Is this a good language for making vidya?

Is this a good language for making vidya?

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No, learn C++

Fuck off, microshit.
Learn C#, it's the best language.

>not using assembly
never going to make it

Just use java.

Let me rephrase the question, what is the best language to learn for a newcomer to programming?

the one you know the best already. you must have seen a snippet of code or taken a course for some language at ONE point or another right?

>try to learn programming
>bad with numbers in general
>mfw arrays and bubble sorting
this makes me feel really stupid

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Microshit C#, because Unity uses it

You shouldn't be learning a language but a framework.

For vidya or programming in general?

>take a C course at college
>week 10 and still haven't covered loops
america, everyone

what are you learning instead?

Not op but the programming language I know best is BASIC

Depends on what platform you want to run the game on.

I don't think html is gonna cut it.

I wanna make a roguelike with the isometric tile system of XCOM, what's the best framework for that?

>bad with numbers in general
Depends what you are programming but you don’t have to be great at math depending on what the goal is.

>mfw arrays and bubble sorting
Arrays are a basic data structure. Don’t use bubble sorting for anything more than programming exercise or if the number of elements you are dealing with is really small. Bubble sort is incredibly inefficient.

my basic bitch programming 101 course covered loops in chapter 3 and this is at a community college

Go with unity or unreal or anything else you can get for free.
Shit framework + actual work >>>>>>> good framework + planning but not actually doing anything


Depends what your goals are and what you are comfortable programming with. Different languages have different syntaxes and ways to go about something. One language might have a really disgusting syntax to you but another language might look cleaner.

Absolutely not.

>all these fucking brainlets arguing about the "best language"
If you actually believe theres a "best language" then you don't know shit about coding. Different languages are good for different things, hence why most softwafe isnt made in one language

learn to read

Learn not to be a faggot ass retard

No he's right. He asked what the best language for game development is and there is a real answer which is C++. Your answer was the typical pseud answer which is absolutely worthless. Did you write that so that you can pretend you are smart or something?

here's a real answer
C++ is king. Java, Objective-C and C# are used too. But in the end if the game is popular it ends up being rewritten into C++, like Minecraft. Except maybe for C# but the only engine I know using that language is Unity.

Your answer really shows how laughably little you know about software in general

so yeah, a dumbass sitting on top of mount stupid who wants to pretend he's smart

you retards are all the same, running circles around the questions asked because you don't have the knowledge to answer, but you still want to chime in and pretend you know what you're talking about (you don't)

enlightens us carmack, what language do you suggest?

unironically haskell

Technically assembly is even better, but who in their right mind would code a game in assembly
Aside from chris sawyer, but he's an absolute madman and should not be used as an example

Wow. Triggered much? I see you are clearly very insecure about yoir intelligence


Modern compilers are better at writing asm than any programmer. And you have no experience working in the real world if you think asm is a good answer for anything at all. It's like arguing with children.

If you had said C++ but restricting it as "C with classes" then I would have said that you were stupid but still reasonably knowledgeable. But absolutely nobody has written a relevant game in C since the 90s

If you want to use an engine that support Python scripting, then sure. Panda3D or Cocos2d for example. I think there's plugins for Godot that lets you use Python too, but I'd wager that it's not something that's stable enough to use - like every other plugin for it.

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>nobody has written a relevant game in C since the 90s
You clearly aren't a part of the industry. Stop pretending like you know the first thing about development

>ITT children pretending to be game developers/programmers

As a little anecdote, the closest thing you'll see to C in 21st century gaming is Quake III Arena. Which was released in 1999 but I'll let it slide. And even that was written in C++ but restricting the features to, like I said, C with classes. Guess what? The developers, even Carmack, then later said they wished they had used more modern C++ features.

C is such a stupid, pretentious answer. Almost as bad as suggesting assembly. Almost

source: your ravaged ass

Carmack is one of the biggest hack frauds to ever grace the industry. The fact you even take anything he has ever said seriously just shows what an absolute poser you are

>source: work experience

>Implying Microsoft didn't develop C#

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Python is one of the most popular languages out there, if you just want to start getting into programming, but still don't know what exactly you want to do.

As for game development, like many said, C++, C#, Objective-C. I like C++ myself and I don't think it's a bad language to start.

Right. Name one engine written in C

>using game engines

It was relevant to the statement, learn to fucking read.

