>browsing a game ost on youtube
>sequel of a game that I'm planning to play gets recommended with title and thumbnail of Final Boss fight
Fucking hell. Why is this allowed?
>browsing a game ost on youtube
>sequel of a game that I'm planning to play gets recommended with title and thumbnail of Final Boss fight
Fucking hell. Why is this allowed?
>browse game ost
>"CHARACTER death scene" is the first recommendation
It doesn't even have to be a sequel.
I understand the risk of browsing games in youtube of games I'm currently playing. My only issue is if its another game I'm interested in gets recommended and spoiled on the thumbnail and title.
>browsing on youtube
The fuck is this? Are you a 50 year old trying to sound like kids these days?
I like how DDLC official channel did this on purpose, while trying to be subtle about it.
I wanna fuck Solution and have her look at me with this face
It's the sequel of the game. Why would it not reference the previous games? You're just an imbecile that worries about shit like spoilers. Fuck off.
>game just released in Japan
>lurking Sup Forums
I don't think its possible to avoid spoilers in this day and age unless the game gets world wide release date and you just don't use internet.
>I don't think its possible to avoid spoilers in this day and age
I mean, really?
>>lurking Sup Forums
There's your problem. Just don't fucking look at threads about the game you cunt
The thing is its not even the sequel of the game I'm currently playing. Its another game that gets recommended due to my previews views of trailers of the game.
I care about the story if its good.
>Just don't fucking look at threads about the game
Are you stupid? If someone just randomly makes a thread and its on the front page, you're going to see it.
The quality of a story is unaffected by spoilers. What you care about is "surprise".
VC4 pretty much, there's no way to win if it doesn't have a world wide release
Persona 5 had this issue as well. Within a day spoilers were everywhere.
This happened to be recently with Tales of Rebirth. The game's not even in English why would you post the damn name?
"Surprise" is a huge part of any story, though. Plot twists exists to cause this specific effect on people.
>The quality of a story is unaffected by spoilers
There is no way I've implied that. Suprise is pretty significant especially end game content of a story driven game.
Even if you know the twist beforehand you don't have all the information and you anticipate the twist.
Adachi is the killer. That's the twist in P4. Which tells you jack shit. Why did he do it? How did he do it?
The "twist" is just a small part in the whole scheme of things.
Turn it any way you want, people that whine about spoilers are retards in my book. I've been spoiled on countless shit, but it never affected my enjoyment.
>listening to music on youtube
your fault
>The "twist" is just a small part in the whole scheme of things.
The surprise element still is important to many people and they all appreciate it a lot. Stories are "designed" without spoilers in mind so avoiding them is the intended way to appreciate them.
Just because you don't understand this kind of entertainment it doesn't mean that people are wrong for enjoying it.
Oh I can understand it. I just think you're a dramaqueen.
Yeah, sure.
People are assholes they will spoil shit everywhere.
>Adachi is the killer. That's the twist in P4. Which tells you jack shit. Why did he do it? How did he do it?
Yeah, this is my exact mentality with spoilers. You may know something, but never the context. With that said, of course I'd rather be unspoiled if I had the chance
>tfw got the entirety of Xenoblade spoiled for me
Still enjoyed it though.
Same thing happened to me. Fucking hell? YouTube just spoiled the game for me. I need to stop going to YouTube.
who is this character and how are the doujins
I fucking love drill hair
>Why is this allowed?
I agree, Youtube should be globally banned.
Hey kid, wanna touch my boobs?