Top kek Sup Forumsros i cant wait for this game. who else

top kek Sup Forumsros i cant wait for this game. who else
>shooting rednecks
>flying the plane
here? i can literally smell the montana air when i look at the gorgeous screenshots for this game

Attached: th[9].jpg (474x352, 78K)

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Reminder to report shill threads.

Is this shilling, ironic shilling or real? I don't even know anymore, what has Sup Forums come to...

>top kek
Come on.

How much they pay you?

It's reverse shilling, OP is pretending to be a shill to make the game look like shit while
are either proper shills or useful idiots.

Yeah, I'm actually looking forward to it.
ill be listening to this while playing it
and this

they did the same with rainbow 6 by commissioning artist and spamming v with shit artwork.

>i can smell that montana air
This is the funniest meme that came from this shitposting

Attached: 1516657051222.png (999x499, 433K)

can't wait to kill ugly ass white racist crackers
lmao drumpftards and alt-right Sup Forumsfaggots are so trigged by this shit its hilarious.

I can't even tell who's shilling or who's trolling anymore.

Attached: tiresome.png (500x454, 298K)

I'll probably buy it if they changed the formula.

Denuvo ?

Is it about killing christians, white people and ending TRUMP as people claim it to be?

Has any shill ever come clean in one of these threads and said how much they are paid or at least admitted to being here to try and market a game?

Do ICP seriously write songs about killing rednecks? Isn't that literally their demographic? White trash meth smoking trailer dwellers?

Why is the flag covered in what appear to be Coptic crosses? They look like American pr*testants. That symbol is big in Egypt, Ethiopia, and I think Armenia and that's it afaik.

hey its not their fault people are stupid enough to listen to songs about their own demise

yes op i bought the gold edition for all platforms Sup Forumstards are to autistic to appreciate a good game series

I feel like a redneck is someone who lives in a house in a rural area and ICP caters to people who live on trailer parks in rural areas. If you own a house you can get fucked up on moonshine and don't need meth.

Posting even more of these threads with "obvious" shill lines just to piss you off

They're a cult.

Sup Forums has been this way for about six years now. The fuck have you been?

its a parody of the scientology symbol, it represents the cult in far cry 5

Would it even matter if some user admitted to anything here? Are you stupid or just gay?

So ICP is for mental retards on welfare and rednecks are actually well adjusted?


Buying it to make Sup Forumscucks mad
look at them already tard raging

Oh shit it's out in 2 days.

So is it only shilling if its a game that is shit?


>mfw pre-ordered 2 copies just to make Sup Forums soyboys mad

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Nah, they're a Heaven's Gate style suicide cult. In the uncropped version, there's some black guys off to the right of the image.

But, threads like this to generate a lot of free advertising.

Yup, already pre-installed it, heard there's a mission where you have to retrieve Trump's piss tape.
I'm going to make my character the brownest I can.

thanks user

Hellow fellow Sup Forumsedditors I sure am looking forward to Far Cry 5.

this. literally bought multiples for preorder to give to my friends. Can't wait for the release date on March 27, 2018. Have you seen that piss tape parody? Lmao alt-righters are so asshurt


Too bad Sup Forums can't talk about this game without sperging out. I'm hugely looking forward to Arcade mode, but I don't think Sup Forums will get past the Sup Forums bait campaign.

Already got this baby preloaded. When does it unlock?

March 27, 2018 on Xbox One, PC, and Playstation 4 my good sir!

For NA it unlocks at 12am eastern time.

I bought zero because I don't give a fuck about any of this infantile political bickering or this stupid game. Feels probably a lot better than raging about libtards or polcucks on the internet and spending $120 to "spite" them and line ubishit's pockets.

Nobody actually cares about the Sup Forums shit though, that's just blatant deflection from literal shills.
The problem is that Ubisoft makes the same game every time and literally advertises it here, making buying it to piss people off a selling point.
Notice how nobody will try and sell you on the gameplay in these threads. They'll just try and call anybody hating on it a buttmad Sup Forumsfag.

Fucking hilarious. Drumpf is such a joke of a president. We need more games like this.




Unironically, I am excited. Mainly, that Arcade mode looks like it will be hours of fun, and I've always liked the map builders of all previous FC games.

This is how it's been with every ubishit game.
>Farcry 3, 4 and Primal
>Any recent Asscreed game
>Rainbow Six games

Only one I never seen was South Park.

>more anti southerner propaganda
We WILL rise again.

Good, can't wait to see you shit your pants in fury when it's not what you expect.

Hhaaha ubisoft never fails to impress. It's funny to see if big Orange himself gets offended by the game. Any time Trump feel insecure or like he's "losing", he just goes bigly in the other direction and claims things are just tremendous so he'll probably just ignore it ahahaha.

Shitposting aside I actually kind of am. Reminds me of Jim Jones and all that crazy shit. Only Far Cry that's ever interested me.

