Dmc Killer
Dmc Killer
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I'm still hyped for this game, but it is probably just gonna be vaporware at this point, or rushed since Sony offered to help the development of this game.
You can't kill something that is as dead as Onimush
Sup Forums will never admit but the only good DMC was DMC 4
This already looks better than the whole Devil May Cry series, and it's just a tech demo.
>t. type of twat that will drank all of platinum's yellow stream of mediocrity
What the fuck? 4 is everything wrong with the series ramped up to 11. Only redditfugees like 4.
>knows reddit's opinion
go back
You first, four-lover.
>dodge offset
>use potion
>no sign of style/score system
Combat is probably as shallow as in Nier Tomato.
What's up with this incredibly lame mouth mask, also seen in in Code Vein gameplay vids and besides just looking stupid I have no clue what function it has.
>no sign of style/score system
NIgga this is a stage play tech demo
This. You can't kill a corpse. Even if DMC returns, it's going to be a "reimagining" or a welfare subcontractor job.
The problem with 4 is that it is unfinished game. Capcom cut their development time to half. They managed to fine the combat but the rest is very barebones. Well actually it is very likely that Darkstyle was supposed to have more moves too.
Looks like Code Vein
I mean, have you ever seen a picture of DMC3 Vergil?
>Gay blue admiral's coat with tribal shit all over it. Inside is a paisley pattern and it has 3 coattails.
>Alligator skin pants that are also blue, but a different shade that doesn't match.
>Wearing literally horseback riding boots.
>Fingerless gloves.
>stage play tech demo
These words do not mean anything nowadays. We live in the age where developers host open betas and call it alpha. Then after a month or two the game gets released and it is no different.
A bad game is bad forever, user. Even adding new characters did nothing to improve the game. Unless they redo it from scratch someday, there’s no acceptable excuse.
Is this that game developed by one guy and unreal assets?
Looks cool,but still DMC3>every single action game ever
have you ever seen a picture of
>generic tri-gun OC
>looks like a school shooter's anime doodle
>looks like the concept artist drew it in 10 minutes and the other devs just went with it
>brokeback cowboy
>looks like a hobo with the disgusting wifebeater
Oh I see I kinda replied to the wrong guy. 4 still has the most refined combat and if thats all you care about it is a good game. But its full potential was hindered by the lack of content. You're just backtracking and killing the same enemies for the other half of the game and its not even sure if these enemies were even designed to be fought with Dante because so many of them seem to be countered by Nero's devil bringer + charge shots. You also fight the exact same bosses. And in the very end of the game there is a literal qte at the end of the last mission where they changed the big statue's model into a different one, probably indicating that he was supposed to be the real final boss but was just cut from the game like most of the things.
That's funny
But this is some chinese indie shit that clearly has no time frame release that's soon
That was my point. The series isn't exactly the high point of design. Do you really like Vergil or something?