It's fine really, it's just what you do with it that matters.

Carmack isn't relevant to anyone who knows anything

Ironically yes

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Fuck no

You're right I'm sorry, I'm an idiot.

except idtech 3 is lauded as an example of clean elegant code that just works
Fact is, C isn’t used anymore

>fuck off microshit

everyone take a moment and laugh at this little kid

If you don’t use an engine you’re pretty much a virgin working in his basement.

What are you on? We just finished arrays and I'm American.

underrated post

>teach self to "program" and get a web dev job after 42 days of teaching myself from scratch after I quit my manual labor job
>learn math and art and to actually program in spare time so I can make my own game
Easy, I graduated with a 2.9 GPA

>tfw too dumb to understand this

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>Carmack is one of the biggest hack frauds to ever grace the industry
according to who and what evidence exactly

Can someone explain like Im 5 what exactly functional and imperative programming are? I've learned java and I understand how object oriented works, but I can't wrap my head around other types of languages. What are they useful for anyways?

surely the real answer must be to shop for a game engine, but since op is a noob then python is fine for his doomed project

Dan FUCKING Silverman

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Different user, but does that apply to RPG Maker as well? I've been working on a princess maker style game, but I know I'll need to graduate from that if I want to actually make my dream game.

It is a language for babies. If you want to understand what and how does a programing language works, go for it, but if you want to make things go for the big bois C and Java.

Daily reminder that you DON'T KNOW HOW TO PROGRAM IN C/C++.

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>It is a language for babies
>recommends java
Java is programming with training wheels

imperative programming is the most basic, fundamental type of programming. you write statements to change the computers state
functional programming is all about having no state and having nested functions instead

Isn't the latest version of RPG Maker pretty flexible now? Probably enough to make that type of game, at any rate.


>Ever recommending Java

The only reason you'd ever use Java would be if you were some third worlder making ransomware for people who still use Windows XP.

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Ah thank you. What advantage do they have over object oriented?


>muh whitespace

I fucking hate it.

Its not that bad, its a lot faster than it used to be

Where do I begin with C#?

start with C
move on to C#, Java if you like physical pain
also don't ask what "language", ask what "framework" is better because its all the rage now

3D: C++/C#, Unreal or Unity
2D: Lua, Haxe, JavaScript, Love2D, Haxeflixel, or Phaser

How do you turn knowledge of C++ into actually making a video game?

you get hired by an aaa company

If I'm a brainlet when it comes to math is it not even worth it to try and get into coding?

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object orientated programming is an abstraction layer over the top of an imperative language. you are still writing statements to change the computers state only they're grouped into objects and methods.
Functional programming has a few interesting properties and advantages, it's hard to name them in a general sense because it depends on the problem you're trying to solve. Pure functional programming generally isn't very practical and instead you'll find most languages, including Java, have support for some degree of functional programming but 100% functional languages don't see much use

Just look up some tutorials or take some online courses

What engines use Lua?

It's very difficult if you haven't done it before, that's why it's better for beginners to start with game making tools like Unity

Functional programming works on the idea of eliminating side effects. What are side effects?

The thing is, video games are all about side effects. So you cannot use functional programming for them.

They shine in data science and some other applications.

Why don't making games with Python?

I'm still in VX, which is the old one. I'm making a scaled down version of my dream game now, and it's going fairly well. What I want is essentially Princess Maker with multiple characters, and I think all the story paths and party combinations and such would be just a bit too much to not be a complete nightmare in RPG Maker. Renpy was suggested to me too, but I haven't touched that.

too slow

coding is just basic logic stuff, not even hard math t b h
you'll do just fine
make sure you start from the very basics tho


nope, unironically and ironically
do not use python

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>Fuck off, microshit.
Are you a fucking retard or just a troll?

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functional is for babby, imperative is for real men. don't worry about the labels though, they describe very little of what actually defines each language

as usual, Google

Well I was thinking of going back to school for software development, not necessarily to get into video games, but I would like to learn some skills to let me make a game as a pet project.

if you really want it, you'll find a way.

Once you learn a language; how do you turn it into a game?

Like this I guess?
You start with the requirements (what you want your game to be)
Then the design and architecture (how you want your classes to work, or not if you're not using oop which is retarded)
Then you start working

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