It's literally Far Cry 3.3. Everyone knows what to expect.

fuck Trump fuck white people fuck guns fuck prisons fuck police fuck sexism fuck fatphobia fuck homophobia fuck biphobia fuck transphobia fuck genderfluid-phobia fuck intersexual-phobia fuck gender rules fuck bisexual-phobia fuck cisheteronormativity fuck HIV shaming fuck slut shaming fuck adoption shaming fuck bullying fuck nationalism fuck the rich fuck religion fuck intolerance fuck racism fuck islamophobia fuck pedophobia fuck asexual-phobia fuck hate poliamory (multilove) fuck patriarchy fuck capitalism fuck gender binary and if you fuck with and don't call out bigotry and hate whenever you see it then fuck you

Imagine how cool it would be if it was some actual survival game, alone in Jim Jone's camp scrounging for ammo and weapons to make it out alive. Instead we get this fucking saturday morning cartoon bullshit. Video games really were a mistake.

At this point, every board on Sup Forums is just trolls pissing off people that create more trolls. A never ending cycle and that there are no real discussions of anything anymore.

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Looks fine, never bough the fourth one, but I enjoyed the third, and from what I've heard (No more mini map or those annoying fucking towers, free-roam, and Arcade mode) it may be good.
I'll still wait a week or so before buying it, make sure it works properly before I do. This is Ubishit after all.

Between this and the gun marches in DC republicucks are clearly losing. NRA is going to be in full damage control ontop of this bombshell of a game. The more money the NRA has to spend to buy pro-gun ads, the less money they'll have to buy Congessmen. Thank god the tides of history are finally changing.

saturday morning cartoon bullshit.
Hello fun. It's fucking video games, why the fucks has everything have to be serious?

Sounds like one of those punk rawk songs I thought was so rad when I was 12.

>Hope county Montana

>In the uncropped version, there's some black guys off to the right of the image.
Nice fake news m8

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It doesn't but these ubishit games are fucking terrible. There's already plenty of this god mode infinite rocket launcher dropping nukes from your airplane shit, I want something halfway interesting for once.

That sounds like something a soycuck would say.

No more fucking towers? FINALLY, I was so fucking sick of that shit. Literally the most annoying fucking practice in video game history.

found the alt-right baby. go back to Sup Forums

Sorry, I forgot this passes as White in America.

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you trying to say the dark skinned guy with dreadlocks isnt black?

Starts to sound a little thin the fiftieth time around.

Maybe you should find a different hobby.

>don't call out bigotry and hate whenever you see it then fuck you

But, it's far cry...
shut the fuck up faggot, ubisoft game are often awful.

this entire Tibetan floorwax site could just be 2 people pissing each other off and nothing would be different.

Yeah when they insult your dumb virgin politics and you get triggered

Name good ubisoft games, go ahead.

>i can literally smell the montana air

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Far Cry. Enuff said Sup Forumstard

Assasin's Creed 2

>we've decided to be more subtle about plagiarising ourselves!
Truly revolutionary times in game development. They couldn't put the fucking things in again because they had reached levels of self-parody with the copy paste design and even normie redditards were memeing it.

Not him but Assassin's Creed 2 was a solid game. They've just copy/pasted it 10,000 times now so it's old and busted and boring now. No real innovation or change.

I'd like to know about the website where people don't fucking talk about politics 24/7


Because it's not Sup Forums or /Sup Forums/, every community on every website on the fucking planet has turned into "fuck white people" or "fuck black people"

The world has lost its mind so badly that thousands of forums and comment sections, some decades old, have shut down just because everybody on them has become more belligerent and noncontributing than ever before.

Unlike probably a lot of other people here I do have other hobbies that consume a lot more of my time than video games. That doesn't make me stop wanting good games.

Pre-loading my copy now. Going to get a couple more for my bros (even though co-op is 2player) so I'll always have someone to adventure with.
The environments look great. The story seems like it'll have some interesting characters.
Can't wait to play it tomorrow at 9pm when it releases. Glad I got it now, pre-order stuff looks pretty cool.

>vaillain goes crazy cause you killed his family in a car accident
>in the end, you can walk away or capture him
>after that he launches nukes and only you two survive in a bunker

Copy paste this shit for antishilling

Attached: fallout 4 ending, oh wait.jpg (947x671, 150K)

I just bought Far Cry 3, Blood Dragon, 4, and Primal. I intend to beat them all, then buy this new one. Hope none of them disappoint me.

Except many of the cultists aren't white. Simply watching any gameplay video or trailer will show that

Aww boo hoo you can't post your dumb racist shit on here

Hi there, fellow Sup Forumsro, can't wait to shill this either!

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They'll just have some other horseshit you have to do to unlock the map. Ubishit can't help themselves.

I love when people commission shadman to post stuff on Sup Forums.

Sup Forums IS triggered by it tho

Everything is politics now.

Welcome to the future.

Can someone explain the ending to me? Did the antagonist nuke the shit out of Montana or was it a legit apocalypse by God? I'm so confused.

Yeah I agree with you. Hopefully we get more games like this so those Sup Forumstards can't have their safe space

Might even take the day off work to play.

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Nice reading comprehension you absolute fuck stick

How the fuck did the bad guy get nukes? I thought he was supposed to be a fucking cult leader not in serious talks with Russia/China.

It will eventually die out. Probably when politics turns back it's same old boring shit when trump leaves office and people stop reporting on what a reality tv star does as president.