Most recent dragon age sucked

>most recent dragon age sucked
>most recent mass effect sucked
>most recent fallout sucked
>8 years since last elder scrolls
>there will be no Witcher 4

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>most recent SMT was great
>most recent Persona was great
>most recent Etrian Odyssey was great


Well the western one is, aside from the CRPG crowd.

Why has the West failed to make good RPGs in recent years? When will this drought end I’m tired of playing japshit

Considering how much Witcher franchise sold I wouldn't be surprised to see a new chapter, maybe Ciri oriented this time. Also Cyberpunk is coming so there's still hope.

That said, who's that chick?

Well it does seem that the modern AAA WRPG has fallen recently.

J-Just wait for cyberpunk user. It'll be any day now.

CDPR will take a decade before they can work on another game though

Cyberpunk is 2019 at the earliest. The Witcher if it is made is at least half a decade away.

What I don’t understand is why there are so few games like the Witcher series and the elder scrolls series. Aren’t these games immensely popular? If a company like project red could do it you’d think more would pop up

Well, I guess there's still Bannerlord. But that game is more autism simulator than it is an RPG.

I guess you need a huge load of money to even start it, and if you fail your marketing, you're fucked.

you forgot to say most recent witcher sucked

No enough resources I think? Making an RPG on the scope of The Witcher 3 is very resource draining, and a lot of devs have been killed trying to make big WRPGs. See Kingdoms of Amalur. It looks like the future will be on CRPGs are they arent as graphically demanding and other Eurojank AA games like Kingdom Come.

I found a better version of that girl OP.

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what's so resource draining about witcher 3? the big open world shouldn't be that hard to make, and most of the quests are copy pasted. so you have VA work and retarded motion casting??? why even do pain staking motion casting for an RPG?

Not dead , but I think they got a reality check that AAA bland watered down Rpgs appeal to no one.

Ah, who am I kidding, they just learned they need to appeal MORE to casuals and SJW politics.

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It has to die, so it can be reborn.


What are some good RPGs that came out in the last two years then?
Bailey Rayne

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hehe yeah lole

>Not dead , but I think they got a reality check that AAA bland watered down Rpgs appeal to no one.
then why'd witcher 3 sell so much?

if anything they learnt big empty worlds good graphics and good production values sell

Tbh honest I would be fine with a game that plays like Diablo but with choices, cool cinematics, romances, new game +, multiple endings and everything.

>Ah, who am I kidding, they just learned they need to appeal MORE to casuals and SJW politics.
Andromeda did very poorly though so I think you’re wrong

idk. also witcher is 2015

>It also doesn't take in consideration games that were never launched.
The graphics of course. They eat up like 70-80% of a game's budget, and unless a paradigm shift happens where western devs abandon bleeding edge graphics for WRPGs in exchange for simplicity, no one is going to start making WRPGs now.

Original Sin 2.

the graphics were not revolutionary by any means, plenty of low quality textures and a lot of the foliage felt 2 dimensional. lightning and skybox were some of the best I have ever witnessed, though

taleworlds is a turkish dev

And that's wholly on CDPR, and no one in the forseeable future is making a big budget WRPG ever since Bioware has fallen from grace. I mean, TES6 probably wont happen for at least 5-6 more years.

>original shit two

Please, dont pretend we're not talking about the whole world vs Japan in this thread. You know what I'm talking about.

fallout 4 released 4 years after skyrim and there have already been 3 years since fallout 4, skyrim 2 is probably 2019/2020

>Reddit humor: the game

Western in this context means not jap or also sometimes not jap, korean or chinese

Shadowrun HK is sort of recent, I think?

Mobile shit game.

>Cyberpunk 2077

The release date is right there in the name.


there has never been a more reddit game than witcher 3 though

man three years ago already
where did time go

I’m not even sure if it’s a genre specific thing. I think western games of all genres have been hit pretty hard recently.

US developers simply lost the ability to effectly produce successful games. It’s like they’re running around with their heads cut off I don’t know what their problem is

All WRPGs are reddit games.

it was 2015 pham

>original shit is good because another game is reddit

True. Come to think of it, what are even some big up coming western game coming out that's not RDR2 or GoW4? Microsoft's gaming division for example is basically on life support.

>reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit reddit

What is your obsession with that? If you love it so much STAY THERE

>US developers simply lost the ability to effectly produce successful games
And UK devs just lie to people.

>most recent dragon age sucked

I'm playing Origins right now. Am I in for a wasted series?

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There really aren’t any. It’s bizarre. You'd think there would be more games than ever from them but it’s just not the case.

I don’t know what it will take to turn things around

Inquisition makes Skyrim seem like a 10/10 game

You're playing the last old-style WRPG. Second part is a literal rush job written by fujos for fujos and the last entry is more concerned with pandering to LGBT crowd than delivering a good game and story.

I hope your romancing best girl user.

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Oh dear. Sorry, wrong pic.

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I feel like youre implying Skyrim didnt suck

>Best at anything

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u know they stated they realease another game before 2021 beside cyberpunk right ?
they also said its not witcher 4 though

>western devs hire tons of women
>western devs make a ton of diversity hires
>western devs care more about pandering to tiny minorities instead of their core demographic
>western devs spend huge amounts of money on “realistic” cartoony graphics (andromeda, fallout 4, inquisition) that look like shit
Andromeda and inquisition should have easily been as good as Witcher three. Fallout 4 Wasn’t even as good as Skyrim

>wanting used goods

>not best at everything

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They did? Source?

Morrigan states she has laid with many men before the Warden, you know

Just accept that there were no good WRPGs post 2010 and I doubt any would be happening any time soon considering the current socio-political climate amongst western game devs.

KCD is good, despite it's flaws and bugs.

Since that witch is the only one I got introduced with so far, I am digging her.

It's also really dedicated to making "realistic women". Like this.

Yes, in her evil swamp with her evil swamp mother. Where everyone nearby is terrified of her and shes never left.

She was bluffing, user.

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leliana is a thot

Morrigan is wholesome.

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>only plays western RPGs

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I'm pretty sure people here are only talking about WRPGs. Go be triggered somewhere else instead.

I didn't play CISquisition mainly because they uglified Cassandra. She was cute in DA2.

>Yes, in her evil swamp with her evil swamp mother. Where everyone nearby is terrified of her and shes never left.
She talks about Flementh bringing men to their home from.

There's also
I guess she's alright for a fucking Orlesian, but Morrigan has more going for her imo. Plus you can Impregnate her.

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>trying to portrait Morrigan as a virgin
Really? don't be like weebs, user.

Your better off not. Even if you romance her right when your done fucking she starts telling you about the only other guy she's fucked and how he had died at the start of the game.

I just want a fucking Warhammer Fantasy or 40k RPG. Why is that so hard to ask?

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It's a shame, too, because her romance isn't bad. It's funny seeing an anti-hero designated lady badass who wants to be romanced like a pretty princess.

>thinking I'm a purityfag when it makes sense for her edgy tryhard character to lie

Can you imagine how hard it will be to make one? think of all lore that will be butchered in the process.

>thinking I'm a purityfag when it makes sense for her edgy tryhard character to lie
Well she's certainly didn't behaved like she's a virgin.

There's also a chance to become the queens bitchboy if you pick male human noble origin.

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Yeah, her romance is alright desu. I only liked Josephine's because of this based nigga.

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Can't you also make the Orlesian your side bitch as well if you harden her? Not a bad deal, but I'd rather raise my autistic son.

They dont really need to spell it out to you in detail like TES does with all those books. I mean Total War Warhammer can pretty much give you gist of the setting with a few unit descriptions and some narration.

I’m so tired of this meme. Critism was overblown desu.

I totally love the jump-pack that allows me to dash around like mad! The combat is good, a step back from mass effect 3 because you can only use 3 powers at a time but a step up because the worlds are more open-world and you have more movement options in battle (jump-pack). The leveling up system is fantastic and the crafting system is too complex but still fine. The music is great. The plot is super cool and the dialogue is mostly good.

I know they fixed some things like the unskippable cutscenes, a prominent krogan sounds like a girly-girl and some lines of dialogue are bad but the game is still great! Exploring the first vault on Eos was like finding Blackreach for the first time in Skyrim - which is exactly the feeling a game that revolves around a 'pathfinder' should strive to achieve.

I've been putting off playing this game for like 6 months because of the negative reviews but it has been a genuinely fun experience.

Oh yes

kingdom come deliverance was great

Who the fuck are you talking to?

