What are some deep sea games?

What are some deep sea games?

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>pic unrelated

Endless Ocean 1 and 2 were great, sunk soooo much time into those games.

i miss deep sea threads

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Pirate Subnautica

>tfw too scared to dive too deep in games with sea exploration because it gradually gets darker and you start seeing creepy shit like the Japanese Spider Crab

>Japanese Spider Crab
I loved those at the GA aquarium

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holy fuck, more of these please


Just so you know, environmentalists want to ban this even though we are overfishing wild fish.

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ps1 game - treasures of the deep, favorite submarine/diving game

Bioshock 1 and 2, BaS in Bioshock 3 doesn't fucking count because it was trash

narcosis and subnautica

I remember playing the demo of that over and over on the disc that came with my ps1, but I never once saw a copy of it anywhere.

This reminds me of that particular XCOM TFTD map/tileset

Barotrauma. Truly /ourgame/.

>beginning of bioshock 1
>swimming in open water with a giant plane sinking underneath you
spookiest part of the game desu

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do people still play that? i remember the daily threads then i got busy for a week and when i returned, they were gone

No one remembers The Ocean Hunter.

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topics are kos now

Played it once at an arcade at the beach. Actually completely forgot what it was called until this post, thanks.

it's kinda a rare game from what I know, was lucky enough to own a copy after also playing a demo of the first level. the game is kinda in limbo now with different groups having the rights to it but not rereleasing it. the man behind the music was one of the founders of video games live, a live performance group that tours the world playing video game music at concerts. really amazing stuff

I do but I never had enough coins to get past the first two or three levels

I'm making this neetdev.itch.io/the-deep

It's not really spooky yet because lots of basic sound effects and things are missing but I've had people play it for 2+ hours so I guess there's something to it.

>literally dozens of console war and off-topic threads
>threads actually about video games

I really need to find a new site.

>deep sea thread
>was about to go to bed
Fuck you guys

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Anyone here played Silent Hunter games? Are they alright for casual play or you have to learn shit to enjoy them?

what's the problem, you don't sleep on a waterbed do you?

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Just get so fed up with life that even your worst fears no longer affect you. Be so angry and disillusioned that you rip the boogeyman's head off.

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>games don't make scary water levels anymore

what's the last scary water level you played Sup Forums?

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>supporting sjw devs

That last section of Soma after killing the WAU was spooky.

this creepy little bitch was easily the best thing from Inside.

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It's perfectly fine to play it casual, just use auto targeting. IRL, all of the targeting was done by your officers anyway and no Captain bothered with it.
The real trick was to intercept your targets and manage to stay alive long enough from the inevitable escort counterattacks.
Get SH4, it's not as dated as SH3 and you can install OM mod if you want to play with German subs.

>Every time I go swimming in Ark.jpg

These, EverBlue, and Aquanaut's Holiday.

Critical Depth

>do sub dive in GTAV
>hear rapists of the sea
That's about it

Isn't the ocean magical Sup Forums?

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Don't you just love the friendly creatures that live there?

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These things have no business existing.

which one of you deep sea fuckers did this?

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those look real I'm scared and intrigued

Where can I do this?

Deep Fear for the Saturn

I actually love existing on the same planet as these, even with my terror of deep water. It's neat no matter how you slice it.

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Unironically yes. Shit's cool.

Some of those look cute as fuck.

imagine the bottom one giving you a blowjob

I do. Thanks Gattitown

fuck you I have it emulated
one of my favorite games of all time, honest to God, it's probably one of the reasons I'm so fascinated by the sea

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>non-horror game
>underwater level that is scary as shit
what are some games that do this

How do I get a job scuba diving that doesn't involve welding or some other smallbrain work?

spend 2 millions in equipment out of your own pocket, start a youtube channel and hope you pull a casey neistat

>He thinks underwater welding is smallbrain



>job scuba diving
>smallbrain work


Burial at Sea is worth it for the environment even if the game is a heaping pile of shit.

>unga bunga I press the button and make the metal hot
Yeah champ real degree-worthy discipline right there. Don't get me wrong, world needs welders and holding shit together is vital but it's like the goto just-out-of-the-military job prospect.

let's put it this way, subnautica is a cheeseburger that I already ate, and I want another one.

Ever 17

Underwater version of Space-station 13 when?

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not a lot of SCUBA, but NOAA puts out a lot of oceanographic volunteer opportunities. check out their fisheries facebook. I was going to apply for a seafloor mapping one, but I accidentally joined the Army instead

to be fair, these guys end up getting horribly disfigured when you take them to the surface

how the fuck do you accidentally join the army

You'll have to code one then

Bioshock 1,2,Infinite

Tangent-list (either not too deep, or not underwater-focused mechanics):
RE Revelations
Depth Hunter
Shark Attack

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Why not just say you already played it ya ding dong?
Literally Barotrauma

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Forgot Ecco the Dolphin series

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I'm not a smart guy

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tfw going to an hero by tying weights to myself and jumping in the middle of the pacific

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that just sounds needlessly painful

they say drowning is the most painful way to die.

Because if we solved all our environmental problems, environmentalist would be out of a job

You'll die before seeing anything interesting. Maybe some sharks will rip your sinking body to shreds so only the legs with the weights make it to the bottom.

You should probably just shoot yourself bro

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gracias doctor

don't do this. the libtards include suicide in their statistics for their gun grabbing arguments.

>Deep sea threads
It was a better time.

the light doesn't reach where the interesting shit is, not like he would be able to see it anyway

What is happening here?

Nah I think burning alive is or breathing in and suffocating in hot ash.

>when the horrible sea abomination just had KFC

drowning is up there, at any rate. it's pretty traumatic.

burning alive is so fucking metal though

>tfw friend lives in Seattle
>tfw one day Rainier's going to send a pyroclastic flow down on that city

he really needs to get the hell out there. everyone's going to lose their steam games too because that's where valve is headquartered.

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Toxic shock from overexposure to brine

Don't research institutes have a special collector for taking deep sea samples alive for studies? Or was it a concept?

Had a nightmare like this once.

I can see what you mean but Barotrauma is really different though.

The only thing it has in common is "Multiple retards stuck inside a structure"

Reminder, Diluvion released and there were literally no threads on Sup Forums.

Wasn't it really shit?