Will they actually bother with the ballot characters or will they just include 4 more Fire Emblem characters again?
Will they actually bother with the ballot characters or will they just include 4 more Fire Emblem characters again?
This is a smash 4 ballot
The site said it would consider future releases, so probably.
Most of the characters here are dead though. So they gotta make the choice between what hardcore fans want and what's coming out now.
There's not too many characters coming out now, so some of these guys will get in.
The base roster of Nintendo-newcomers is gonna be characters with major roles from big games in the past 5 years. You can bet the base roster is gonna have Rex, Spring Man, etc.
The ballot is Nintendo seeing what legacy characters are popular with fans (K.Rool, Lyn), and thus the ones they're gonna gate behind a paywall
Fire Emblem characters are clean so I’m cool with either.
I just hope they don't add more Fire Emblem. I'm sick of anime sword soyboys at thid point.
They're probably using the smash 4 ballot for gauging interest in Switch. That being said, here is the official predictions from the ballot.
why is chibo robo checked off?
He's getting in
>k. rool
Does this relate to the burning smash logo?
How do you think I did on my predictions?
>No Gex
Into the trash it goes.
Needs Dr. Samus, but otherwise perfection.
>Fawful actually made somewhat of a splash
fucking yes. Inject this character into my veins.
All jokes aside a Yokai watch rep would be pretty interesting
>but not Phoenix
Why do you people keep doing this, or vice versa?
This shit has bias written all over it jesus christ
genuinely funny
I like how Bayonetta's chances were "slim", and yet she got in anyway.
Those two Doom reps made me laugh.
>two dooms
>dr kong
Get the hell out
Do you not understand what "chance" means?
>fucking ANDY
>wrties off Bayonetta as a "slim" chance
why are people so delusional about smash characters
>Thinks K. Rool won't get in
>But Issac has a chance though
As long as like 3 or 4 of these guys make it in, I'll be happy, and since Inklings and Chibi Robo are already confirmed, I'm already pretty happy.
>Dr. Doom
You cheeky mother fucker.
>Most popular Gen 7 starter
Has a very good chance. The new Pokemon rep is guaranteed to be either Decidueye or a Gen VII Pokemon.
>No Dark Pit
>No Dr Dark Pit
It's shit
>Most of the characters here are dead
So? That doesn't matter. Like you said, the hardcore fans will know who they are and by association, Smash will set their popularity in stone.
>He wants another fucking pokemon rep
But that's Incineroar. Have you not seen the polls? Though it doesn't matter anyway since Buzzwole will be in.
With Gen 8 right around the corner, don't get your hopes up.
Also, they're pushing Incineroar, not Decidueye. There's a reason why he's getting treated so well in the anime.
They would be dropping Greninja or someone else for it, retard. He's not relevant anymore, so there's no reason to shill him.
>802+ viable fighters to choose from
>Most popular franchise on the planet
Pokemon will get at LEAST one new rep every single game. Deal with it, friend.
Why was Decidueye chosen for Pokken over Baracat, then?
UBs are a shitty gimmick feature that will be dropped in Gen 8
I do, but the image said that she was "out of the running", and I find it funny that she got in despite this.
>All these unrealistic expectations
All I see are Chibi, Excite bike rider (Only other classic Ninty IP deserving spot like little mac) and maybe Wonder red being newcomers.
Waluigi would be cool if they gave him a moveset to emphasize and represent the party/kart games. But it'll never happen.
>UBs are a shitty gimmick feature that will be dropped in Gen 8
>Seasons, Triple Battles, and Rotation Battles were dropped were dropped
>Mega Evolution was dropped
>Postgame was dropped
UBs are gone after Gen 7. Same with regional variants.
I kinda want Isaac but then again he would be another swordsman. Midna would be awesome!
Shantae and Amaterasu would be cool as well, but we really need a Rabbit, considering Ubisoft did a Mario+Rabbits collab, its seems possible.
And why are you suprised about Bayonetta? She is 2nd party, almost 1st party, for nintendo, since nintendo financed the development of bayo2
>Why was Decidueye chosen for Pokken over Baracat, then?
Because Incineroar offered nothing that wasn't already covered by existing fighters?
So you're saying he won't get in Smash, either?
>he thinks gen 8 is coming out this year
smash doesn't care about clones
You know damn well that doesn't apply to Smash "a billion swordsman with a down special counter" Bros. But even if it did, Smash also already has two winged archers.
>everyone remaining is shit
Are all groudonfags this retarded?
>Your favorite vidya character gets in exactly how you envision them
>Your most hated character in any video game somehow also makes it in, and is outrageously overpowered to the point that they're by far the best character, but never gets nerfed or banned
Would you take it?
