Is "artificial difficulty" Sup Forums's "forced animation"?

Is "artificial difficulty" Sup Forums's "forced animation"?

Attached: This+is+what+i+think+of+forced+lesbian+shipping+_d18bdd7d77b32932630003bcfcd4ec53[1].jpg (500x375, 40K)

Sup Forums invented forced animation

artificial difficulty is way older

both are real things retard

Artificial difficulty is a real thing though.
Actual difficulty is based on good and well thought design while artificial difficulty is when the difficulty is added just to add difficulty with no real thought put behind it.
Examples of artificial difficulty are:
>Spamming enemies
>Bullet sponges
>Literally unavoidable damage such as hit-scan
Anyone can make a game artificialy difficult, I can make a small shit game spamming enemies while the game isn't designed for crowd control at all and claim that it's difficult to beat.

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How are instakills artificial difficulty?

Don't forget literal cheating
>fucking black ops local multiplayer bots

Attached: fear the old pipe.jpg (500x810, 296K)

that's artificial fun

Depends how they're used.
If they're some extremaly visible, long as fuck attack in some fast action game then it's fine I suppose.
But if you have a game like Persona with % based instakills you can't do anything about then it's just bullshit since if main character dies you instantly lose, meaning that you lose simply beacuse you had bad enough luck.

SMT mudo/hama

I dont even know what this means.

Is real time combat? They're fine
Is it turn based? They are bullshit
Assuming we are talking about normal 1-shots and not the "use item x to survive" kind.

what the fuck is forced animation?
does Sup Forums only accept slide shows?

I think it's the one that have random chance to instantly kill target.

>gauntlet like games are artificial difficult
>bosses are artificial difficult
>must dodge attacks are artificial difficult
>rpgs are artificil difficulty
>hazarous areas are artificial difficulty
I bet the only game without artificial difficulty is some VN about the MC non-binary gender

Except forced animation is real.
It's called style over substance.

All these posts are mine.

>Missing the point this much
Anything can be done well in a video game and anything can be done like shit.
Examples made were just general things that are most of the time done poorly.
>Spamming enemies is bad in games with fighting system designed on smaller battles (Dark Souls II)
>Large healtpools are bad on averge enemy if they're still fast and able to deal damage to you (Division)
>Chance based insta-kills in turn based games (SMT)
>Chance based insta-kills in turn based games (SMT)
>Unavoidable damage such as hit-scan (CoD)
All of those things can be implemented well too and it's mostly based on the genre they're placed in, however most of the time they're just terrible.

post more garfield

>Spamming enemies is bad in games with fighting system designed on smaller battles (Dark Souls II)
>designed for smaller battles
>the game has a shitload of weapons with huge swing areas
>AoE spells

None of those things except hitscan and maybe RNG are artificial difficulty