>Ciri anything
Not happening, 70% of the criticism W3 got was due to her shit parts.

All combined I have about 400 hours invested into the original trilogy.

I have played ME:A now twice through, once as male and once as female and I can tell you that this is the most detailed Mass Effect game created yet. Hands down my favorite Mass Effect game. The sheer quality and quantity of lore this game creates and the massive and diverse cast you encounter are unlike anything the previous games have created. This game is not the linear-hub based corridor shooter of the Shephard trilogy and I for one am grateful.

WE FINALLY GET TO EXPLORE THE MASS EFFECT UNIVERSE. We can are able to fly from one planet to the next, land, and visit the locals, even investigate murders and retrieve stolen goods for farmers. It's incredible.

It makes me sad when I see people comparing these characters to the original trilogy characters, it's truly unfair, to the developer, to the players, and to those complaining. The characters themselves are amazing.

Did you know you can recruit random Angara into the resistance you encounter if Jaal happens to be with you - and that is totally random.

How many of you found Cerberus scientists experimenting on aliens? How many of you spoke with Conrad's sister; that's fucking right, she moved to Andromeda to get away from him.

How many of you have figured out Cora's personal story is probably bullshit...clues are there


Please stop comparing the characters in ME:A to the Shephard trilogy characters; A) there was three games to develop the characters and B) If you actually initiate dialogue with them, bring them with you, listen to their interactions aboard the ship and Nomad you will see how fleshed out these characters are - Did you know Liam and Vetra fight in the Nomad? Liam is a dick to her. PeeBee annoys the shit out of Vetra and Cora. It's all awesome and these conflicts were never really encountered before in the original games.

There are so many organic moments in the story between characters that no one is talking about and they are so wonderful. It's so obvious that so much work went into the writing and the creation of encounters to bring life to the universe here.

Why are people so upset so many story lines remain unresolved? It adds to the mystery of Andromeda. Do you want to pick up some datapad where the answers are just spelled out for you?

It seems that this wonderful adventure is being ruined by people wanting to board the hate train to increase their youtube views abd reddit karma.

There are serious issues with animations, yes and there are some things I wish were done better, but by hating on this game the way people are doing, all they are doing is pushing the whole franchise into the ground and preventing another game from seeing the light of day.

TL;DR this game is not perfect but it is an incredible ride and this weird hate train filled with comparisons to the original triology will only derail the franchise, and prevent developers from adding to the Mass Effect universe. Do we really want more of the same?

Also, if you haven't bought the game and are talking shit about it, fuck you. Seriously, fuck you. I can't even explain how ridiculous that is.

For some reason I just can't take anyone who uses an exclamation mark seriously.

It's also one of the most accurate telltale signs of a copy paste post from somewhere else.

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That's because the driving force between the making of their games is sales first and foremost, which puts deceitful aggressive marketing above all else. There is not an ounce of genuine passion in any of these games. When you have something this soulless that is just meant to be the NEXT BIG THING only to be replaced by another one of the same kind a month later instead of being something to be remembered throughout the years and decades, people who have been on this hobby for a while will find themselves utterly unimpressed.

Not her fault that most of the main game's story revolved around "oh no your princess is in another castle". Ciri as a character herself was fine, and playing as her led to more possibilities than as Geralt for future sequels.

Off the top of your head can you think of any semi recent western console games that are worth playing?

They have been doing that ever since the start of the PS3/360 era though. It's only now that that it has come to bite them in the ass as the general public is no longer impressed by western games. I wont be surprised if by 2019, the only western games left are AA games that only need 500k sales to make a profit while AAA games become more and more irrelevant.

Only fujoshits and otaku like turn based underaged harem panty quest

So what kinda people like the western RPG tripe that's come out in the past 5 years?

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This is what I really don't understand. Even Valve has the engine, dev team, and resources to make an Elder Scrolls killer. They could build a game eerily similar to Mount and Blade with better graphics, UI, and combat gameplay and almost instantly make everyone forget about Bethesda.

Everybody is getting ancy since Fallout 4 fucking sucked and was super shallow, but I'm confused as to why they think ESO 6 will be any different. Bethesda has essentially become an EA type where anything they put their name on is now a AAA game and will sell like crazy no matter what.

Kingdom Come, Divinity, Pillars of Eternity, Wasteland 2 etc.