>Banjo-Kazooie gets in
I'd gladly take Nathan Drake if it meant based Bear and Bird got in
This is what happened with Cloud and Bayonetta
Didn't Cloud get banned in Doubles? I mean he's still ridiculous in Singles but Doubles Cloud was actual cancer.
>Cecil gets in
I'll take it. I don't care if Sora gets in and is overpowered, at least I can play as my Paladin boy Cecil.
Frank West (DR1)
Frank West (DR4)
Whoever made that image declared her out of the running simply because she's third party. I wonder if it was made before Ryu was released.
But my most hated character is already in Smash 4. What, am I just supposed to imagine that they made Corrin worse?
I hope you're ready for Corrin to be Brawl Meta Knight tier broken, if not worse.
Actually, you're the retard. Your question works against your own train of thought.
If you don't know what that train of thought is
>groudonfags believe in 2019 release
>believing in 2019 release is retarded
>asks if all groudonfags are "this" retarded
>this=believing in 2019 release
>singles out one groudonfag for believing in 2019 release
>implying not all groudonfags are retarded
See you in 2019 buddy
>worse than Brawl MK
>but would get Wonder Red
I'm not sure if I'm ready to unleash that evil upon the world.
>abe lincoln
Also, it's only Male Corrin and all of his voice lines are replaced with his "I WIN" line from one of his victory poses.
They added Duck Hunt, Little Mac and Megaman to 4
>No Golden dr. Mario
Nope, definitely don't want to unleash that evil into the world. Not even Wonder Red's worth that.
I didn't say anything about Pokemon's release date.
There is no way for you to know if I think the game will release this year or the next. I didn't include anything in the post regarding a date.
I just said I thought it was soon.
You automatically assumed I was a Kyogrefag for calling you out, but Kyogre/Groudonfagging is equally retarded shitposting that isn't even funny at all. It's just shitposting.
Your autistic obsession with the release date for Pokemon switch is retarded. There is no way around it. You take the slightest mention of the subject and go insane.
I called you retarded because Groudon and Kyogrefagging is nothing but embarrassing, mindless shitposting. All you're doing is flinging shit. You completely ignored the entirety of my post because of your obsession.
Get help, Groudonfag.
ok let me say this straight Isaac is NEVER EVER getting in Smash NEVER HE'S FUCKING DEAD
I would strangle Sakurai if that became a thing.
UBs are literally part of the Pokedex. They can't be removed.
this but unironically
Smash threw them a bone exactly one time and now GSfags will never shut up about their crappy game series that never ended
>No nurse Samus
Shit taste
Okay, looks like I was wrong about what you thought was retarded. But you're still retarded because again you're own train of thought works against the same question.
>groundon/kyogrefagging is retarded
>singles out one groudonfag as a retard
>implies not all groudonfags are retarded
And shitposting is fun. I had fun doing it. Are you having fun?
> image doesn't distinguish between second and third party
> Layton, Bayonetta, and Phoenix Wright are third party
Dude what
>Mega Evolution was dropped
They're still in the game you idiot.
You're a fucking moron
They aren't being added to the gema anymore and they never will be.
Your first reply changed my mind, and I ended up deciding that everyone who groundon/kyogrefags is a retard.
And if you NEED to know, yes, I am having fun now.
What would your reaction be if Hollow Knight got in?
Probably. But they're not going to be removed. Neither are UBs and Alola forms. We may not get more, but the ones we have are here to stay.
I wouldn't be against it, but I wouldn't really be super excited either. Indifferent, I guess. It'd be a weird choice though.
I really liked Hollow Knight, so I'd be happy.
Not sure if he'd deserve the spot though.
Replace Bandana Dee with Isaac because Bandana Dee is actually likely.
No matter who I want or choose, I would have to allow Alice from Virtue's Last Reward be top tier. Of all video game characters, mechanics, genres, and whatever else, Alice is the only video game anything to actually make me upset or angry. Just the thought of her not only making it in, but also being the highest tier is raising my blood pressure to astronomical levels. I didn't need this thought tonight.
I think that's awfully convenient, but I can't disprove that. And as long as you're having fun. :^)
L5 and Capcom are third party, not second. They don't belong to nintendo.
>Doubting Chadana Dee
>Bandana Dee is actually likely
more than your crappy grabby hands anime swordsman guest starring some plants
Not him, but have you even played Star allies? Sakurai is the head honcho of smash. If he says he wants Dee, you're going to get Dee.
>Bandana Dee is actually likely.
He's the fourth member of the Kirby crew.
Literally more relevant than K. Rool.
>Bandana Dee is actually likely.
people still hope that western characters have any chance of getting in. The game is made for japan first and foremost so if japan doesn't like a series don't expect much. Same reason why i don't see any other DK characters getting in.
>Dr. Doom
Unironically laughed out loud
Good shit
>Bandana Dee is actualIy likely.