.L.K.E.R.,why don't you?
i played it when it came out 11 fucking years ago and thus have no reason to play it again
And I'm the Prime Minister of Israel
that companion hud looks useful as fuck, it's a shame they are as tough as a wet noodle
what mod is that
cause i can't that stupid fucking autumn aurora mod to work
stop being such a victim and accept poland's plan to also become a victim to so I can get victimbux
How do I know you're not?
wait, there's a follower mod to stalker? i need to get back
I don't know who that is, and the game is bad.
Just play vanilla unpatched like I did. It's still my favorite game of all time.
Newfag and also shit taste
Lost Alpha is hard
>static lighting
>in 2018
Like a handful for all 3 games.
I recall my first one being The Faction War 3.x for CS, years and years ago.
Why the fuck would you WANT to play that buggy and ugly POS mod??
that's what i'm going to do
>Why the fuck would you WANT to play that buggy and ugly POS mod??
because everywhere i read said it his improved the experience
C.O.P fucking sucks. Clear Sky all the way.
Why would you play Stalker : The homing grenades over half of the map with pinpoint accuracy edition when you can play literally any other?
>because everywhere i read said it his improved the experience
you need to start lurking less shitty places.
Patched vanilla OR Starter Pack first. That's all you need for your first time, and only later on should you even consider big overhaul mods.
And AA is far from the best available mods in general.
Because CoP is boring and easy AF.
Enhanced light makes everything become too bright or too dark
That ain't COP
more like K.I.L.L.Y.O.U.R.S.E.L.F.
I don't have problems with the homing grenade and i do enjoy some challenge and difficulty. Stop being a fag like those who yells "nerf" because you can't take a shit. >That ain't COP
Sorry, can't tell because the last time i played stalker is a long time ago. But again, just saying C.O.P fucking sucks.
This is contrarianism taken too far
Kill yourself
Original. One day you'll grow up.
>Kill yourself
Kill yourself
Ohhh meme words used by current gen Sup Forums tards. It was "literally" first then "sans" then "contrarianism". Is this a education thing for current kiddo schools ? They teach you complex words so you fork them out when you can't make a good arguement ?
Is this Call of Chernobyl? I don't recognize this area.
I'm busy playing the last flavor of the month game marketed by the shill team on Sup Forums, sorry I don't have time for actual good games.
>5 instakill grenades landing right at your feet is a "challenge"
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting
Listen up kids
Don't make posts if you don't understand how this game works. You're not good. In fact, noone in this thread or this board is good. Don't make posts like you're good or understand anything about the game. Thanks.
Looks like Garbage.
Kys yourself
Yes but you should still be able to recognize it since its the part of the Garbage right before the road that takes you to Dark Valley
Looks like CoC
Shit taste
Because you're too slow to react. I only get nuked once near the end and once i reloaded i start knowing their tactics and never get nuked out of cover again. Because you play like a fag cover shooting like CoD fags sure as hell you get nuked out of cover, that's the point of the nades spam specifically in tight areas .
This is the only good post itt
I just finished lost alpha and it was the buggiest piece of shit I've ever played.
Oh i forgot. "Literally" , "sans", "contrarian", "kys".
>using cover is for faggots
If you had played STALKER in a serious dificulty you'd know you get torn into mincemeat if you step out while pinned.
Is vanilla okay to play or are there some essential mods?
>game has bullshit mechanic
>fags on the internet ever so ready to brag about how good they are at combatting it and how it's totally not bullshit you're just bad
Vanilla Clear Sky is the only way to enjoy the STALKER series properly
Sounds good. I'll still self insert as a loli though
>mincemeat if you step out while pinned
I bet you underestimate the sprinting speed in stalker series. This function breaks away from being pinned. You sound like when i started playing stalker, you have to get used to sprinting/relocate often during before/durig firefight. You get nuked for staying at the same place more than 2 sec, you get one shot staying the same line 1 sec.
