Which one is best ?
Which one is best ?
For all normal, not nostalgia wearing people that value content and not sentiments, Legion is the best.
Burning Crusade was cool in that the innovation of flying mounts was spectacular but, as a result, it killed any world PvP that could realistically happen at max level in Outland. Raids were radical and zone design was distinct but grinding for the dragon mount and grinding in Isle broke my soul.
In my opinion, WotLK took everything BC introduced and made it infinitely more interesting. Wintergrasp with vehicles and VoA, Deathknights, you name it. I personally love the aesthetic of Northrend infinitely more too, but that's bias.
You gun dun it now user
Sup Forums will say Wrath because this place is full of people who were 10 years old when it came out.
I still think TBC had the better PvE content.
I honestly always hated most of WotLK's dungeons and the whole expac only had one cool raid.
I can agree with you on that. Regular dungeons weren't very fun honestly.
I've played since Vanilla and played EverQuest when I was about 7 years old when that came out, but even still, you don't have to be a newfag to appreciate how good WotLK was mate.
BC. but i mained stormherald so
>Flying Mounts killed world pvp
>not the complete removal of any incentive to actually kill anyone outside of battlegrounds
this, honestly. WoW has become such a great game compared to the shitshow its vanilla game was, and there is pretty much nothing that could be considered an objective decline in game quality.
Well that too, of course.
t. nostalgiafag
go check ur garrison fag i think ur missions are done
TBC was the same as Vanilla, they added Heroics and reduced raiding to 25 man, but it still required you to have a welfare check to be able to see 99% of the content.
>Inb4 someone tells me how they got to see 50% of the content the game has to offer despite not being on welfare
>Inb4 B-but I was carried by poopsockers and saw 80% of the content.
This, but unironically.
WotLK > Vanilla > Cataclysm > Legion > MoP > WoD > BC
>Wotlk zones
Too bad they fucked up the dungeon system by the end of it. Burning crusade was good, but they fucked up the pvp system.
not even a question
one cool raid + the LK hardmode fight.
Overall, I enjoyed Wotlk more. Here is my official ranking:
Wotlk > TBC > MoP > Cata > Legion > Vanilla > WoD
TBC by a fucking mile. Northrend was aids, the plot got even more cancerous, and ulduar was the only "good" raid in the entire expansion.
MOP>WoTLK> Legion> TBC> Cata> WOD
Though playing through wod now is great just sucked ass when they stopped making the game
Objectively WOTLK
TBC is closer to heart
legion is ok, god bored in about 2 months tho. Been playing private vanilla servers for almost 2 years tho lol.
but yeah i guess its "just nostalgia"
everyone who thinks wotlk is better either never played tbc or got stuck pubbing kara until 3.x
debate me
tbc. dungeons were a better experience. cc was needed unlike wotlk. wotlk did have some good zones. wotlk soundtrack also better.
>Played vanilla religiously
> thought BC was a dip in quality
>quit shortly after BC launch
>use free trials every xpac
>don't like WotLK, or Cata
>Mists is OK
>Finally resub and love Legion
>First time liking WoW since Vanilla
What does it mean Sup Forums? Even I am confused that someone can think that WoW was good during Vanilla and Legion and anywhere from okay to shit in between.
>Artifacts are just shit versions of old talent trees.
>Classes are now more dumbed-down than HotS heroes
>Everything to do with order halls
>Everything to do with world quests
>Everything to do with the absolutely absurd ilvl ramp
>Mobility creep out the ass
I'm a retailfag and I always find myself making an excuse to go back to Outland and Northrend. They're both GOAT in their own right but BC has the edge with how different the zones are. Also pandaria is dogshit from start to finish and the origin of Legion's "cram as much dailies into a zone as possible" problem.