And you thought matchmaking times were horrible before?

And you thought matchmaking times were horrible before?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>"If you use the 'Avoid as Teammate' option on a player, that action will be effective in the next match," said Overwatch's Scott Mercer in a forum post. "The matchmaker will no longer place you on a team with the avoided player for one week. Sometimes you don’t want to play with someone as a teammate because you disagree with their playstyle or hero choice. Sometimes your personalities or communication style simply clash. These can happen without either party being toxic."

just dont be toxic

Jokes on you. Most of us aren't even above Plat

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Fucking nazis amaright?

Can we just stop this shit

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I like this option, gets rid of the shitcan Hanzos, Widowmakers, and DPS mains in general. Shame ther's a limit on it I think

>just dont be toxic
What does the word toxic mean? I have been called toxic for saying GG and for giving advice to another player how to get better after a match.

>take away an option early after release
>add it back years later
>call it a new feature

>no more Preferred Teammate trolling

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It means "anyone i don't like" just like the commies call everyone right of stalinism a nazi.

>Tell teammate to switch or were gonna lose

Gay word for gay players who play like gays.


>pay for game
>say word
>money stolen

soys will defend this

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You're trying to spin this as bad but it's genuinely a massive improvement over just banning players.
If someone's such an unlikable cunt that everyone they play with puts them on their ignore list, then they deserve it.
It's as simple as that.

Basically means criticizing anyone's gameplay or choices in any way that can seen as negative, it's no surprise that saying something like GG is seen as passive-aggressive nowadays.

The whole toxicity thing is overblown these days, but having the option to not play with some guy who might be throwing a game or someone who's just a dick sounds great.

lmao when overwatch started it had this feature but just as a general "avoid player"

one of the "world's best" widowmakers then cried to blizz because he couldn't find any games so they removed it for him

at least its back now

It's just faster to say 'toxic' than, "homophobic, transphobic, racist, misogynistic, and ableist." It's an easy way to compile all the ways that Sup Forumstards are intolerable mouthbreathing garbage that need to be culled.

>Avoid all no skill players
>only get grouper with pro players
>always win

I only play overwatch to report people.

>banning someone because you don't like how they play
How bad did your single parent rise you? You fucking disgusting soyboy.

You should learn to live outside your safe-space bubble.

>pay to visit movie theater
>scream and fling shit
>money stolen

The word toxic is the fucking gayest word ever created for the purposes of 'gaming communities'.

>buy game
>"You must agree to the Terms & Services."
>click I agree
>say nigger
>get banned


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>reading comprehension


>imagine living in this fantasy
>imagine actually believing this isn't a world you made up in your head

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thought police

>yfw "Right to Censor" is losing the war
cant wait for the court cases to start popping up

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so why is saying GG considered toxic?

>dude just dont agree to the ToS and stop playing the game! geez its nobodys fault but your own

You're toxic if you make a pick I disagree with or don't obey my voice commands because I am the leader of this random team and nobody has any right to say any different.

>wait 30 minutes for match

Yes. Problem?

that's kinda the point of the ToS

Wouldn't it just be easier for Blizzard to add some sort of role queue system to Overwatch's competitve mode?

Hell it could even have LoL's autofill that way sometimes you will have to flex to a tank or support to play your primary role.

Jesus christ, user...

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>you dont own anything goy

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I would instantly block a cuck like you.

If I play games I play in my safe space. I have to work and to deal with so many shit, that at least in gaming I want to relax.

Now get your useless unemployed ass out of your mothers basement. You cuck think that sitting all day at home and playing games is normal. It's not. You have your toxic environment outside your basement and if you play you want your safe space.

You buy a license to play the video game, if you act like a retard and they don't like it they can revoke access to it on that account, some even ban IPs.

>wants gaming safe-spaces
>calls others cuck

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>its the communists who are protecting employer rights!
nice try. this must be an elaborate 4d chess false flag

At this point I don't care. Stuff like this will get worse, the ban reasons will get dumber and dumber and this will kill gaming which at this point I am rooting for so the autists who support this in threads like this lose the only hobby holding them off from suicide.

They aren't happening now and they're not going to happen.

>this post an all others like it
you just know it's some BPD fat tumblrina trust fund failure who's spent 10 years in her women's studies department

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you can't bring shit to court if you agreed to the terms and services to begin with

>unironically using the word toxic

Yes, don't buy games that have shit you hate, you stupid nigger.

I'm glad I stopped playing 5 months ago, holy shit

the minority of trolls getting shunted will not significantly affect the matchmaking wait.

>pay for game
>say word
>money stolen

reminder only one side of the political spectrum benefits from this type of censorship

>If you have bought something legally, most of us would assume we have basic buyer rights such as the right to repair the item or sell it on open markets when we no longer need it. But increasingly restrictive End User License Agreements (EULAs) or anti-tamper product design is a way of curtailing consumer rights.