Wait, clear sky is the shitty one!
>Modifying the mutant look from actual creepy mutation into generic horror monster
ReadThe game have its own mechanics to counter it. Just deal with it that you overlooked such function.
Roleplaying is cute
You can make this kind of argument with anything. I don't know why you're so hellbent on making yourself out to seem like a cooler person than a fat neckbeard behind a computer keyboard.
Say what you want man, your projection of your own image on others makes no difference of your knowledge in playing it. This game is old as fuck now, ive beaten it back then without much issue and seeing how everyone complains the game broke because of "grenade spam" fucking baffles me. You can deal and get done with it or wait for the devs to fix it....oh wait the devs are long gone and didnt give much of a two fuck.
/biz/ memes in my stalker thread?
You're the one who came in here to act like your high and mighty achievements matter to an Anonymous userbase while making the non-argument that "if there are ways to bypass it, it isn't poor". You're not special.
guys can you please post webms I can't play stalker right now.
also what is the best free play mod? I just wanna do some random stalkin'
CoC update when?
ביבי יא מניאק, תפסיק להסתובב ב4צ'אן ותתקן לנו תמדינה כבר
>shows user a way to counter the difficulty
>user gets mad saying its a bug and wont deal with it despite being shown a way
thats what people around here say about fear 3, you cannot trust people around here. if its different its instantly worse
But fear 3 is the worst game.
>He doesn't know shots get more accurate the longer you stay still
How about you stop watching youtube videos and start playing the game
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 when
Im not as cool as sminem, easy as that
Is there a difference between AMK Autumn addition 1.4 and 1.4.1?
yes, approximately .1 of a difference.
Who are you quoting?
I bet most of these "hardcore" stalkers don't even play "speedy slavic" on hardest. Sprinting fucking breaks the game. Sprint + that one special short AK which i cannot remember fucking sweeps the game start to mid or even near end. The grenade spam is a problem when one don't understand how the AI works, just like L4D's director that controls the game's pacing. On L4D ive had so many kids(maybe) and newbies leaving game because they can't keep up and backtracking for ammo and gets killed. You get called "elitist" because you understand how the AI works. One of the reason why AI gone into the shitters these days in favour of pvp.
>Who are you quoting?
Loads of emone
I don't understand how people like that ugly brown look for STALKER.
I want to feel like I'm in the eastern European wilderness, not the desert.
Haven't played any Stalker in a few months.
Has CoC gotten any worthwhile updates? Haven't played that mod in a very long time.
Also Gunslinger never.
Good thing the enemies yell at the top of their lungs that they're throwing a grenade right before they do it.
i have a 180 hours at least in every single stalker game, and that doesnt count all the hours i put into the retail cd version before i bought steam
CoC is about to get a new update soon
Loli mod when?
I played the pirate version for a long time, got the retail pre-steam and played it even more, got the steam version and gog version and never play again. Also i've never play with mods. It starts get easy when you can memorize every enemy and their location and tactics, i assume the mods are here for that ?
Nani kore
damn, i misread that as eminem. disappointed
If you stop your unlawful occupation of Palestine you can have Vancouver Island we aren't using it.
But I do.
Dogs are your worst enemy in the early game.
Pseudodogs yes,blind dogs in vanilla tend to run away very easily.
Running a version of CoC that's like a year+ old. Is it worth updating lads?
What the hell is this CoC people keep mentioning?
Call of Chernobyl
If you had most installed yes if not wait for the new update
None of your business, lazy shit
Call of Chernobyl. Standalone and sandbox mod that let's you choose a faction and explore all of the Zone. It's going to get an update soon
Call of Chernobyl; xbox hueg mod that has every area from every game and 2 cut ones.
Only dick-loving faggots play this game Call of Chernobyl. It's a huge freeroam mod.
Is it worth starting from there instead of SoC?
Start with SoC
If you do, you won't understand anything, so play the three games first
Absolutely not. It's supplemental material for after you complete the other games.