ITT: vidya girls universally liked by Sup Forums

ITT: vidya girls universally liked by Sup Forums

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Momohime from Muramasa
Roll from Megaman
Ashley from wario whatever
Sorceress from Dragon's Crown

I'd say morrigan but some faggot is going to come and say lilith is better or whatever

Attached: 1yAArLd.jpg (1639x2244, 1.54M)

Hail the princess of Sup Forums.

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Fuck Marle, Lucca and Ayla best all day erryday.

Attached: Ayla.jpg (200x406, 21K)

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Dawn a best.

Attached: gf86x.png (551x623, 546K)

Sup Forums loves bat tits.

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>tripfags with garbage taste
wow, never seen THAT before

Attached: 1520220483200.jpg (720x736, 32K)

>inb4 5000 posts of >girl or astolfo is best girl(boy) or another one of the repetitive garbage replies trapfags live for

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>being racist in 2018

Attached: gladion_get_out_b.png (350x210, 108K)

>not posting the first trap of Sup Forums

Don't start with your shit again

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I just figured I'd get more (you)s with Astolfo

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So glad this goblin isn't posted everyday anymore.

Muh waifu

>not wanting to fug cute dark skinned anime girls

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Dawn is such a cute



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what if im gay?

OP here

here is source:

Then you need to make a thread about vydia boys universally liked by Sup Forums.

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She's best Pokegirl.

Man, once she hits puberty she's gonna be gorgeous.

>not wanting to fug cute albino red eyed alien girls

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>Man, once she hits puberty she's gonna be gorgeous.
>implying she hasn't already

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Edea a cute

*trash taste
I agree you do have trash taste

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Not now, obviously. Although she is adorable.

She's 10, dude.

pretty much every pokegirl

Attached: tumblr_n8h73oz3AZ1saspeqo1_400.png (391x465, 269K)

>Citing the Ashime
Literally two different Dawn's. Why do you think Ashime Serena is much shorter than her game counterpart?

Attached: rosa_icon_3_by_pheonixmaster1-d5go0r7.jpg (200x200, 65K)

Then what age is game Dawn? Cuz she still looks 10-ish.

It's not confirmed in game. The point is labelling pgame protagonists a certain age because thry did it in the anime is wrong. Literally not one game protagonist is Said to be 10. The XY protagonists are heavily implied yo be 16+ ffs

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>no fuuka-user
shit thread

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Ah. Well, either way I doubt Dawn is as full grown as she could be.

A few more years and damn.

Myusca is better.


because faggots whined about the dancing minigame

Too bad we'll never see it.

Why was she not in Forces?

Then again maybe that was a good thing for her

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Theres always fanart. Thank Heavens for fanart.

Attached: 2016_8_11_by_makaroll410-dahj319.png (800x1120, 513K)


But nobody actually HATES Morrigan, right?

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Edea is for Ringabel's eyes only!

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There's just people that prefer Lilith usually

>tfw no nagaraja gf to feed retarded ghost hunting celebrities to

Attached: pisha_by_vampyric_saiyaness-d5l4qby.jpg (577x797, 503K)

if you dont like her you have no soul

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>leg stockings
Why not just fucking wear pants? What is the point?

>i'm shy and uhm thats like my whole personality lmao
No thanks.

No, fuck her.
She's a bitch.

Go away, tumblr

>leg stockings
As opposed to hand stockings?

Why does this picture makes me cringe?

I couldn't play 1/2 genie hero without wanting to jerk off.

she gets better once she gets over her PTSD

>emerald May
You have made a grave error.

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Didn't she get raped?

fuck you faggot

fuck off mao

>no one posted her yet

Attached: d5815d506af7ee49ebc9565e27682050--isabelle-animal-crossing.jpg (600x800, 74K)

Why is her hair blue when Kaworu's is white.

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Holy Hell, why does she have such prominent fangs?

Maybe Ara?

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>nobody's posted Jill from VA11 HALL-A yet
hello? is this thing on?


shut the fuck up boco

How the fuck do you consume so much weebshit and not know the answer already?

fuck off back to real life normie, Sup Forums is a place for weebs and weebs only

>Everyone give me a (You)!

>when Kaworu's is white.

Attached: 268714-182129-kaworu-nagisa.jpg (480x480, 22K)

She never had them in anything else, though.

You picked the wrong girl nigface.