>In the case of Impression Products vs. Lexmark, Impression wanted to refill the ink cartridges it had legally purchased, but Lexmark claimed that using their ink cartridges implied accepting their EULA of the Ink Cartridge, which stated refill was not permitted.

>We should respect IP and copyright, but also recognize that when you buy something legally, you own it and shouldn’t be dictated how it is used by a EULA.

I sure do love the shit-flinging of Sup Forumstards calling SJWs tumblrwhales and SJWs calling Sup Forumstards basement-dwelling virgins. Two sides of the same coin you fucks

I'm glad I'm at a rank where throwers are virtually nonexistent

Yeah and only the bad jews will get gassed.

>Only lasts a week
>Cant block anyone on the other team

Its useless nothing that makes it look they they care and are doing something.

only in the world of vidya are apologetics of any company fucking you in the ass

t. radical centrist

they're paid to astroturf lol


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Even as recently as two years ago, seeing arbitrary ToS as anything but a violation of consumer rights would have everyone calling you out as a cocksucking shill.
Sup Forums sinks lower and lower with each passing year.

perfect, time to troll some soyboyim

How about a prioritize button so I can play with peopple I enjoyed playing with? and so I can prioritize people that I know avoided me.

so mad you cant astroturf our board

Still don't see anyone bringing this case forward


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me :)

>muh horseshoe theory

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precedent will be set soon in the cases against twitter and google from conservatives who have been censored

I'm guessing a mute button was too difficult to implement?

>ms paint comic

> be capitalist country
> country’s capitalists establish communism

How can the bourgeoise even compete?

You should learn how to read.

Overwatch is fucking SAD and I feel really sorry for the stupid people who are in love with it. Blizzard spends most of their time on cosmetics and the "crusade against toxicity." What they should be focusing on is actual in-game content. Maps, characters (new ones and improving existing ones), and playmodes.

I don't see that ever happening. Rightwing people don't understand tech

>telling you to not buy something that "fucks you" makes me like corporate dick

So are you IP blocked yet or what, getting really tired of you being a massive faggot.

That's already in the game but that doesn't fix the retard from being matched on your team and shitting everything up with their sub-par Hanzo play

why not just use a black button? You see a guy you don't like block. Never matched with him again. From a developer standpoint it seems retarded to fuck around with the code and matchmaking algorithm this much just because some people are offended

People still play this shit?

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>Rightwing people don't understand tech

Trump dominated you with his twitter account and Sup Forums

this has to be bait

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RiP Hanzo and widow players.

>Rightwing people don't understand tech
>twitter is "tech"

It isn't my fault you aren't an informed or responsible consumer.

>Game that tries the hardest to remove toxicity is the most toxic
Why does this always happen?

>instantly bringing up Hanzo
Shitter detected

>people still play the second most popular team shooter in the world?
Yes, sweetie.

the ironic thing is, the comic depicts what you are trying to do on this discussion board, plz clean your shit

Because we get spiteful and start abusing the system, I have friends in top 500 that constantly try to bait one another into saying bannable shit just to eliminate them out of the game.

>competitive Overwatch

>being banned from a video game for calling someone a nigger is a gross violation of my constitutional rights!

It's not Hanzo in general, it's sub-par Hanzos, it can be applied to any hero in the game, in this example it uses Hanzo. Please learn to read.

I would be if their servers weren't such ass. been kicked out so many times due to the fucking netcode. and a lot of players on my team or on the enemy team get DC'd as well.

but nope , must be all of our modems.

because the games are intentionally made to be as frustrating as possible, so they can work to repress and destroy masculine passion, emotion and feeling in the populace. it's part of the globalist male defenestration program that's been going on for decades.

People still play nearly every game you hate. Hell you still have a small groups who launch and play Battleborn still. The only game in history I've ever seen die a horrible fucking death was Lawbreakers. Don't expect Overwatch to ever completely die out.

So can you report players as toxic and avoid them?
Does that mean I can report every torb/hanzo/widow player and never have to play with them?

reddit spacing

>buy game for $60
>only way to play said game is to sign a tos and sacrifice your dog
>ummm you know just because you paid for a game doesn't mean youre entitled to play it sweetie

Toxic is a non-damaging Poison-type move introduced in Generation I. It is TM06 in every generation so far. Toxic badly poisons the target, and has an accuracy of 85%. When the target takes damage from the poison, the damage done will be N * x, where N starts at 1 and x is 1/16 of the target's maximum HP (rounded down, but not less than 1). Toxic will never miss if used by a Poison-type Pokémon, even if the target is in the semi-invulnerable turn of a move such as Fly or Dig.