On top of being tied with Skyward Sword for being the worst Zelda...

On top of being tied with Skyward Sword for being the worst Zelda, this is without a doubt one of the worst video games in general that I've ever played. And this is coming from a huge Zelda fan since the beginning. I want to like it, but the stressful and annoying time limit just completely erases all enjoyment to be had. I love the music and atmosphere, but everything else makes me want to kill myself.

What do you think of Majora's Mask? As shit as I say it is or am I just being a faggot?

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>stressful and annoying time limit
you are shit

You're being a faggot. I understand not liking MM, but there's more than enough time to complete the game, especially with the song of double time.

I really don't understand how anybody could find the time limit stressful, the only time where it should ever be a concern is when you're going through the cycle for the first time. Once you've got the song you're in complete control for the entire game.

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If the time limit didn't exist the game wouldn't have anything interesting going on at all. It ties directly into the plot and gives life to the npcs. The only handicap it offers is that you might have to redo something in a loop after learning it on the first pass, which is a feature as much as a hindrance.

The problem is you.

eh, i think the activities themselves are the problem, even right off the bat chasing those fucking kids around town puts a bad taste in your mouth before youve even done anything

>this is without a doubt one of the worst video games in general that I've ever played.

You need to play more videogames.
I don't even like MM btw.

Resource management is what makes any game interesting. Taking that away and you have shit like Dead Rising 4 and everything Ubisoft makes. Games should have some stakes and be a little stressful. Emphasis on "little", because Majora is extremely lenient and even a child can complete a dungeon in 1 out of 3 in-game days


Gimme Felicia

well fuck

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haha epic thread derail picture xdddd

>Majora's Mask has a deep, compelling plot and dark atmosphere

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>Go back in time
>Have to do everything again

Why do people think this is a fun video game?

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>want to have waifu
>can't even fantasize about being desirable to someone

Why the fuck is anything positive relating to Nintendo automatically a soyboy meme? I'm not for or against soy memes in general, but I'm fucking sick of seeing that stupid fucking :O face in every single Nintendo thread. What's the logic behind it? I don't understand, and it makes me unreasonably angry.

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Any time there's a new meme, the stupidest of Sup Forums's users run it into the fucking ground by responding to posts with it in an almost Pavlovian way.


>the stupidest of Sup Forums's users run it into the fucking ground by responding to posts with it in an almost Pavlovian way.

14 please


>time limit
you must be fucking new to a 2000 game even with internet in your hands

02 pls

rolling cause this thread is shit

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If song of inverted time isn't enough to finished whatever the fuck you need to get done you should quit vidya for life



Didn't get to post this in the last Zelda thread so fuck it, I'm posting it here.

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Where's Link's crossbow training, Hyrule Warriors, and Zelda teaches sums? Shit list.
Also no CDi

You're being a faggot.

Do people actually legitimately believe that no progress is made? You keep everything you earn in the 3 day cycle, retard.

Pic related, it's you.

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>being this much of a fucking casual

Unironically this.
Migrating Reddit fags need to go back.

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they do it because it's epic to make you angry about its overuse, you fucking soyboy

It's one of my favorite Zelda games, the time limit is not an issue since you can reset the limit and also slow it down

>change the flow of time at any point you wish
Got any legit criticisms kiddo? Something like how convoluted getting the special masks was.

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good for you op

You have to manage your time, dumbass.

The only thing you lose are your item stock, and wow, it takes about half a minute to faceroll as Goron Link around Termina to stock up. Wow, so fucking hard.

The time limit is little more than a slight inconvenience every now and then.

You probably went into a dungeon on the second or even third day and wondered why you never made any progress.

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The game gives you 54 minutes to do pretty much anything you need to do. Slow down time and you get 2 hours 42 minutes for the 3 day cycle.

If you can't finish whatever task you are doing in 2 hours and 42 minutes you are actually braindead.

Wow, it's the most milquetoast opinion imaginable.


Yukari when?


fuck you, homura plz

thread derailed

Theres no time limit just a time cycle.

Lets go yukiko or tharja

Oh well, why not...

Agreed. You have spend that amount of time spinning in circles singing "I'm a fucking Retard I'm a fucking Retard lolol" to not complete anything.
Brain dead faggot.

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>that octorok minigame
How is ANYONE supposed to beat that with anything that isn't the N64 analog stick, or at the very least the GC one even though it's still nearly nothing compared to the N64 analog. Gyroscope are for pussies.

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this is stupid lol

Here we go

rolling for Maya Fey

Tough luck

That's Mia not Maya, but yes, bad luck for me


It's a shame that the n64 sticks were so uncomfortable and wore down so easily. They're by far the most springy and sensitive one's I've used.

Rolling around at the speed of roll

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Oh hi, Arin!

I agree, but I also agree with that pic.

>On top of being tied with Skyward Sword for being the worst Zelda
Where? How? By whom?

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yoshi is male

MM is the best Zelda.

Let this be good

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I like the side quests in MM, but I don't really like the dungeons, except the last one.

its a beta cuck numale thing, pics upon pics of soy boys together and in isolation making the :O face.


Can we trade? I'm


hmmm, yeah. not a fan of loli, this will do.

If you think you can stop it then try to stop it.

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Many thanks, user

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then why does he lay eggs?

The only complaint I have with this game is the stupid fairy stuff. It essentially guarantees that you will go through most dungeons more than once, which is total bullshit. I’m suprised more people don’t complain about that aspect.
Inb4 some fag claims to always get all 15 fairies the first time


It forces the player to realize that you cannot save everyone.
You have little time, and you must control time
Song of inverted time = slows down time.
It also introduced side quests. And a engaging cast.





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Is there no 88?

absolutely not. reroll

>MM that high
>SS that low
You and anyone who agrees with you should drink bleach

Do you have brain damage?


>he thinks SS is the worst zelda
>imagine being this retarded
You are 100% about MM, that's the only good thing to come from your shitpost

Move Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, and Spirit Tracks to top tier.

I'm with you OP

Zelda is one of my favourite franchises but Majora's Mask blows

It's repetitive, short on dungeons, and generally doesn't have enough of the things that make Zelda great. It's more like an open ended graphic adventure where you do chores for people in aprons- basically all the wanky little mini game side stuff you'd normally get in Zelda, without any of the awesome adventuring and puzzling. It's better than the DS Zeldas and that's about the nicest thing I can say about it.

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they see me rollin'

Roll roll roll!

>It's repetitive
How so?