Recent releases

>recent releases
Is gaming dead?

Attached: just fuck my shit up.png (293x601, 15K)

Calm down, the industry is just in a dry state. A masterpiece is bound to happen soon.

PC gaming was never alive

How the fuck is Wolfenstein II so high?

The RTS age. Also I remember the F2P 2008-2012 video game era being great, before loot crates were popular. It could be plain nostalgia talking though.

Attached: BattleFieldHeroes.jpg (1920x1080, 380K)

Seems it's been in a dry state for a whlie

>Last year had Persona 5, Hollow Knight, Breath of The Wild, Nioh, Mario Odyssey, and many others
>Dry state
What sort of games do you enjoy user?

They put P2W shit in BF Heroes, don't you remember?

Persona 5 was ok, Hollow Knight doesnt interest me, Nioh was garbage and nintendo games outside of maybe Mother don't interest me.
I don't know what I enjoy anymore, not much that has been released lately, my favourite game is Jet Set Radio Future

What the fuck is a Celeste? Popular indie du jour?

What was the last masterpiece?

stop playing games, you don't enjoy them anymore. you may have grown out of them or have stress/depression keeping you from enjoying them. full on objectively last year was great for games. examine oneself.

I'm just relaxing enjoying fighting games and goofing off in a bunch of PC MP games.

I'm actually wasting too much time playing and shitposting inbetween. Triple screen is maximum comfy and the games just make it even better. Don't forget to stretch inbetween gaming and take your daily dose.

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Are you me? I've been doing the same, enjoying DBFZ and some Third Strike on fightcade. Still am trying to figure out how to properly read people instead of reacting and eating shit on mix-ups. Vermintide 2 has been pretty fun when I'm not in a fighting game.

No, you're just a braindead retard who only pays attention to mainstream trash.

where's Into the Breach

No. It makes billions of dollars a year. It is far from dead.

>this nigga

Yeah I've been mostly playing SFV and Tekken 7 with Vermintide, Siege, and Warframe when my friends need me


holy shit hello neighbor came out?thought that was in development hell

what the fuck went wrong with hello neighbor

Retard. This is all consoles+PC.

It's alright to accept that Celeste is pretty damn good you know.

Supposedly bad AI, nonsensical puzzles, and feeling like an early access game bug wise.


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BotW is an overgrown tech demo and Odyssey is just Nintendo dialing it in on mario.

100 hours in Celeste currently, I'm satisfied user. Still got a few golden strawberries to go

>being this angry
Just end yourself already, nobody likes you

I always see this argument and then the asshole who wrote the post throws out a bunch of rehash sidescrollers and platformers like a fucking retard. It's 2018, 2D is largely obsolesced and the few exceptions are exclusively due to art or some dumb gimmick.

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I like him more than you, and he's correct in his assertions.