Come on user, it's time for our Etrian Odyssey to begin!
Come on user, it's time for our Etrian Odyssey to begin!
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L-let’s go!
Only if platonic
Please keep away from me
Actual best girl.
>last thread deleted
mods can't accept that EO4 is shit
I can't be bothered to play through EOV, not when I have a Switch and was playing MHXX before that. I really want to see how they're going to continue the series with the Switch's lack of dual screens.
Stupid sexy bunny
Let me tell you something interesting: knees are a fetish.
Dumb bunny stay go.
>tfw not recognized by newbie adventurer cuties as a level 99 Dragoon
W-what do Sup Forumsros? Should I "retire" and pretend I'm a scrub once more?
Right after I finish IV, untold 1 and 2
Are the games good?
Never played them.
Bunny girls really are the best.
They're great but some people automatically hate first person dungeon crawling for some reason
I don't get it
I just started EOV and my party is made up of: Fencer, Masurao, Pugilist, Botanist and Dragoon. Is that a good team?
These games take too long to play. I'm on the 3rd dungeon in EOU and I feel like I'm a hundred hours in
You're missing out on 9999hp skellies, user.
They are pretty challenging dungeon crawlers with a heavy focus on team buildan. Highly recommended to read a guide for character making if it's your first time playing.
Id rather etrian her odyssey if you know what i mean
Pretty defensive setup but if you go with 4kat later it'll be good
Everything after 4 is terrible but newfags and fans desperate for new games in genre cling to them.
Original trilogy was perfect. Then they turned them into easy mode shit with dual-classing and grimoire shit.
I guess for a beginner they'll be fine though.
But EO3 introduced dual-classing.
What's a 4kat?
>EO1 and 2 were perfect
EO1 was flawed but fun, EO2 is hot garbage. EO3 is fanstastic, though its crazy easy. You have bizarre opinions.
I only beat the first one on hard but it kinda reminded me of wizardry but without the riddles and bullshit end game enemy design, so pretty good if you like dungeon crawlers or rpgs in general
I can't imagine playing these games blind, most people use walkthroughs right?
4 katanas.
Masurao can choose to use all its equip slots to hold katanas. It's fragile but shits out damage.
>missing the point of the game entirely
Reminder than Untold 1 is the hardest game in the franchise, and the first 2 have shit difficulty curves up to and including the superbosses
Sounds rad. I'll be sure to try that out.
Playing blind is much more enjoyable until you reach postgame
3 is the game with multi-class, you moron.
Worst game.
That's not 4
This is the Etrian Odyssey I always wanted!
Wow really Atlus?
but it's an 80s-90s crpg
EO2 had the best difficulty curve, lore, final boss AND post-game.
Anyone who doesn't see it is a moron in my opinion.
>putting belts on a hexer is now a difficulty curve
>super hard if you didn't have a hexer to poison/sleep everything
>super easy if you
wow some curve
You're out of your goddamn mind.
>stratum 1 is hard, floor 6-24 is piss easy
>best difficulty curve
>dude what if he rehashed 1 but with a worse rival guild
>best lore
overlord was pretty cool I'll give you that
>dude teleporter mazes lmao and a piss easy or rng bullshit superboss depending on the time of day
>best post-game
amazing lore
Quality b8
>[woo-ing intensifies]
Yes, I played since 3. Never finished one though
>Graveyard of Darkness
Is that really the best they could come up with?
That's the google translation of the jap name
In english it's called Fetid Necropolis
That's the OST title.
The stratum's actual name is Fetid Necropolis.
>Ctrl - f loli
>Ctrl - f potato
What happened?
my potato
the age of lolis is over
this guy is right
This guy really like his bunnies sweaty huh
Reminds me of pink floyd
>no walls around doors
disgusting, but at least the shitty opinion checks out
>blind and has shit taste
tried getting into EO, gameplay is pretty shallow and boring compared to Elminage Gothic and other wizclones. How do sequels compare?
If that's your perception, the sequels won't change your mind.
>FOEs do not give any exp
>Their drops are not even guaranteed: there is a good chance that you beat a FOE and get NOTHING out of it
>Retarded resistances making party building very restrictive (unless you like endless battles)
>Balance absolutely fucked up, dark hunters have 100% instakill against enemies below 40% health, including most FOEs AND bosses
>Hexers carry you 99% of the game
>Old classes nerfed to shit status, survivalist being the perfect example on how to make a class a fucking shitstain
>Yet you need a lv60 one to get access to a postgame boss because ahah fuck you
>Raising level cap requires inhuman amount of grinding, in fact you must grind till level cap, then retire, just to raise the cap by 1 (ONE) level. You must raise to the level cap and retire 29 times to reach level 99. For each character.
>Force skills remove any form of challenge from the game, they are even more broken than EO1 immunize
>Beasts are bugged, they use the target defense instead of their pwn when defending party members, basically killing themselves instead of tanking
>One postgame boss is a random encounter, will kill you when just trying to explore, will waste dozens of minutes of your time when you are actually trying to find him to fight
You forgot "best method for raising the level cap".
EO2 is the best one solely because of squirrels.
Is Clever Strike broken in EO5?
I don't think that doing 3k damage just when you hit third stratum is normal.
It's breddy gud
Ok, so i started 5 and i chose to make my own maps but i can't turn it in, what am i missing? Or should i just bite the bulled and walk through the entire level with auto mapping on. Also, how do i use fencer properly?
Some people have trouble with the first floor depending on how much you wall off the water
I painted the water and had no trouble
>how do I use fencer properly
Chain (element) means that the fencer will use a follow up attack when the enemy it targets gets hit by either a stab attack or an (element) attack, so try to use elemental attacks or bows with your teammates
Optic Thrust is also very useful
fencer needs a lot of investment and a party built around them to be good
I'd recommend dropping them for a masuro at least until you reach stratum 3
I never had the fortitude to play long games on a handheld.
Wasn't as spooky or "you can't go back" enough for me.
Wish Warp Wires and some field skills just failed to work because muh space or something stupid along those lines would have been more immersive.
fencer, as with all the link classes that preceded it, is a bit slow to start and requires a party built around it
it's absolutely worth going down that route though, they're pretty good
I would have preferred actual music instead of this "oooh 2 spoopy xD" ambiance we've gotten in the last 2 games.
Just stick with chains until the 3rd stratum. You can branch off to the dodge fencer class then, but it's not really good before.
So what's the top tier EO5 classes? Pugilist? Necromancer abusing that 9999HP spirit trick?
God bless yandex.
I think i'll just drop the fencer since this is my first time playing EO, i pretty much picked the classes at random and fencer was underwhelming so far.
>ambient music isn't music
shit taste
Pugilist, Masurao and Dragoon are the most powerful classes
>the music shouldn't be ambience
>posts ambience
That is not just ambience
>he thinks putting walls in front of the doors is the same as putting them around it
>Toppest tier get this dude for LOADSA damage
>Top tier
Blade bunnies, Dragoons
>Great tier
Fencer, beast bunnies
>Good tier
Potatoes, negorumancer
>It's alright tier
>Oh shit nigger what are you doing tier
Harbingers (best tits tho)
Harbingers aren't that bad
Would a Pugilist, Dragoon, Necromancer, Masurao and Warlock team survive properly? Or should I add Herbalist to the mix?
the only point that is an actual negative here is the grinding
EOV was a pretty big disappointment, I still haven't finished it.
>how crazy my pugilists damage is
>im only on the 3rd stratum
though 5 feels a lot easier than the others by far, i managed to dump on a skelesword with a bunch of level 21s the moment i entered the place
You can't paint under doors in 2