Horror "Games"

Can someone please explain the fucking appeal of these "games" to me? How is a fucking game going to make you feel fear? Why would anyone buy this shit on release if you after just one fucking play through, it loses all value? Who the fuck is the market for this shit?

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Go fuck yourself idiot.

No u

Sounds like they're not for you

No shit, what tipped you off?

that fact that you are a lil bitch

The appeal is to inflict yourself fear and confront it as a stimulation in a secure environment, like in rollercoasters.
For that you can have oppressive ambiances and soundtrack, disgusting/suggestive art and theme, gameplay that can make you feel powerless and bend with it's own rules to make itself unpredicable.
Cinema and litterature sure can spook people so why not video games ?
Why would you buy any game on release if you can watch other people play it ?

>he fell for the replay value meme

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why did you bump this

Because I hate this site and want to make it as bad as possible in hopes that one day I may be free of it's poisonous embrace.

You can use your argument for literally any genre. Why play games at all? They're just games, they're not real, you don't feel anything playing them.

>tfw no austitc gf

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What the fuck do you mean by that last sentence?
I buy games to PLAY them, not so I can watch other faggots play them.

When you're watching horror movies or reading spooky books, you have the option of looking away from a scary part or skipping past it. You can also blame things on the protagonist if they do something stupid. When you play a horror game though, you have to face everything head on if you want to keep going with the story. If the character playing as dies, it's on your stupid mistakes. It's more immersive.

I'm 21 and never had one but it feels better that way.

fucking burn

Be sure to sub to my twitch pages dudes!
Am a girl btw.

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I was mocking OP's "Why would anyone buy this shit on release if you after just one fucking play through, it loses all value?"

Sauce on girl btw?


no u

ur mum

This board is 18 up.

This will be appealing!
media.giphy.com/media/47xqMrjTiFPslA0AOK/giphy.gif - more information on gif image

Old lonely ass nigga. Forreal, you need to go somewhere, like, get some bitches or something. Old weird ass nigga.

Holy shit I thought other user was joking but she is literally autistic

>i care about replay value
Please leave and dont come back.

>not caring about replay value
Don't you have to play Fortnite or something, faggot?

These mf weird as fuck